GodbyCommonSyllabus - WORLD HISTORY

38100952500right-100Cairo High School 455 5th Street SE Cairo, GA 39828 229-377-2222 Course: World HistoryTeacher: Mr. Cannon Credit: 1 Semester (18 weeks)e-mail: d.cannon@grady.k12.ga.usWebsite: Website: . COURSE DESCRIPTION:In this course, you will learn about World History from Ancient Civilizations, Classical Mediterranean Societies & Empires, African, Middle Eastern & Islamic empires. Thus, leading to the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation and the introduction of the Americans and the Age of Exploration. Our journey through the World will encompass Revolutions, Enlightenment, Industrialization, Urbanization, Nationalism and Imperialism. Leading to a changing world and Wars (WW I, interwar, WWII, Cold War) arriving at the World since the 1960s and Globalization. You will study how historical, geographical, political, economic and sociological events shaped the development of the World, through Conflict/Change, Conflict Resolution. You will also learn how the continuous growth of the World has affected societies, countries and growth. So, let’s start sailing into to our interactive, fun filled exploration. A time continuum of the discovery (culture, location, technological innovation), growth (movement/migration), independence (governance, individuals, groups, institutions), separation (conflict/change) and reconstruction (conflict resolution) of World.?II. COURSE GOALS & OBJECTIVES:By semester end, students will be able to analyze, discuss, and apply the concept used throughout World History and analyze its effects on current events today in their everyday life through the study of:Ancient Civilizations (India – China – East Asia)Overview and Introduction of Chp 1 - 3: Mesopotamia and Egypt & China and Egypt and KushClassical Mediterranean Societies and EmpiresAfrican & Middle Eastern Middle Ages & Islamic EmpiresEuropean & Asian Middle Ages, Renaissance & ReformationThe Americas and the Age of ExplorationThe Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment and Age of RevolutionsIndustrialization, Urbanization, Nationalism and ImperialismWorld War I, Interwar Period and World War IICold War, World Since 1960s and GlobalizationIII. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS:World History and Geography. McGraw-Hill Education. 2018Online access with be provided to the students.my.loginIV. SPECIAL COURSE REQUIREMENTS & MATERIALS:Supplementary reading material will be provided by the teacher.Students are to have:Paper, Pens or Pencils1” and 3” Binders (1” – Unit Material; 3” – Comprehensive Final: Keep Unit data to study for final)V. GRADING:COUNTY GRADING POLICY:The high school grading system for Grady County Schools is as follows:LetterPercentagePointsLevel 3/Level 2A95-1008.0 / 6.0A-90-947.0 / 5.0B85-896.0 / 4.0B-80-84`5.0 / 3.0C75-794.0 / 2.0C-70-743.0 / 1.0 F 0-69 0 / 0TEACHER GRADING POLICY:Assessment*60 %Class Participation* 20 %Homework20%*Assessments: are not inclusive to only tests. Your knowledge of a topic can be assessed many ways: including essays, projects, reports, group work, etc. *Class Participation: Included but are not limited to Google Classroom checks, Daily Work and Bell Ringers. Additionally, writing assignments, small group activities, behavior and social contract agreement, etc. ASSESSMENT POLICY: Students may redo any major assessment one time for a better grade, only after a student/teacher conference, within a week from the original assessment for a better grade. The original assessment and alternative assessment will be added together and divided by 2 for the new grade. If the second grade is lower the first grade will stand in Grade Book. To redo an assessment, the original assignment must be complete. It is our expectation that any student receiving a grade of F on any assessment will redo it within a week. It could be an alternative form of the assessment worth the same amount of points and requiring the same content and skills.It is also encouraged that anyone who would like to better his or her grade utilize the additional assignments that are available during the units to better his or her grade.LATE WORK POLICY: I will accept late work on major assignments only with a penalty (10 points per day). Work is due on the due date: at the being of class. If the student does not complete the assignment or turn it in with in the first 5 calendar days after the due date, the work may be accepted with a grade of zero or other grade as deemed appropriate for the assignment by the teacher.. Completion of the assignment is pertinent for success in the class. All assignments scaffold the information to be successful on the comprehensive Mid-term and Final. MAKE UP WORK BY PUPILS: When students have an excused absence(s) or when the absence is apparently beyond the control of the pupil, the pupil will be given an opportunity (a maximum of 3 days) to make up missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to check on any missing assignments during their absence.HOMEWORK: Homework is an integral part of the instructional program to ensure the chapter/units are being scaffold to ensure thoroughness for success. It is not limited to assignments. It could include: projects, collecting materials for classroom projects or completing work begun in the classroom. Homework is to stimulate independent study habits, to develop responsibility and self-direction and to reinforce school learning by providing necessary practice for developing skills and proficiency.Students will utilize their (online) book for any homework assignments and Mr. Cannon’s World History website (worldhistorycairohighschool.). Students will occasionally have time in class to work on homework, but may need to be complete it at home. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are completing all assignments. Due dates will be on the whiteboard and in google classroomCHEATING: When it has been determined that a student has been involved in cheating, the student will receive a zero on the assignment and will not be allowed to retake that assignment and/or makeup that grade. The following are scholastic dishonesties:Taking unauthorized information of any form into a test situation.Plagiarism (any person who uses a writer's ideas without giving due credit through documentation).Taking test questions to provide assistance in later situations or the theft of a test, or any other instructional material.Copying the work of others including, but not limited to, homework.Giving or taking information concerning a test after one individual has taken a test and the same form of the test is to be given later.Taking of unauthorized information from a computer.DISPOSITION: Zero on assignment, no retake privilege and parent notification (F.1-6)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?1st Offense: ?Administrative detention? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2nd Offense: 1 day ISS? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3rd Offense: ?Administrative discretionNote: ?Cheating on a standardized testing is automatically punishable and will receive disposition based on administration discretion. VI. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT (INPERSON AND VIRTUAL):I follow all District and School Rules (per the Student Handbook) and expect the student to do the same. I ask that parents/guardians log onto the online gradebook, PowerSchool. Through this online system, you will have access to real time (daily) attendance, grade, and assignments for all your child’s classes. How to access the system may be obtained from the 9th grade guidance office at the school.My non-negotiable is RESPECT. Students are to be respectful and courteous at all times. They will give and receive respect. RESPECT is necessary to have an open learning environment to allow for individual and group growth.Parent Contact:I will contact parent/guardian if:Student goes out of their way to be exceptional.A student’s grade drops below proficiency.There are behavior issues or social contract violations.Cell Phone/Electronics Policy: FOLLOWED PER THE SCHOOL POLICYStudents shall not use, display, or turn on cellular phones or any other electronic devices during class time not authorized by the teacher and/or administrator. Any electronic device (including the battery) used during class time will be confiscated. Parents may pick items up after 3:30pm on the day the item was confiscated, or anytime thereafter. Teachers will not be interrupted to retrieve an item that has been taken. STOLEN ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CHS ADMINISTRATION. Administrators/Law Enforcement will not conduct classroom/area searches for missing items.Students are NOT allowed to charge any electronic device on the Cairo High School campus.Disposition:1st Offense: Parent Pick Up - No Charge2nd Offense: Parent Pick Up - $10.00 Fine3rd + Offense: Parent Pick Up - $20.00 FineHeadphones/Earbuds can only be used outside of the building and in the seating area of the cafeteria before school, at lunch and after school. Speakers that broadcast for others to hear are not allowed on campus.Disposition: 1st Offense: 2 days Administrative Detention - upon completion of Administrative Detention, a parent may pick up headphones/earbuds2nd Offense: Headphones/earbuds collected and kept until end of semester at which time a parent may pick up Due to the current situation policies will be addressed individually to ensure proper sanitation for all students and social distancing. Hall Passes: FOLLOWED PER THE SCHOOL POLICY Students must have the appropriate pass. Passes are not allowed during the first and last 10 minutes of class (10/10 Rule). Additionally, passes are a privilege and should be limited to a maximum of three. Exceptions will be taken into consideration. Points can be earned for not abusing passes and have passes left at the end of the semester to be turned in for points. (PBIS - MAKER Matrix)Students must sign out/in when leaving the class with the appropriate pass.Tardies: FOLLOWED PER THE SCHOOL POLICYNo student shall be tardy to any class/activity for which he/she is enrolled without a valid excuse from a teacher or administrator.Classroom: Students are expected to be in the room, seated and ready for the daily activities when the bell rings. If the student is not seated and prepared, they are considered tardy. This does not mean they are crossing the threshold of the door when the bell is ringing.Disposition:1st – 3rd Offense: Warning4th – 5th Offense: Administrative Detention (After School)6th – Offense:Referral to Administration7th and Up:Office referral for ISSSemester at a GlanceUnit 1 (Week 1) – Ancient Civilizations (Overview for informational purposes – Not Testable)Rise of Civilization (1) - Only Lesson 3 – MesopotamiaSpread of Civilizations (2) - Lesson 1 and 4 – The Rise of Egypt and the Rise of ChinaEarly Empires in the Ancient Near East (3) - Only Lesson 2 – Egypt and KushIndia’s First Empires (5)First Chinese Empires (6)The East Asian World (20)Civilizations of East Asia (11)Unit 2 (Week 1) – Classical Mediterranean Societies and Empires(Overview for informational purposes – Not Testable)Ancient Greeks (4)The Romans (7)The Byzantine Empire and Emerging Europe (8)Unit 3 (Week 2 - 3) – African & Middle Eastern Middle Ages & Islamic EmpiresIslam and the Arab Empire (9)Kingdom and States of Medieval Africa (13)The Muslim Empires (19)Unit 4 and 5 taught together for timing purposesUnit 4 (Weeks 4 - 5) – European & Asian Middle Ages, Renaissance & ReformationMedieval Kingdoms in Europe (10)Crusaders and Culture in the Middle Ages (12)The Renaissance in Europe (15)The Reformation in Europe (16)The East Asian World (20) - OverviewUnit 5 (Week 6) – The Americas and the Age of ExplorationPre-Columbian American (14)The Age of Exploration (17)Mid-Term (Only Unit III, IV and VUnit 6 (Weeks 7 -8) – The Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment and Age of RevolutionsConflict and Absolutism (18)The Enlightenment and Revolutions (21)The French Revolution (22)Challenge and Transition in East Asia (26)Unit 7 (Weeks 9 - 11) – Industrialization, Urbanization, Nationalism and ImperialismIndustrialization and Nationalism (23)Nationalism Around the World (29)Mass Society of Democracy (24)The Reach of Imperialism (25)Unit 8 (Weeks 12 - 13) – World War I, Interwar Period and World War IIWorld War I and the Russian Revolution (27)The West Between the Wars (28)World War II and the Holocaust (30)Unit 9 (Weeks 14) – Cold War, World since 1960s and GlobalizationThe Cold War (31)Life During the Cold War (33)Independence and Nationalism in the Developing World (32)A new Era Begins (34)Contemporary Global Issues (35)Final BenchmarkTeacher Website:worldhistorycairohighschool.Online Book Website:my.login (students have their username and password)Assignments accompany each Chapter and are due normally two a week. This is subject to change based on the pacing of the Chapter/Unit. These packets are imperative to the progression/success of the student in class and on the assessments.*Information provided as a guide to the semester and may change if needed.VII. COURSE OUTLINE and SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY PARENT/GUARDIAN AND STUDENT:World History (tentative) Outline and Curriculum Map for the Georgia Standards of Excellence in Social StudiesAncient Civilizations (Overview – Not Testable)Classical Mediterranean Societies and EmpiresAfrican & Middle Eastern Middle Ages & Islamic EmpiresEuropean & Asian Middle Ages, Renaissance & ReformationThe Americas and the Age of ExplorationThe Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment and Age of RevolutionsIndustrialization, Urbanization, Nationalism and ImperialismWorld War I, Interwar Period and World War IICold War, World Since 1960s and GlobalizationVIII. ZOOM MEETINGS"Zoom Disclaimer”Please note: Zoom/chat box etc. should be treated like an extension of our classroom - meaning your behavior, language, attire etc. should be classroom appropriate. Please be aware of your surroundings as well. These sessions may be recorded. You will be removed if you're not acting in an appropriate school manner. When you enter the Google meet - please MUTE yourself to avoid background noise etc. I will "call on" people who have questions etc. - there is an icon available for "raising your hand". Be sure to login using your name - any unidentified students will be removed.??In conclusion: Cameras on, mics off until directed otherwise?.??By joining this session - you agree to the above information."Please sign and return this section below indicating you understand fully the in person and virtual classroom goals, objectives, rules (social contract) and school policies.Additionally, the signed copy of the acknowledgement will count as your first major assessment grade._______________________________________________________________ ____________________Parent/Guardian signature Date signed __________________________________________________________________________________________Printed Name of Parent/Guardian__________________________________________________________________________________________Phone Number of Parent or Guardian__________________________________________________________________________________________Email Address of Parent or Guardian_________________________________________________________________ __________________Student signature Date signed____________________________________________________________________Printed Name of Student ................

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