Chapter 26 Study Guide - HistoryWise

Chapter 26 Study Guide

Identification: People & Terms

• Buffalo Soldiers

• George Armstrong Custer

• Battle of the Little Bighorn

• Helen Hunt Jackson

• Battle of Wounded Knee

• Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

• Long Drive

• Homestead Act of 1862

• Frederick Jackson Turner / Turner Thesis

• Bonanza Farms

• The Grange

• Greenback Labor Party

• The Farmers’ Alliance

• The Populists

• Pullman Strike of 1894

• Eugene V. Debs

• William McKinley

• Marcus Alonzo Hanna

• William Jennings Bryant

• Dingley Tariff Bill

Chapter 26 Focus Questions:

1. What was the purpose of the treaties signed at Ft. Laramie and Ft. Atkinson?

2. Describe the Indian Wars.

3. What led to the settlement of Nevada?

4. What limits brought about the end of the long drive?

5. Why was the Homestead Act sometimes considered a cruel hoax?

6. Why did settlers pour into the west? What did to take to make this a successful venture?

7. Why was the frontier both literally and as a state of mind important to Americans?

8. How did farming change between the 1870s -1900s?

9. What economic troubles did farmers face?

10. How did the National Grange attempt to improve the plight of farmers?

11. What were the goals of the Populist party?

12. Why did the Pullman strike occur?

13. How was the Pullman strike brought to an end? Why was this distasteful to labor?

14. What was the primary issue up for debate during the election of 1896? Why was this the primary issue?

15. What evidence exists that intimation and corruption led to the election of McKinley in 1896?


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