Kecoughtan High School

Kecoughtan High School

Ninth Grade Health Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Edward Rietscha

Office: Boys Locker Room

Office Phone: (757) 848-2189



Students will integrate a variety of health concepts, skills, and behaviors to plan for their personal health goals. These include prevention of disease and chemical addiction for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Students will demonstrate confidence in their knowledge and skills as they see themselves as having a role in creating a healthy lifestyle for themselves as individuals, for their families, and for the larger community.

Behavior Expectations

1. Students are expected to be in there assigned seats quietly before the bell rings or they will be marked tardy.

2. Come to class prepared (pen/pencil, notebook/paper, etc.)

3. Always raise your hand to ask or answer a question.

4. Do NOT leave your assigned seat without permission.

5. Listen and follow directions.

6. Please be respectful of yourself, classmates, and teacher.

7. The teacher’s desk and equipment are off limits to students (DO NOT TOUCH!)

8. Any assignments or grades missed do to an absence is the student’s responsibility to reschedule and make up upon return to class.

9. All assignments turned in late will be penalized 10 points for each day late.

10. No food, drink (Except bottled water), or gum is allowed in the classroom.

11. Students taking more than 10 minutes to return from the rest room or locker may be written up for skipping and/or lose these privileges in the future.

Consequences for Not Following the Behavior Expectations

1st Offense- Verbal Warning (May result in the loss of daily participation points)

2nd Offense- Student/Teacher Conference (Loss of daily points)

3rd Offense- Parent/Guardian Contact

4th Offense- Referral to administration

-Any insubordinate actions that severely disrupt the classroom-learning environment or endanger the health or safety of others will result in an immediate referral.

Grading Policy

Test/Quiz/Projects- 50%

Daily Participation- 25%

Health Notebook- 25%

Health 9

Mr. Rietscha

Attached to this form you will receive a copy of the class syllabus for you to keep.



Class Period


I have read the 9th grade Classroom Discipline Plan and discussed it with my child; I have also received a 9th grade Health syllabus.


Name of parent/guardian and relationship to the student.



Home Phone Number

Work Phone Number

Cell Phone Number

Email Address

Any Comments or Concerns

Please feel free to contact Mr. Rietscha, (Boys Locker Room) 848-2189 with any questions or concerns.

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Your Kecoughtan warrior is in my 9th grade Health class. As we look forward to a new semester, we can have a positive, successful experience, if we work together.

I have developed the following classroom rules/discipline plan to help your child develop the self-control necessary to succeed in this class and in all of life’s situations. This plan will be in effect at all times.

Behavior Expectations

1. Students be in their assigned seats quietly or they will be marked tardy.

2. Come to class prepared (pen/pencil, notebook/paper, etc.)

3. Always raise your hand to ask or answer a question.

4. DO NOT leave your assigned seat without permission.

5. Listen and follow directions.

6. Please be respectful of yourself, classmates, and teacher.

7. The teacher’s desk and equipment are off limits to students (DO NOT TOUCH!)

8. Any assignments or grades missed do to an absence is the student’s responsibility to reschedule and make up upon return to class.

9. All assignments turned in late will be penalized 10 points for each day late.

10. No food, drink (Except bottled water), or gum is allowed in the classroom.

11.Students taking more than 10 minutes to return from the rest room or locker may be written up for skipping and/or lose these privileges in the future.

Students are encouraged to follow the rules since 25% of their grade is based on daily participation and behavior.

However, if a rule is broken, the following consequences will be in effect.


1st Offense- Verbal Warning (May result in the loss of daily participation points)

2nd Offense- Student/Teacher Conference (Loss of daily points)

3rd Offense- Parent/Guardian Contact

4th Offense- Referral to administration

-Any insubordinate actions that severely disrupt the classroom-learning environment or endanger the health or safety of others will result in an immediate referral.

We have discussed the Discipline Plan in class. As the most important person in your child’s life, please review the plan with your child and complete the form on the back of this letter. Your student is to return the completed form to me during the next class for a grade.

Thank you.

Mr. Rietscha


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