Grade 6 Book Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education

Class - 6

Government of Nepal Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Center Sanothimi, Bhaktapur


Government of Nepal Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Centre Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

? Publisher

First Edition : 2016

Revised Edition : 2018


: 37/-

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any other form or by any means for commercial purpose without the prior permission in writing of the Curriculum Development Centre.


The curriculum and curricular materials have been developed and revised on a regular basis with the aim of making education purposeful, practical, relevant and job-oriented. It is necessary to instill the feeling of nationalism, national integrity and democratic spirit in students and equip them with morality, discipline and selfreliance so as to develop in them social and personal skills as well as the basic competencies of language, science, occupation, information and communication technology, environment and health, and life skills. It is also necessary to enable them to appreciate, preserve and promote arts and aesthetics, social norms and values and ideals. Moreover, in order to develop an equitable society, it is necessary to inculcate students with respect for ethnicity, gender, disabilities, languages, religions, cultures and regional diversity. Likewise, education should also help them to be well-informed of human rights and social norms and values so as to make them capable of playing the role of responsible citizens. This textbook has been developed in this form based on the Basic Education Curriculum, 2069 (Grade 6 ), incorporating the feedback obtained from various schools, workshops and seminars and interaction programmes attained by the teachers, students and parents.

In bringing out this text book in this form, the contribution of the Executive Director of CDC Mr. Khagaraj Baral, Deputy Directors Dr. Balkrishna Ranjit, Baburam Karakheti Prof Dr.Ramkrishna Maharjan, Dr.Chitra Bahadur Budhathoki, Krishna Prasad Dhakal, Shyamkrishna Bista, Gokarna Thapa and Punam Dangol is highly commendable.

Language of this book was edited Madhu Upadhaya. Typing was done by Abhaya Shrestha. The layout design of the book was done by Jayaram Kuikel. The illustration of the book was done by Sunil Ranjit and Gautam Manandhar. CDC extends sincere thanks to all those who have contributed in the development and revision of this text book.

Textbook is considered as an important tool of learning. Experienced teachers and curios students can use various learning resources and tools to achieve the competencies targeted by the curriculum. An attempt is made to make this textbook activity oriented and interested as far as possible. The teachers, students and other stakeholders are expected to make constructive comments and suggestions to make this book a more useful learning material.

Government of Nepal Ministry of Education Curriculum Development Centre


UnitSubjectPage Number

Health Education

Unit - 1 Unit - 2 Unit - 3 Unit - 4 Unit - 5 Unit - 6 Unit - 7 Unit - 8 Unit - 9

Human Body Personal Health Nutrition Disease Adolescence, Sexual and Reproductive Health Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking Environmental Health Safety and First Aid Family and Community Health

1-10 11-15 16-20 21- 35 36-41 42-44 45-52 53-58 59-63

Physical Education

Unit - 1 Unit - 2 Unit - 3 Unit - 4 Unit - 5 Unit - 6

Physical Exercise Drill Physical Training Yoga Games Athletics

64-67 68-74 75-81 82-85 86-98 99-104

Health Education

Unit: 1

Human Body


Human body is made up of various cells. Cells combine to form tissues and tissues combine to form organs. These organs perform various functions to form a system. A system is a group of organs that together performs an overall function. Skeletal system, digestive system, circulatory system and nervous system. are the systems of human body. Similarly, the sense organs also have their own type of structure and functions. Eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin are the sense organs.

It is necessary to get knowledge on structure of body organs and

their functions in order to keep our body healthy. Similarly, it

is important to know about the methods of keeping body organs

safe and clean. In this unit, we will study about the cell, tissues,

and different sense organs like eyes, nose, ears, skin and teeth.


Mito chondria

There are numerous cells Cytoplasm

in our body. Cells cannot be


seen with the naked eyes.

It can be seen only through

a microscope. Cells can be

elongated, rectangular and

flat. However, most of them

are circular. The outer part

of a cell is covered by a thin Vacoules membrane which is known as

cell transparent membrane.

The inner fluid part is known Cell membrane as protoplasm. In addition,


Golgi complex

it has living substances like

Human body cell

Health and Physical Education,Grade 6



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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