Chemistry Course Syllabus

11th Grade Literature Syllabus

Spearfish High School

Stacy Weglin, Instructor

(605) 717-1212 (W)

11th Grade Literature

11th Grade Literature is a one-semester course, meeting 90 minutes every other day, on the block schedule. The course focuses on trends, themes, and issues that have occurred throughout the history of America as illustrated by its enduring literature. It is the study of the conflicts, failures, and triumphs of the American people from before colonization through the Modern Era. Genres that are encompassed include short story fiction, novels, non-fiction, poetry, and drama.

Materials/Textbook Information

Holt McDougal’s The Language of Literature Grade 11 (yellow hardcover), The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian Novel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven Novel, laptop

Course Requirements/Objectives

The student will develop an appreciation for the American craft of literature and the skill of American authors, evaluating literary pieces based on their understanding of literary elements and the issues of American history that American literature has explored.

Class Procedures and Rules

Students are expected to have or develop a work ethic that will allow them to succeed by completing all assignments on time.

No Phone Zone: Students will deposit their cell phone in their designated phone pocket at the beginning of class in order to be in attendance. Students will occasionally have special permission to use a SmartPhone during class.

Laptop and Internet Procedures

Your Laptop:

1. You will ALWAYS need your laptop in my class. Most assignments are done electronically, and quizzes and tests are taken on Moodle.

2. The first thing you should do when you come to class is bring up your Moodle on your laptop.  You will receive a temporary zero if you are not ready to correct any assignments on time. Once you turn in the assignment, you will receive a late grade (no better than 60%).

*If you have lost your computer for a time (whether it is due to discipline issues or technical difficulties), you should complete your assignments on paper. This is NOT the preferred method, however, since it is easier to stay organized when you have the electronic versions of all your assignments.

Homework Procedures

Homework is due the very next class period after it is assigned (unless specifically noted otherwise).

Failing to Turn in Assignments:

If you fail to complete an assignment on time, you can NOT receive better than a 60%. This also applies to those who left the assignment elsewhere or don’t have it ready to correct/can’t find it by the time the rest of the class is ready to correct or submit. Students should make a file for this specific class and keep all assignments within that file. This rule does not apply to “absent” work.

Extra Credit:

Do NOT ask for extra credit so that you can pass at the end of grading period. If you consistently turn in your assignments and come to class, you should have little trouble passing.

*Extra credit is ALWAYS given to those who attend the fall play, the one-act play, and the musical at SHS. Plays are literature in its fullest form, and students are encouraged to experience this.


It is TELLING the answer to a friend instead of SHOWING them how to get to the answer.

It is not taking off the required points when you are correcting their daily work.

It is copying and pasting anything or sharing documents without the teacher’s permission.

It is talking about quizzes or tests that you have taken but that others have not yet seen.

*By doing any of the above, you would be acting unfairly to those who have done the work in order to get it right. 

Assessment Plan

Student assessment:

Letter grades for the course are determined by the school wide-grading scale outlined below:

96-100 A

92-95 A-

89-91 B+

86-88 B

83-85 B-

79-82 C+

76-78 C

73-75 C-

69-72 D+

65-68 D

60-64 D-

Daily assignment grades will be taken and averaged along with any projects or tests. The worst daily grade will be dropped by the grade book; this always causes your grade point average to rise.

Projects may be weighted more than daily assignments.

Unit tests are worth three daily grades; therefore, if you earn 90%, the grade book automatically weights it as three 90% grades for that one test.

Bonus/extra credit points are summed up in separate columns usually. Bonus points may remain inactive at times, but those points are activated before it is time for quarter or semester grades (not mid-terms).

The semester grade is computed as follows: 1st quarter = 45%, 2nd quarter = 45%, Semester Test = 10%.

Grade Rounding Policy: Grades will not be rounded up by the grade book. Grades will be rounded up as the teacher enters them into the grade book.

Make Up Work

Turning in Work Because of an Absence:

If you are not in class to receive the assignment, you generally have TWO class periods after the absence in which to get the assignment done and turned in. The nature of the illness and the length of time out of class may be taken into consideration if more time is needed.

*Failure to obtain and complete absent work will result in a zero. It is your responsibility to check Planbook FIRST before you speak to the teacher about what went on in class during your absence.

General Information

Lesson plans are posted to Planbook daily. Students may access these from their Moodle page. If parents wish to access these, they may visit my website at weglin.. Always feel free to contact me at with any concerns, requests, or questions.



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