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Study Guide Unit 6: The Emergence of Modern America


• Each term & question should be answered with ONE complete sentence.

• If you turn this in before the test each correct answer is worth 2 green points. After the test each correct answer is worth 1 green point.

Day 52: End of the Indian Wars

Essential Question: How did the U.S. government resolve the Indian Wars?

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|History Terms |Questions |

|Define: |What were the terms of the Treaty of Ft. Laramie? |

|Sioux |What characteristics did most Plains Indian tribes share? |

|Little Big Horn |What event marks the end of the Indian Wars? |

|Apache |Why did Helen Hunt Jackson write A Century of Dishonor? |

|Reservation |Why did the U.S. destroy the buffalo herds in the West? |

|Dawes Act | |

Day 53: Frontier Life

Essential Question: Why was the frontier settled so quickly between 1860 and 1890?

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|History Terms |Questions |

|Define: |Why did the Homestead Act fail to create successful farming communities in the West? |

|Frederick Jackson Turner |How did the government assist in the construction of the transcontinental railroad? |

|Homestead Act |How did life on the frontier affect gender relations? |

|Exoduster |What problems did farmers face on the Great Plains? |

|Barbed Wire |Where did cattle trails start? |

|Morrill Land Grant Act | |

Day 54: Big Business

Essential Question: How did corporations change America between 1860 and 1890?

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|History Terms |Questions |

|Define: |A business with a monopoly has complete control over what? |

|Andrew Carnegie |How did the government help the growth of business in the late 19th century? |

|Vertical Integration |What tactics did John D. Rockefeller use to gain control of the oil industry? |

|Horizontal Integration |Why did some call industrialists “robber barons”? |

|Herbert Spencer |Was there anything good about “robber barons”? |

|Bessemer Process | |

Day 55: Rise of Labor

Essential Question: How did workers respond to the rise of corporations?

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|History Terms |Questions |

|Define: |What did the Knights of Labor and the AFL have in common? |

|Knights of Labor |(From Day 54) What business was Cornelius Vanderbilt involved in? |

|American Federation of Labor |Who did the government side with in 19th century labor disputes? |

|Communism |What is the goal of socialism? |

|Haymarket Square |Why did the Pullman Strike happen? |

|Samuel Gompers | |

Day 56: Urbanization and Immigration

Essential Question: How did the “new” immigrants change America?

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|History Terms |Questions |

|Define: |What inventions made tall buildings possible? |

|(From Day 55) Eugene Debs |Why did labor unions oppose Chinese immigration? |

|Melting Pot |Why did so many want to move to cities in the late 19th century? What did they offer? |

|Chinese Exclusion Act |Where did the “new” immigrants of the late 19th century originate? |

|Ellis Island |Why did so many immigrants come to America? |

|Angel Island | |

Day 57: City Life

Essential Question: What problems resulted from urbanization in America?

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|History Terms |Questions |

|Define: |What city events brought all urban classes together? |

|William Tweed |(From Day 54): What is the theme of the Gospel of Wealth? |

|(From Day 55): Homestead Strike |(From Day 54): What is Social Darwinism? |

|Thomas Nast |(From Day 54): What was the name of John D. Rockefeller’s company? |

|(From Day 56) Tenement |Why did political machines develop? |

|Horatio Alger | |

Vocabulary: Notorious, Allotment, Justification, Prominent, Appointee


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