CHS Dance Team

CHS Dance Team

Try Out Documents Checklist


The following documents must be turned in on

Monday, May 21st between the hours of 3:30 PM and 5:30 PM in the Chiles gym lobby. Please have the documents stapled together in the order listed.

_____CHS Dance Team Applicant Form – signed

_____CHS Dancer/Parent Agreement – signed

_____Copy of the report card containing 1st, 2nd and 3rd nine weeks

for the 2017-2018 school year.

All forms listed below except Teacher Evaluations and Current Physical Form, need to be filled out online at   You must register online by clicking on the “REGISTER an ATHLETE” tab.  If you are new, you will be directed to the “new account” page before you can register your child.  If you registered earlier this year, you do not have to register again. Registration will open MONDAY, MAY 7th

* Simply view each one and acknowledge the contents of each document by clicking a box.  Once you view and acknowledge the forms, then you will provide a digital signature to agree with the info. You must have a green card to participate! Your green card can be picked up in the athletics office.

_____2018-2019 Leon County Activity Participation Form – signed

_____EL3 Consent and Release Liability Certificate Form - signed

_____EL3CH Form (Concussion and Heat Related Illness Info)-signed

_____HIPAA Form (Disclosure of Protected Health Info) - signed

_____Current FHSAA Physical Form*

*Physicals are good for one year from the date the physician

signed the form.

_____Teacher Evaluations

*One copy is available in this packet. It is the dancer’s

responsibility to make copies and distribute a copy of the

evaluation form to each teacher in a timely manner.

CHS Dance Team

Try Out Information

2018 - 2019

Included in this packet are:

Try Out Requirements (this page)

Try Out Schedule

Dance Team Applicant Form (Checklist at the bottom of page)

Dance Team Contract

Dance Team Dancer/Parent Agreement Form

Dance Team Applicant Evaluation Form (given to each teacher by applicant)

Please read all parts of the packet carefully!

CHS Dance Team Try Out Requirements

Participants must:

- be a bona-fide student of Chiles High School or filter school during the 2018-2019 school year

- have at least a 2.5 unweighted cumulative GPA (If selected to be a dance team member, you must maintain a 2.5 unweighted GPA for each grading period. Failure to do so at interim will result in suspension and failure to do so at the end of the grading period will result in dismissal from the team.)

- no “1” conduct scores for any grading period or more than one “2” conduct score for any grading period

- satisfactory teacher evaluations. This will be included in try out scores.

- Completion of all appropriate documents included within this packet and online. Documents must be turned in completed, signed and in correct order to be eligible to try out.

CHS Dance Team

Try Out Schedule

Thursday- May 3rd 6:00 pm- Interest meeting for dancers/ parents.

The meeting will take place in the library.

Monday – May 21 5:30 pm – Deadline for completion of all paperwork. Completed documents may be turned into the coach between 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm in the gym lobby. No paperwork will be accepted before 3:30 pm. Upon approval of completed documents, participants will sign up for a five minute mandatory interview with the coach. Interviews are on a first come first serve basis.

2018-2019 Officer Interviews- These interviews will take place after candidates have completed the mandatory interview. If interested, you must be a returning member and a junior or senior this upcoming school year.

Tuesday- May 22 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm – Clinic conducted by Chiles coaches and Dance Team in the gym. Please wear black dance pants, all black dance top (NO COVER UP SHIRTS) and jazz shoes. Please leave jewelry at home and wear hair in a SECURE ponytail.

Wednesday- May 23 4:30- 6:30 pm – Tryouts begin. Please wear black dance

2018-2019 CHS Dance Team will be posted on the Chiles website later that evening

7:00 pm- New team meeting


Please contact Scottie Donaldson, CHS Dance Team Sponsor at


CHS Dance Team Applicant Form

2018 - 2019


Grade Level 2018-2019 School Year ____________

Home Phone_____________________

Student e-mail address________________________________

Parent’s Name_____________________________________


Current School________________ Current Grade__________

Have you even been dismissed or quit an athletic team?______ If yes, please explain on the back of this form. Referrals?________

Detentions?__________ Saturday School?__________

I have read, understand and support the Dance Team policies, the requirements to try out and maintain eligibility on the team, the expectations, discipline system and financial commitments included in this packet. I am eager to be a part of the CHS Dance Team program and will enthusiastically work to make it the best program possible.

Student/Athlete’s Signature Date:_________________


Parent’s Signature Date:_________________


Checklist for Coach:

_____Applicant Form Signed _____Dancer/Parent Agreement

_____Leon County Part. Form _____Medical FHSAA Physical

_____Consent & Release Form _____HIPAA Form

_____EL3CH Form _____Teacher Evaluations

_____Copy of Report Card (1st, 2nd & 3rd nine weeks)

_____Green Clearance Form (pick up at Chiles Athletic Office)

CHS Dance Team Contract

As a CHS dance team member, I will:

1. Refrain from drinking, smoking, drugs or using profanity during

practice, performance, travel or when in uniform or on school campus.

2. Cooperate with teammates.

3. Know my routines and formations before the last rehearsal or date set by coach.

4. Be prepared and responsible at all times.

5. Have punctual attendance and minimal absences.

6. Share all verbal and written information with parents to insure excellent communication.

7. Show my report card to my coach on date set and maintain a 2.5 unweighted GPA each nine weeks.

8. Keep my team costumes in good condition at all times.

9. Report all lost or damaged parts of my costume ASAP to coach .

10. Be responsible for staying on task during practices, games and performances.

11. Refrain from socializing with family and friends when I am in the stands or on the sidelines.

12. Keep in good standing with the school.

We are a team and are only as strong as our weakest member. The above listed items are necessary to have a unified team. Failure to adhere to this contract will result in immediate dismissal.

Insubordination to the coach will result in dismissal.

CHS Dance

Dancer/Parent Agreement


I/We, the parent(s) of the above named, have read the CHS Dance Team Contract and understand all the requirements and consequences of improper actions. We understand the advisor has final say in my/our daughter’s remaining on the team. We also realize this is a team effort and that we may be called upon to help in some ways throughout the year which are within capacity, and we will make every effort to do our share of assisting on behalf of our daughter.



As a prospective member of the CHS Dance Team, I understand what is expected of me to remain a member in good standing. I will keep myself knowledgeable and informed of all rules, and realize the consequences of poor behavior or inappropriate actions may be severe. I will do all I can to uphold the honor and tradition of the CHS Dance Team, and respect my team members, my school, and all persons associated with school spirit at all times.



CHS Dance Team Applicant Evaluation Form


Dear Teachers,

Please take a moment to complete the following information. This student desires to be a part of the CHS Dance Team. Thank you for your time. All responses will remain confidential. Please take all evaluations to the appropriate person (see below) by Friday, May 18, 2018.

Student Name:_______________________________

Please rate the student on a scale from 0-5 (5 being the highest) on the following elements:

1. Attendance/Punctuality 0 1 2 3 4 5

2. Respect of Authority 0 1 2 3 4 5

3. Respect of Peers 0 1 2 3 4 5

4. Effort/Quality of Work 0 1 2 3 4 5

5. Honest and Integrity 0 1 2 3 4 5

Total Points:_________


Teacher’s Signatures:__________________________ Date:__________

Deerlake: Return to Ms OConnor

Montford: Return to Ms Merritt

Chiles: Return to Christine Lipian

Other Schools: Return to CHS athletic office Christine Lipian

DEADLINE IS Friday MAY 18th at close of school.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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