Harlem Renaissance Project - Ms. Power's US History

Harlem Renaissance Project

200 Point Test Grade

The Harlem Renaissance was a creative movement of African American writers, musicians and artists that took place in the New York City neighborhood of Harlem in the 1920s. The Harlem Renaissance enriched American culture. Writers and artists made important contributions of American culture. Jazz swept the nation, crossing many racial barriers that existed previously. In this project students will explore the life and works of one artist (musician, writer, visual artist) from the Harlem Renaissance period in order to determine their individual impact on the Harlem Renaissance Movement.

Directions: Students are to pick one artist from the list below and create a scrapbook describing their life and contributions. This project is visual, as well as factual. Students should follow their directions below as to what needs to be included in their scrapbook.

|Section of Scrapbook |Requirements |Points (Out of |

| | |200) |

|Title Page |- Name of Artist |10 |

| |- Years of Artist’s Life | |

| |- Your Name, Class Period | |

|Table of Contents |Correct page numbers where viewers of your scrapbook can find relevant information |10 |

|Biography of Artist |MINIMUM 500 words answering the following questions |40 |

| |Where did he/she grow up? | |

| |Describe his/her childhood. | |

| |What was his/her education background? | |

| |Describe his/her artistic contributions to the Harlem Renaissance. | |

| |Describe details about his/her life (birth-death) | |

|Critique of Artist |MINIMUM 500 words answering the following questions: |40 |

| |How did his/her work impact the Harlem Renaissance? | |

| |How does his/her work impact you? | |

| |What do you think of his/her work? | |

| |If you could give him/her advice about their art, what would it be? | |

| |Why do you think this person was remembered as an important artist for the Harlem Renaissance | |

| |period? (In other words, what makes them so special that we are studying them?) | |

|Examples of Artist’s Work |AT LEAST 3 different examples of artist’s work. |20 |

| |Visual Artist: Pictures of their work | |

| |Musician: Lyrics of Songs sang | |

| |Writer: Pieces of their work | |

|Student’s work/expression |AT LEAST 2 different examples of student’s artistic work that was INSPIRED by the work of your |20 |

| |artist. Students can do the following, but are not limited to these things: | |

| |Paintings | |

| |Songs (sung during performance class period) | |

| |Short-story | |

| |Poems | |

| |Short play (acted out during performance class period) | |

|Bibliography |Students must use at LEAST three different sources to get their information. In the bibliography |10 |

| |they must list their sources accord to the MLA format. (see MLA guide) | |

Other Components of Project Grade:

Correct Spelling/Grammar/Sentence Structure: 20 points

Overall Neatness of Project Scrapbook: 20 points

Total Points for project: 200

Student must pick on of the following artists:

- Aaron Douglas - Gwendolyn Bennett

- Arna Bontemps - Countee Cullen

- Paul Laurence Dunbar - Angelina Weld Grimke

- Langston Hughes - Helene Johnson

- James Weldon Johnson - Claude McKay

-Anne Spencer - Jean Toomer

- Aaron Douglas - Arna Bontemps

- Zora Neale Hurston - Nella Larsen

- Jacob Lawrence - Palmer Hayden

- Billie Holiday - Duke Ellington

- Louis Armstrong - Bessie Smith

- Fats Waller - Jelly Roll Morton

- Fletcher Henderson - Josephine Baker

- Ma Rainey - Ella Fitzgerald

**If a student wants to do an alternate Harlem Renaissance artist it must be approved by Ms. Power by the due date for the list of project resourcs (see below)

This project is to be done individually. Students must adhere to the following due dates:

List of resources due : January 20th (B Day) and January 21st (A Day)

o Bring in a list, on paper, listing your resources that you will be using for the project. Resources can be books, internet websites, encyclopedias, primary sources (such as songs and poems from your artist)

Project due: February 10th (B Day) and February 11th (A Day)

o In class students will be given a 20 point bonus for a short presentation. Presentations must include the following:

▪ Character or professional dress (dressing similar to your Harlem Renaissance Artist OR dressing in professional attire) ( No one will be allowed to give a presentation without dressing the part.

• Absolutely NO jeans, revealing clothing, or ‘dress-down’ type attire. Students not participating in the presentation will be expected to be in full uniform.

▪ Give a 3 to 5 minute talk highlighting your artist’s life and works

▪ Present your own artistic expression to the class and explain the connections between your artist and your artistic expression.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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