General Chemistry - Syllabus

General Chemistry - SyllabusInstructorMr. SbertoliSchool Extension(815) 765-3311, Ext. 5220ClassGeneral ChemistryE-mailmsbertoli@Year & Semester2014-2015 Semesters 1-2Text:Chemistry: Connections to Our Changing World, 2002Description:General Chemistry is a low-mathematics approach to chemistry. It is intended for college bound students who do not plan to major in sciences, medicine, nursing, or engineering. These students should take Honors Chemistry I. Topics include the nature of chemistry, the relationship between matter and energy, atomic structure and electron configurations, the periodic table, chemical formulas and bonding, molecular geometry, chemical reactions and equations, and the mole concept (time permitting).Course Expectations:Complete all worksheets accompanying videos shown for this class.Work in groups to complete all assigned in-class activities.Work in groups to complete experiments, fill in prelab, data and post lab analysis questionsKeep an organized record of class notes.Pass a laboratory safety test with a grade of B or above before working in the laboratory.Sign and have a parent or guardian sign a laboratory safety contract before working in the laboratory.Bring all required items to class daily as directed by the teacher (see accompanying packet).Complete a project with a media component.Pass a quiz using “clickers” for each section of each unit.Pass one or two examinations (depending on chapter length) for each chapter in the textbook.Pass a semester examination with a value of 20% of each semester’s grade.State Goals: 11A: Know and apply the concepts, principles, and processes of scientific inquiry.11B: Know and apply the concepts, principles, and processes of technological design.12C: Know and apply concepts that describe properties of matter and energy and the interactions between them.13A: Know and apply the accepted practices of science.13B: Know and apply concepts that describe the interaction between science, technology, and society.Next Generation Science Standards: HS-PS1-1: Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patters of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms.HS-PS1-2: Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.HS-PS1-3: Plan and conduct an investigation to gather evidence to compare the structure of substances at the bulk scale to infer the strength of electrical forces between particles.HS-PS1-8: Develop models to illustrate the changes in the composition of the nucleus of the atom and the energy released during the processes of fission, fusion, and radioactive decay.Grade Policies:Grades will be based on accumulated points divided by possible points. The school grading scale will be followed. Grades are based percentage of total possible points for each quarter.Semester grades will be determined as follows: 40% of the total grade will be allotted to each quarter grade, and 20% of the total will be allotted to the semester examination (except for students exempted from semester examinations, for whom each quarter grade will account for half the semester grade). Late graded work (labs, etc.) will receive a deduction of 10% for each day it is late, unless due to an excused absence or if pre-approved by the teacher. Laboratory report sheets/packets that are not turned in will receive a grade of zero on the written portion of the grade and an additional 10% deduction taken from the participation portion of the grade.The second semester examination only covers material from that semester, but a knowledge of first semester material is necessary for you to pass the pletion of homework may factor into your participation grade if it has a significant effect on your test scores, e.g. low test scores and homework not completed.Resources/Supplies/Materials:You must have the following materials for this class:Ring binder: minimum 2 inches. All work is to be kept in this binder. Loose-leaf paper: For various uses, including homework and taking notes (if you prefer this to a spiral notebook).3” x 5” index cards: For test notes. (You may have a 3” x 5” note card for each test.)Pen or pencil to be brought to class each day. You will need #2 or mechanical pencils for Scantron tests.Calculator. This should be either a scientific calculator (capable of scientific notation) or a graphing calculator. Metric ruler.Tutoring will be available before school or after school. While I will not specifically require that one day’s notice is given, I would strongly recommend it in case I have to leave early. Also, I coach Wrestling during the Winter Season. I will only be available before school between the months of November and February.Parents are also encouraged to keep up on their students’ progress on Power School.Evaluation:Tests (Approximately 50 points each). A written test will be given upon completion of several sections of each chapter. You are allowed to use a 3” x 5” index card for each test (except for the lab safety test and Chapter 8 Test). You may put information on both sides of the index card. The card is to be turned in with the test with your name on it. You are allowed an 8?” x 11” sheet of paper for the semester examinations.Lab Reports (Approximately 10 - 20 points each). Lab reports are due one week after completion of the experiment. Chemical Families Project (Approximately 50 points, following Chapter 5). You and randomly selected partner(s) will be assigned a project regarding a chemical family. The use of visuals materials should accompany your report. (Power Point, Prezi, video, etc.)Quizzes (point values vary). Given via “clickers” at the end of each chapter section.Extra Credit (up to 10 percent of total points available per quarter from activities assigned by the teacher). Possible points allowed for extra credit will be reduced based on the number of assignments not completed.Class Participation: You may receive a possible 50 points for class participation. This will be based on your preparation for class, completion of assigned work on time (particularly if that work has been a major factor in your grade for the units covered}, being on task during group work, following the rules for general conduct (see below), etc.6)Semester Examination: 20% of each total grade. Semester grades will be determined as follows: 40% of the total grade will be allotted to each quarter grade, and 20% of the total will be allotted to the semester examination. The second semester examination will only cover material from that semester, but knowledge of first semester material is necessary for you to pass the examination.General Conduct Rules1.Be inside the classroom when the bell rings. You will be marked tardy if you are not. Inside the room does not mean coming through the door.2.Once inside the classroom, proceed directly to your seat unless you need to see the teacher. Sit down immediately.3.When you get to your seat, take out necessary materials (pencils/pens, notebook, etc.) immediately.4.Remain on task at all times. Activities are to be started immediately. If you finish before the allotted time for an activity, you are to sit quietly until time is up.5.Your attendance in class is very important. You will be allowed three restroom passes per quarter. You are to print and sign your name to both passes. To leave to go to the restroom, you must present a restroom pass slip to the teacher. The number of passes you use will be recorded. Your remaining passes will be collected at the end of each quarter and new passes issued for the new quarter. Unused passes will result in your receiving four points extra credit for each pass turned in at the end of the quarter.6.Do not read other textbooks, magazines, or any other material not related to this class. Any materials brought into the classroom that are not intended for this class must be stored under your seat.7.Have your textbook, notebooks, and pen or pencil every day. Calculators and lab manuals should be brought to class on all days required. 8.If you want to speak, raise your hand.9. No food, beverages, gum, etc. are allowed in this classroom or the lab area.10.Treat all members of this class with respect. You are expected to listen when others are talking, speak politely at all times, and conduct yourselves in a manner that reflects positively upon you and North Boone High School.11.Equipment used in class is to be handled with care.Repeated violations of these rules or violation of school rules will result in disciplinary action.Class Work Rules1.Homework is due at the start of the next class period. Any homework that is late without pre-approval or without a valid excuse, such as illness, will receive a reduced grate.2.The following information must be included in the spaces provided: your name, due date, and class period3.Lab report pages/packets are due at the start of the class period one week after completion of the experiment. 4.Any late lab report pages/packets will receive a ten-percent deduction per day from the grade it would have normally received. Daily assignments or homework, if not turned in, will be penalized by 50% if it is one day late. Late work after one day late is not accepted and will result in a zero. Exception: work not turned in due to excused absence or if pre-approved.5.Cheating is defined as the attempt to pass off any work actually completed by others as one’s own. Cheating will result in an automatic grade of zero for the work and possible additional disciplinary action. Groups1.Groupings will be made at the request of the students at the start of each quarter.2.Groups will consist of 3-4 students.3.Groups of 4 students will be further divided into pairs of partners who will work together when so assigned. Partners may be asked to share results with the other pair in the group.4.Groups are to work quietly and to remain on task. When you are done, you are to sit quietly until time has expired. Off-topic conversations will result in deductions from your participation grade.5.When other groups are answering questions or when the teacher is speaking, you are to remain quiet and listen. Any incorrect answers should be corrected as you listen.6.Excessive violation of rules for group work will result in reassignment of groups by the teacher. Therefore, it is important that you select your group partners from people you know you can work with rather than people you prefer to socialize with.7.If you find that you cannot work within your group, you are expected to let the teacher know immediately so other arrangements can be made. You may do this before or after class if you prefer.8.I reserve the right to separate groups that repeatedly show that they cannot follow the procedures required for groups. If this is done, former group members will be individually responsible for any activities normally assigned to groups. ................

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