Appoquinimink High School

Appoquinimink High School

Spanish 4 Honors

Sra. McGraw – B225

#302-449-3840 x2225

Course Description/Outcomes:

This course is designed to practice skills gained in earlier study as well as to further the understanding of Spanish-speaking countries and their culture through intensive literature, culture, and historical study.

Prerequisite: Spanish III (Recommended : B or above)

Course Objectives/GLEs:

|Standards |Grade Level Expectation |

|1.1 |Students compare, contrast, and express opinions and preferences about information gathered |

|Interpersonal Communication |regarding past, present and future events and experiences. |

|1.2 |Students understand the main themes and significant details on topics from other subjects and |

|Interpretive Communication |products of the cultures as found on TV, radio, video, internet or live presentations intended for |

| |native speakers of the target language. |

|1.3 |Students prepare written texts, oral presentations or video recordings to share locally or with |

|Presentational Communication |school peers and/or members of the target cultures on topics of personal interest. |

|2.1 |Students participate in age-appropriate cultural practices such as games, sports and entertainment |

|Cultural Practices and Perspectives |(e.g., music, dance, drama, visual arts) and discuss patterns of typical behavior of their peer |

| |group. |

|2.2 |Students speculate on why certain products originate in and/or are important to particular cultures|

|Cultural Products and Perspectives |by analyzing selected products from the target cultures. |

|3.1 |Students present reports in the target language, orally and/or in writing, on topics being studied |

|Connections to Other Disciplines |in other classes (e.g., physical education, geography, environment, health, social studies, math, |

| |physics, language arts and visual and performing arts.) |

|3.2 |Students use sources intended for same-age speakers of the target language to prepare reports on |

|Access to Information |topics of personal interest, or those with which they have limited previous experience. |

|4.1 |Students demonstrate awareness that there are phrases and idioms that do not translate directly |

|Language Comparisons |from one language to another. |

|4.2 |Students hypothesize the relationship between cultural perspectives and expressive products (e.g., |

|Cultural |music, visual |

|Comparison |arts, appropriate forms of literature) by analyzing selected products from the target cultures and|

| |their own. |

|5.1 |Students communicate orally or in writing with members of the other culture regarding topics of |

|Transfer to Communities |personal interest, community or world concern. |

|5.2 |Students read and/or use various media from the language and culture for entertainment or personal|

|Enjoyment/ Lifelong Learning |growth. Students also maintain interpersonal relations with speakers of the target language. |

|Performance Level: |• Communicate using sentences and strings of sentences incoherent paragraphs within predictable |

|Intermediate Low |topic areas. |

| |• Make errors, false starts, pauses and hesitations |

| |• Understand information and messages supported with or without contextual clues |

Weekly Writing Assignments for Spanish 4

Choose an article from an online source.

1. Highlight/circle the words you don’t know or can’t figure out through context clues.

2. Look up those words (at least 5) in a dictionary and list them on the back of the sheet.

3. On the back write a paragraph (5+ sentences) summary in Spanish.

4. Then write another paragraph (5+ sentences) of what you think of the article/topics.

Speaking Grades

Students will be expected to use Spanish in class from bell-to-bell. The only time that English can be used is when asking questions or during grammar explanation. Points will be deducted from the daily speaking grade for use of English. We will gradually work up to this goal of only using Spanish, but try your hardest everyday.

“Usar ingles o no hablar en clase = mala nota”

General Schedule

In addition to practicing the current chapter material:

Monday – Cultural Reading/Video

Tuesday – Writing Practice/Blogs

Wednesday – Listening Practice (CDs/news/videos)

Thursday – Reading/Lit Practice – Aventuras literarias

Friday –Speaking Practice


❖ Don Quijote de la Mancha reader – Miguel de Cervantes

❖ Aventuras Literarias – Houghton Mifflin

❖ Avancemos : Level 3 – McDougal Littell -

Course Outline:

(Subject to Change)

Weeks 1-2:

Weeks 3-4

Weeks 5-6:

Weeks 7-8:

Week 9-10:

Weeks 11-12: Subjunctive Forms/Uses/Clauses

Weeks 13-14: Don Quijote –literary analysis / project

Weeks 15-17: Perfect (present, past, future, conditional) Tenses

Week 18: Review

Each Chapter will be assessed with a project (either in-class or out) and an end of the Chapter Exam. A chapter review sheet will be given at least two days prior to the exam. I am available most days after school, but I ask that requests are given 24 hours in advance.

Grading and Management Procedures

General Rules:

1) Be prepared with classroom materials everyday.

2) Respect others and yourself.

3) Try your best! Participate!!


Grades are determined by process (30%) and product (70%). “Process” includes spoken participation, class work, current events, blogs, extra credit, and homework. “Product” includes assessments, writing assignments, projects, and presentations.

Make-up Work:

• You are to look up assignments in the “Make-up work” notebook the day you return to the classroom and make up the assignments. You can also check my website to see any homework assignments that you might have missed.

• You are to see me immediately to arrange for a time to complete any tests, quizzes, presentations, etc. (If you are absent for an assessment, you need to make it up the day you return.)


We will have homework EVERY NIGHT and will be checked periodically. I may collect or review it with you. Written assignments are worth 10-15 points depending on the work involved.


All tests will involve all four communicative abilities: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Projects will lower a grade each day late. Any major projects or assessments turned in more than 5 days late will not receive credit.

Spoken Participation:

You will have to participate regularly to be successful in Spanish class. You will receive a speaking grade (10pts) weekly for the first MP. The second MP will have 5pts daily. This grade includes responding with the class and individually, participating in partner activities, and use of Spanish.

Class Supplies:

You will need to have a 3 ring binder (may be combined), a flash drive, and whiteboard markers. (A pocket dictionary is helpful but not required.)



I understand and agree to follow these policies and procedures.

Student Signature_______________________________________ Date______

I understand these policies and procedures.

Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________ Date______

Parent/Guardian email address __________________________________




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