Mr Goodyear Environmental (Earth Science)

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Period: ______

Interactive Textbook Activity: Ch. 30 Chapter 2 Section 1

Directions: Access your HRW account on the Holt McDougal website () and log in with your personal username and password). Click “Go to the online textbook.” Using the drop down menu on the top of the page select Chapter 30: Stars, Galaxies and the Universe, then click “Go.” Click on the “eActivities” tab at the top. Watch each of the Visual Concepts multimedia presentations and answer the following questions.

Section 1: Characteristics of Stars

Star Composition

1. The chemical composition of a star can be determined by its _____________________.

2. If ever color of a spectrum can be seen the spectrum is called ____________________.

3. Star produce an _____________________ spectrum.

4. Helium has how many green lines shown in its spectrum ________________________.

5. Astronomers by looking at the spectrum of stars can determine what _______________ make up that star.

Types of Stars

6. A star is a large celestial body that is composed of _______ and that emits ___________.

7. Stars are ___________ by how _______ they are and are arranged in order of temperature. Temperature differences result in __________ differences that you can see

8. Blue stars are classified with what letter : _____________

9. Other than our sun what star has a yellow color: _______________________

10. The star Betelgeuse has what color and temperature: _____________ _______________

Apparent motion and absolute motion

11. Stars appear to move across the sky due to the Earth's ________________. This movement is referred to as _______________ motion.

12. Stars may also actually move in _______________ . This movement is referred to as _____________________ motion.

13. Name a constellation shown in this section: ___________________________

14. Because of the Earth’s rotation all the stars appear to rotate around the star _________ in a ______ hour period.

15. Absolute motion is hard to see because the stars are ___________ ____________.

Circumpolar stars

16. A circumpolar star is any star that is always __________ from a certain ________________.

17. The stars near the ____________________ of Earth are circumpolar.

18. What is the name of the constellation in the center of the circumpolar area? ______________

[pic] [pic]

Light years

19. A light-year is the _________ that light travels in one _________, or about 9.5 ____________ kilometers.

20. Closest star to Earth after the sun is ____________ Centauri, It is about _____ trillion Kilometers away.

21. How far away is this star in light years ___________.

22. The space shuttle would take _______________ years to travel one light year (if it could).

23. The distance across our galaxy is ___________________________________

Finding distance to stars (Parallax

24. Parallax is an apparent ___________ in the position of an object when viewed from _______________ locations. Parallax is used as a method of determining the distance from Earth to a star based on the shift in the apparent position of the star when viewed from different positions in the Earth's ____________ around the sun.

25. The closer the star to Earth the _________________ the parallax.

26. Astronomers use parallax and ___________________ to calculate star distances from Earth.

Absolute and Apparent Magnitude

27. Absolute magnitude is the ______________ that a star would have at a distance of ___________ light–years from Earth.

28. Apparent magnitude is the _______________ of a star as seen from the ___________.

29. What constellation are they sowing in this slide? _______________________________.

30. What number did astronomers give the faintest stars seen ? _________

31. Apparent magnitude is affected by ________________ , the farther away the star the _____________ the star.

32. The suns apparent magnitude is = ________ Rigel = ____________

33. The absolute magnitude of the sun would be = __________ and Rigel = _________

Section 2: Stellar Evolution

Classifying Stars

34. A star is a large celestial body that gives off ________ and is composed of _________.

35. Stars are classified by ________________, ____________, and __________________.

36. According to magnitude scale brighter stars have ________________ numbers.

37. In K class stars the element detected is _____________ and molecules.

38. Rigel and Spica are this class of star(letter) - _____________.

39. Scientist many classify stars according to _________________________.

40. What are colors of the following class of stars: O - ________ M - ________ G- ________

41. Betelgeuse and Rigel are located in the constellation of _________________.

Section 3: Star Groups


42. A constellation is one of ______ regions that the sky has been divided into in order for us to

describe the locations of ______________ objects. The term constellation also refers to a

____________ of stars organized in a recognizable ______________________.

43. The constellations of Orion represents the mighty _____________________.

44. The Japanese culture called this constellation an hour glass shaped _________________.

45. The constellation of Ursa Major which contains the _________ _____________.

Contents of Galaxies

46. Galaxies contain not only _________ but also ________ that are made up of stars or the

material of stars. Among these objects are gas __________ and star _______________.

47. A ______________ is a large cloud of ________ and gas in interstellar ___________. A

nebula is a region in space where stars are _________ or where stars __________ at the end of

their lives.

48. A globular cluster is a _____________ group of stars that looks like a _______ and contains

up to 1 ______________ stars.

49. An __________ cluster is a group of stars that are ________ together relative to surrounding


50. What is the name of the finger-like gas cloud shown in this section ____________ _________

and it is wider than our _______________ _____________.

51. What is the largest globular cluster in the Milky Way called: ______________ ____________.

52. The open cluster ____________________ (also known as the 7sisters) is just visible without a



53. What does Quasar stand for: ____________________________________________________

54. Quasars are very ________________ objects that produce energy at a high rate and that are

thought to be the most _______________ objects in the ____________________.

55. Quasars, which look like _______ points of light, are among the most ____________ energy

sources in the _________________. By looking at distant objects, such as quasars, scientists try

to determine how galaxies _____________ through _____________.

Section 4 Big Bang Theory

Red Shift

56. Red shift is an apparent shift toward ____________ wavelengths of ___________ that is

caused when a luminous object moves _____________ from the observer.

57. The ______________ apart two galaxies are moving, the ___________ the galaxies are

moving _____________. From the perspective of each galaxy, light from the other galaxy appears

to be _________________.

58. When a light source moves toward you the waves are shifted to __________ waves or ______

color. If the object is moving away we see longer waves or a ________ color shift.

59. In the year ____________, what scientist was the 1st to observe the red shift of galaxies:


Universe Expansion

60. Universal expansion is a term used to describe the _______________ that all distant

galaxies in the universe are ___________ ___________ from all other galaxies.

61. The ____________ the distance between two galaxies, the__________ they are moving away

from each other.

62. Universal expansion is used to support the _______ ________ theory by arguing that the big

bang initiated this outward movement

63. What did this section use as a model of the expanding universe: ______________ bread.

Big Bang Theory

64. The big bang theory is the theory that all __________ and __________ in the universe were

compressed into an extremely __________ __________ that exploded and began expanding in all

directions _____ billion to _____ billion years ago.

65. As the universe expanded after the big bang explosion some of the _____________ turned

into matter. (E=MC²)

Concept map Stars, Galaxies and the Universe – fill out correct terms below

May be grouped in begin as

Which may be and join the

Where they may evolve into

That end their life cycle as





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