|Spelling |Spelling |Spelling |Spelling |Spelling |

|Adding my spelling words. Vowels are worth 10|Use an old newspaper or magazine (ask permission|Write a rhyming word for each of your |Backwards Words |Write your spelling words using fancy |

|and consonants are 5. Write your words and |first). Find and cut up the letters that make up|spelling words. |Write your spelling words forwards and then |letters. Write the word normally, then |

|then add the value of each letter in the |your 10 most difficult spelling list words. Glue| |backwards! Remember to write them neatly. |write it in a fancy way. e.g. catch |

|word. |them into your homework journal. | | |catch |

|e.g. cat 5 + 10 + 5 = 20 | | | | |

|Maths |Maths |Maths |Maths |Maths |

|Roll a die and multiply the number that |Play the card game ‘snap’. Every time you |Count the number of teaspoons you have in the|How many doors are in your house? |Alphabet Numbers |

|appears by your focus times table. E.g. This |‘snap’, you need to multiply the number on the |kitchen. |Double this number. |If the letters a=1, b=2, c=3 and so on, how|

|week you’re practising your x2, so roll a 3 |card by your focus times table. E.g. This week |Multiply this number by 3. |Add 256 to this number. |much do the letters in your whole name add |

|and times it by 2. |if you’re practising x5, if you’ve snapped a |Double this number. |Add 1000 to this number. |to (first name, middle and surname)? |

| |pair of 3s, you need to do 2 x 3. |Multiply this number by 100. |Divide this number by 2. | |

| | |Divide this number in half. | | |

|Health |Topic |Word in a Word |Topic |Topic |

|Do a good deed for someone at home without |Alphabet List |I |Use the worksheet in ‘files’, ‘important |Although the main religion in Indonesia is |

|needing to be asked. |Starting with the letter ‘a’, list a word to do |N |documents’, ‘Indonesian Island Study’ and |Islam, on the island of Bali 85% of |

|I.e. help Mum bring in the washing, set the |with Indonesia for each letter of the alphabet. |D |complete the research task. You have a choice|inhabitants are Hinduism. Make a poster |

|table, etc. |E.g. a=archipelago, | |of mild, spicy or hot. |with 5 facts about Hinduism including: |

| |b=Bali, c=coral reef. |O | |Gods, places of worship and tradition. |

| | |N | | |

| | |E | | |

| | | | | |

| | |S | | |

| | |I | | |

| | |A | | |

| | | | | |

| | |How many smaller words can you find in the | | |

| | |word ‘Indonesia’? | | |

|Spelling |Spelling |Spelling |Spelling |Spelling |

|Look, cover, say, write, check. |Put your spelling words into alphabetical order.|Draw a picture to match the meaning of each |Write silly sentences for your 10 spelling |Write a story or a letter using all of your|

| | |of your words. |words. |spelling words. |

|Maths |Maths |Maths |Maths |Maths |

|Alphabet Numbers |Write out all the multiples of the 3 times table|Alphabet Numbers |Write out all the multiples of the 11 times |Write out all the multiples of the 9 times |

|If the letter a=1, b=2, c=3 and so on, find |onto sticky notes. Practise by looking at each |If the letter a=1, b=2, c=3 and so on, find a|table onto sticky notes. Practise by looking |table onto sticky notes. Practise by |

|the spelling word with the highest value in |number and saying the table aloud, i.e. 12 is 4 |word to do with our Explorer theme that has a|at each number and saying the table aloud, |looking at each number and saying the table|

|your list. |x 3. |value higher than 100. |i.e. 110 is 11 x 10. |aloud, i.e. 18 is 9 x 2. |

|(You may use a calculator.) | |E.g. circumnavigate = 146 | | |

| | |(You may use a calculator.) | | |

Term 1 Homework


Colour in each box after you’ve completed the homework task and then get your adult to sign off on this. You should complete one activity a night. Tasks can be completed on the computer and uploaded to TEAMs or they can be completed in your homework jotter and handed in once a week. Once you have completed the whole grid, you will earn a prize from our prize box at school.

|Alphabet Numbers |

a |b |c |d |e |f |g |h |i |j |k |l |m |n |o |p |q |r |s |t |u |v |w |x |y |z | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 | |


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