Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference

Title: Against Women and Children

National Consultant ? Gender-based Violence and Violence

Organisational Section/Unit: UNODC ROSAF

Name and title Supervisor: Samantha Munodawafa, Programme Officer (Criminal Justice)

Duty Station or home-based: Home-based

Proposed period:

1 February ? 31 April 2018

Actual work time:

34 days

1. Background of the assignment:

In the past few years, Namibia has made tremendous strides in developing a comprehensive legal and policy response to gender-based violence. Specific laws addressing rape and domestic violence have been enacted, national gender policies have been adopted, national action plans on gender-based violence have been developed; and the issue has been studied and discussed among stakeholders at national conferences and other platforms. There are a number of services available to survivors of gender based violence in Namibia: helplines, health care, including postrape care, crisis counseling and referrals, shelters and safe houses, protection orders, justice services provided by multi-disciplinary police units and legal assistance.

However despite the progress being made, survivors of gender-based violence still face many impediments in accessing comprehensive essential health, policing, justice and social services. They often bear the burden of going from place to place to seek safety and protection, medical care, counselling and support, and justice, which can lead to high attrition in criminal cases and persistent impunity as well as reduce the likelihood of recovery and empowerment for women and girls.

Recognizing the need to enhance a comprehensive and coordinated response to gender-based violence, the Namibia Police Force requested assistance from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to refurbish Gender Based Violence Protection Units and support the development of Standard Operating Procedures for these Units as well as to support meetings and trainings on implementation of the SOPs.

Under the pretext of UNODC ROSAF's regional programme on gender-based violence, implemented in partnership with the SADC Gender Unit, UNODC will join forces with UNICEF Namibia, which also similar programming with the Namibia Police Force .


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The main objective of the project is:

To contribute to the implementation of the joint SADC-UNODC Regional Programme, and the establishment and integration of programmes for the support, protection and empowerment of victims of crime and violence with a special focus on women and children in line with the UNODC Regional Programme and its sub-programme on gender-based violence and empowerment of victims. This component is implemented in close coordination with UNICEF.

The outcomes to be addressed by this consultancy are:

? Strengthened criminal justice component of the draft National Guidelines for Integrated Services for Gender-based Violence and Violence Against Children, done in close consultation with international consultant (hired by UNICEF)

? Roll-out of the Guidelines monitored, and periodic reports developed which inform further updating of Guidelines

? Meetings, workshops and trainings of Steering Committee of GBV Protection SubDivisions and Unit supported.

2. Purpose of the assignment:

The purpose of the assignment is to:

- Review and update the draft National Guidelines for Integrated Services for Genderbased Violence and Violence Against Children with the view to strengthen the criminal justice aspects

- Monitor roll out of the Guidelines in identified regions and produce periodic reports which will be used to improve the Guidelines

- Participate in and provide technical expertise in meetings, workshop and trainings organised by the Steering Committee of GBVP Units

- Develop plan for long-term quality assurance on the use of the Standard Operating Procedures in the identified regions:

3. Specific tasks to be performed by the consultant: Under the supervision of UNODC Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, the consultant will:

? Review National Guidelines for Integrated Services for Gender-based Violence and Violence Against Children to strengthen criminal justice component and advise on how to strengthen services at the GBVPU's.

? Conduct site visits to selected GBVP Sub-Divisions and Units in Khomas, Rundu, Oshakati and Katima Mulilo to observe the roll out of the Guidelines and to compile analytical reports and recommendations

? Participate and provide technical expertise in at least 2 meetings of the Steering Committee of GBVP Units, and at least 1 training organized by the

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Committee. ? Compile monthly reports on the mentoring visits and the implementation of

the Guidelines

4. Expected tangible and measurable output(s)/deliverable(s): (Tangible and measurable outputs, objectives and targets of the work assignment, as well as specific activities to achieve the required outputs and targets. As per ST/AI/2013/4, Section 3.2 (a))

? Updated National Guidelines for Integrated Services for Gender-based Violence and Violence Against Children, with stronger criminal justice component

? 3 Monthly Monitoring Reports ? 1 Concept Note on key material upgrades for GBVP Units ? Meetings and Workshop Reports from GBVP Steering Committee Meetings ? Mentoring and support visits at the GBVPU in selected GBVP Units

5. Dates and details of deliverables/payments:

Deliverable Output

Working Days


Updated National Guidelines for


Integrated Services for Gender-based

Violence and Violence Against Children

with stronger criminal justice component

(including consultations with UNODC,

and incorporation of comments)


Monthly monitoring and Reporting of 15

Implementation of Guidelines in GBVP



Meeting/Workshop attendance and





accomplished by


14 February 2018

31 April 2018 31 April 2018

Payments will be made upon satisfactory completion and/or submission of outputs/deliverables. Please note that last payment must coincide with the end of the contract and must be identical to payment phases in the engagement of consultant/IC request.

6. Indicators to evaluate the consultant's performance (must always include at least: timeliness, achievement of goals and quality of work.)

? Updated National Guidelines for Integrated Services for Gender-based Violence and Violence Against Children, with stronger criminal justice component

? Good quality product which is user-friendly and well contextualized to Namibia ? Detailed Monitoring reports with practical implementable recommendations for

improvement of the Guidelines

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? Descriptive workshop reports issues meeting and workshop reports concisely setting out main issues discussed, support provided, and agreed action points

7. Evaluation criteria/expertise sought (required educational background, years of relevant work experience, other special skills or knowledge required) Education: First level university degree, in law and policy, criminology, social sciences, humanities, or related field. A first lesser qualification in combination with qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the university degree Work experience: 5 years of experience in the criminal justice, law enforcement, policy development environment. Experience working in the area of gender-based violence and with victims of crime is an advantage. Experience in developing guidelines, standard operating procedures or policy documents is an asset; excellent communication and drafting skills; fluency in oral and written English is required. Languages: English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this position, fluency in English, with excellent drafting and communication skills, is required. Knowledge of another United Nations official language, is an advantage.

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