Tanmenetjavaslat – heti 1 óra
|1. |1 HELLO |1.1 Good morning |Köszönés Bemutatkozás |to be: |
| | |1.2 What’s your name? | |I am, You are |
|2. | |1.3 A boy, a girl |Ismerkedés | |
|3. | |1.4 Where are you from? | |Szavak: boy, girl, teacher, dog, cat, mouse, bird, |
| | |1.5 Everybody |Utasítások |car, ball, doll, book, pencil, bag, pen, lion |
|4. | |1.6 Let’s go | |Mondatok: |
| | |1.7 Roby robot | |What’s your name? Where are you from? Thank you. |
|5. | |1.8 What’s this? |Érdeklődés |What’s this? How are you? |
| | |1.9 Walking, walking | | |
| | |1.10 How are you? | | |
|6. |2 NUMBERS |2.1 Numbers |Számok |Többes szám |
| | |2.2 Potatoes |Számlálás |How many? |
|7. | |2.3 Rocket countdown | | |
|8. | |2.4 How many? | |Szavak: mobile, 0, számok 1–12, fish, calculator, |
|9. | |2.5 How old are you? |Születésnap |potato, rocket |
| | |2.6 My party | |Mondatok: How many? How old are you? Happy Birthday!|
|10. | |2.7 Time |Óra, 11, 12 | |
| | |2.8 Good night! | | |
| | |2.9 Twenty |13–20 | |
| | |2.10 Castle game | | |
|11. |3 COLOURS |3.1 Colours |Színek |What colour? It is... |
| | |3.2 Rainbow | | |
|12. | |3.3 What colour? |Színes szókapcsolatok |Szavak: red apple, yellow banana, orange, blue plum,|
|13. | |3.4 Yellow page | |purple flower, green tree, pink pig, black bird, |
| | |3.5 Find out! | |brown bear, white rabbit, grey elephant |
|14. | |3.6 Africa |Mondatalkotás |Mondatok: What colour? What’s this? |
| | |3.7 Zoo |Állatok színei | |
|15. | |3.8 Boardgame |Játékok színekkel | |
| | |3.9 Colour game | | |
| | |3.10 Colour Shark game | | |
|16. |4 SCHOOL |4.1 In the classroom |Osztályterem |What’s this? |
| | |4.2 School |Osztályjelenet |Felszólítás |
|17. | |4.3 My desk |Felszerelés Utasítások, |my, your |
|18. | |4.4 Lesson |kérések | |
| | |4.5 Play the game | |Szavak: teacher, class, children, school, board, |
|19. | |4.6 Let’s play | |door, window, desk, eraser, ruler, bag, book, pen, |
| | |4.7 Boardgame | |pencil, chair, workbook |
|20. | |4.8 ABC | |Mondatok: Go to the door. Give me your pen. Here you|
| | |4.9 Dingo! |ABC |are. |
| | |4.10 Salt cellar game | | |
|21. |5 MARKET |5.1 Muffin man | |a, an |
| | |5.2 Fruits |Gyümölcsök |Can I have... |
|22. | |5.3 A, an, some | |I like, I don’t like |
| | |5.4 Can I have...? |Vásárlás | |
|23. | |5.5 How much? |Pénz |Szavak: carrot, ice-tea, sandwich, milk, drink, |
|24. | |5.6 In the kitchen |Ételek |ice-cream, pear, cherry, lemon, chocolate cake |
|25. | |5.7 Do you like...? |Szeretem, nem |Mondatok: Can I have..., please? Here you are. Do |
| | |5.8 I like |szeretem |you like it? I like it. I don’t like it. |
| | |5.9 Menu | | |
| | |5.10 Zoo menu | | |
|26. |6 FAMILY |6.1 Family |Családtagok |Have you got a brother or a sister? |
| | |6.2 At home | |I’ve got… |
|27. | |6.3 Mother, mother | | |
|28. | |6.4 Brothers, sisters |Testvérekről | |
| | |6.5 My brothers |Rokonok | |
|29. | |6.6 Mrs Hen |Állatcsaládok |Szavak: family, father, mother, brother, sister, |
| | |6.7 In the wood |Mesék |grandpa, grandma, cousin |
|30. | |6.8 The sky is falling down | |Mondatok: Have you got a brother or a sister? I’ve |
| | |6.9 The farmer in dell | |got… |
| | |6.10 Old MacDonald | | |
|31. |7 |7.1 Wardrobe |Ruhadarabok |This is |
|32. |DRESS UP |7.2 Fashion Show |Bemutató |These are |
|33. | |7.3 A shop | | |
|34. | |7.4 More clothes |Csoportosítás |Szavak: T-shirt, hat, dress, shoes, socks, trousers,|
|35. | |7.5 Wanted | |jeans, pullover |
| | |7.6 Raincoat | |Mondatok: This is my hat. These are my shoes. |
| | |7.7 Fancy dress party |Farsang | |
| | |7.8 Shopping centre |Vásárlás | |
| | |7.9 Shopping for clothes | | |
| | |7.10 Boardgame | | |
| |COLLEC-TION |Ünnepek |Ismétlés |Szótár |
| | |Three little pigs |Gyakorlás |Szókártyalista |
| | |My page |Áttekintés |Értékelő oldal |
| | |Map of the book | | |
Tanmenetjavaslat – heti 2 óra
|1. |1 HELLO |1.1 Good morning |Köszönés Bemutatkozás |to be: |
|2–3. | |1.2 What’s your name? | |I am, You are |
|4. | |1.3 A boy, a girl |Ismerkedés | |
|5. | |1.4 Where are you from | |Szavak: boy, girl, teacher, dog, cat, mouse, bird, |
|6. | |1.5 Everybody |Utasítások |car, ball, doll, book, pencil, pen, bag, lion |
| | |1.6 Let’s go | |Mondatok: What’s your name? Thank you. What’s this? |
|7. | |1.7 Roby robot | |How are you? |
|8. | |1.8 What’s this? |Érdeklődés | |
|9. | |1.9 Walking, walking | | |
|10. | |1.10 How are you? | | |
|11. |2 NUMBERS |2.1 Numbers |Számok |Többes szám |
|12. | |2.2 Potatoes |Számlálás |How many? |
|13. | |2.3 Rocket | | |
|14. | |2.4 How many? | |Szavak: fish, calculator, potato, rocket, mobile, 0,|
|15–16. | |2.5 How old are you? |Születésnap |számok 1–12 |
|17–18. | |2.6 My party | | |
|19. | |2.7 Time |Óra, 11, 12 |Mondatok: How many? How old are you? Happy Birthday!|
|20. | |2.8 Good night! | | |
| | |2.9 Twenty |13–20 | |
| | |2.10 Game | | |
|21. |3 |3.1 Colours |Színek |What colour? It is... |
|22. |COLOURS |3.2 Rainbow | | |
|23. | |3.3 What colour? |Színes szókapcsolatok |Szavak: red apple, yellow banana, orange, blue plum,|
|24. | |3.4 Yellow page |Mondatalkotás |purple flower, green tree, pink pig, black bird, |
|25. | |3.5 Find out! |Állatok színei |brown bear, white rabbit, grey elephant |
|26. | |3.6 Africa |Játékok színekkel | |
|27–28. | |3.7 Zoo | |Mondatok: What colour? What’s this? |
|29. | |3.8 Boardgame | | |
|30. | |3.9 Colour game | | |
| | |3.10 Colour Shark game | | |
|31. |4 SCHOOL |4.1 In the classroom |Osztályterem |What’s this? |
|32. | |4.2 School |Osztályjelenet |Felszólítás |
|33. | |4.3 My desk |Felszerelés Utasítások, |my, your |
|34–35. | |4.4 Lesson |kérések |Szavak: teacher, class, children, school, board, |
|36. | |4.5 Play the game | |door, window, desk, erasere, ruler, workbook, bag, |
|37. | |4.6 Let’s play |ABC |book, pen, pencil, chair |
|38. | |4.7 Boardgame | |Mondatok: Go to the door. Give me your pen. Here you|
|39. | |4.8 ABC | |are. |
|40. | |4.9 Dingo! | | |
| | |4.10 Salt cellar game | | |
|41. |5 MARKET |5.1 Muffin man | |a, an |
|42. | |5.2 Fruits |Gyümölcsök |Can I have... |
|43. | |5.3 A, an, some | |I like, I don’t like |
|44–45. | |5.4 Can I have...? |Vásárlás | |
|46. | |5.5 How much? |Pénz |Szavak: carrot, pear, cherry, lemon, chocolate cake,|
|47. | |5.6 In the kitchen |Ételek |ice-tea, sandwich, milk, drink, ice-cream |
|48. | |5.7 Do you like...? |Szeretem, nem | |
|49. | |5.8 I like |szeretem |Mondatok: Can I have..., please? Here you are. Do |
|50. | |5.9 Menu | |you like it? I like it. I don’t like it. |
| | |5.10 Zoo menu | | |
|51. |6 FAMILY |6.1 Family |Családtagok |Have you got a brother or a sister? I’ve got… |
|52. | |6.2 At home | | |
|53. | |6.3 Mother, mother | |Szavak: family, father, mother, brother, sister, |
|54–55. | |6.4 Brothers, sisters |Testvérekről |grandpa, grandma, cousin |
|56. | |6.5 My brothers |Rokonok | |
|57. | |6.6 Mrs Hen |Állatcsaládok |Mondatok: Have you got a brother or a sister? I’ve |
|58. | |6.7 In the wood |Mesék |got... |
|59. | |6.8 The sky is falling down | | |
|60. | |6.9 The farmer in dell | | |
| | |6.10 Old MacDonald | | |
|61. |7 |7.1 Wardrobe |Ruhadarabok |This is |
|62. |DRESS UP |7.2 Fashion Show |Bemutató |These are |
|63. | |7.3 A shop | | |
|64. | |7.4 More clothes |Csoportosítás |Szavak: T-shirt, hat, dress, shoes, socks, trousers,|
|65. | |7.5 Wanted | |jeans, pullover |
|66. | |7.6 Raincoat | | |
|67. | |7.7 Fancy dress party |Farsang |Mondatok: This is my hat. These are my shoes. |
|68. | |7.8 Shopping centre |Vásárlás | |
|69. | |7.9 Shopping for clothes | | |
|70. | |7.10 Boardgame | | |
|71–74. |COLLEC-TION |Ünnepek |Ismétlés |Szótár |
| | |Three little pigs |Gyakorlás |Szókártyalista |
| | |My page |Áttekintés |Értékelő oldal |
| | |Map of the book | | |
Tanmenetjavaslat – heti 3 óra
|1. |1 HELLO |1.1 Good morning |Köszönés Bemutatkozás |to be: |
|2–3. | |1.2 What’s your name? | |I am, You are |
|4. | |1.3 A boy, a girl |Ismerkedés | |
|5–6. | |1.4 Where are you from | |Szavak: boy, girl, teacher, dog, cat, mouse, |
|7. | |1.5 Everybody |Utasítások |bird, car, ball, doll, book, pencil, pen, bag, |
|8. | |1.6 Let’s go | |lion |
|9–10 | |1.7 Roby robot | | |
|11–12. | |1.8 What’s this? |Érdeklődés |Mondatok: What’s your name? Thank you. What’s |
|13. | |1.9 Walking, walking | |this? How are you? |
|14–15. | |1.10 How are you? | | |
|16–17. |2 NUMBERS |2.1 Numbers |Számok |Többes szám |
|18. | |2.2 Potatoes |Számlálás |How many? |
|19–20. | |2.3 Rocket | | |
|21–22. | |2.4 How many? | |Szavak: fish, calculator, potato, rocket, |
|23. | |2.5 How old are you? |Születésnap |mobile, 0, számok 1–12 |
|24. | |2.6 My party | | |
|25. | |2.7 Time |Óra, 11, 12 |Mondatok: How many? How old are you? Happy |
|26. | |2.8 Good night! | |Birthday! |
|27 | |2.9 Twenty |13–20 | |
|28. | |2.10 Game – gyakorlás, ismétlés | | |
|29–30. | | | | |
|31–32. |3 |3.1 Colours |Színek |What colour? It is... |
|33. |COLOURS |3.2 Rainbow | | |
|34–35. | |3.3 What colour? |Színes szókapcsolatok |Szavak: red apple, yellow banana, orange, blue |
|36. | |3.4 Yellow page |Mondatalkotás |plum, purple flower, green tree, pink pig, black|
|37. | |3.5 Find out! |Állatok színei |bird, brown bear, white rabbit, grey elephant |
|38. | |3.6 Africa |Játékok színekkel | |
|39. | |3.7 Zoo | |Mondatok: What colour? What’s this? |
|40. | |3.8 Boardgame | | |
|41. | |3.9 Colour game | | |
|42. | |3.10 Colour Shark game – gyakorlás, | | |
|43–45. | |ismétlés | | |
|46–47. |4 SCHOOL |4.1 In the classroom |Osztályterem |What’s this? |
|48. | |4.2 School |Osztályjelenet |Felszólítás |
|49–50. | |4.3 My desk |Felszerelés Utasítások, |my, your |
|51–52. | |4.4 Lesson |kérések |Szavak: teacher, class, children, school, board,|
|53. | |4.5 Play the game | |door, window, desk, eraser, ruler, workbook, |
|54. | |4.6 Let’s play |ABC |bag, book, pen, pencil, chair |
|55. | |4.7 Boardgame | |Mondatok: Go to the door. Give me your pen. Here|
|56. | |4.8 ABC | |you are. |
|57. | |4.9 Dingo! | | |
|58. | |4.10 Salt cellar game – gyakorlás, | | |
|59–60. | |ismétlés | | |
|61. |5 MARKET |5.1 Muffin man | |a, an |
|62–63. | |5.2 Fruits |Gyümölcsök |Can I have... |
|64. | |5.3 A, an, some | |I like, I don’t like |
|65–66. | |5.4 Can I have...? |Vásárlás |Szavak: carrot, pear, cherry, |
|67–68. | |5.5 How much? |Pénz |lemon, chocolate cake, ice-tea, |
|69–70. | |5.6 In the kitchen |Ételek |sandwich, milk, drink, ice-cream |
|71. | |5.7 Do you like...? |Szeretem, nem szeretem | |
|72. | |5.8 I like | | |
|73. | |5.9 Menu | |Mondatok: Can I have..., please? Here you are. |
|74. | |5.10 Zoo menu – gyakorlás, ismétlés | |Do you like it? I like it. |
|75–77. | | | |I don’t like it. |
|78–79. |6 FAMILY |6.1 Family |Családtagok |Have you got a brother or a sister? |
|80–81. | |6.2 At home | |I’ve got... |
|82. | |6.3 Mother, mother | | |
|83–84. | |6.4 Brothers, sisters |Testvérekről |Szavak: family, father, mother, brother, sister,|
|85–86. | |6.5 My brothers |Rokonok |grandpa, grandma, cousin |
|87. | |6.6 Mrs Hen |Állatcsaládok | |
|88–89. | |6.7 In the wood |Mesék |Mondatok: Have you got a brother or a sister? |
|90–91. | |6.8 The sky is falling | |I’ve got... |
|92. | |6.9 The farmer in dell | | |
|93. | |6.10 Old MacDonald – gyakorlás, | | |
|94–95. | |ismétlés | | |
|96. |7 |7.1 Wardrobe |Ruhadarabok |This is |
|97. |DRESS UP |7.2 Fashion Show |Bemutató |These are |
|98. | |7.3 A shop | | |
|99. | |7.4 More clothes |Csoportosítás |Szavak: T-shirt, hat, dress, shoes, socks, |
|100. | |7.5 Wanted | |trousers, jeans, pullover |
|101. | |7.6 Raincoat | | |
|102. | |7.7 Fancy dress party |Farsang |Mondatok: This is my hat. These are my shoes. |
|103. | |7.8 Shopping centre |Vásárlás | |
|104. | |7.9 Shopping for clothes | | |
|105. | |7.10 Boardgame – gyakorlás, ismétlés | | |
|106–107. | | | | |
|108–111. |COLLEC-TION |Ünnepek |Ismétlés |Szótár |
| | |Three little pigs |Gyakorlás |Szókártyalista |
| | |My page |Áttekintés |Értékelő oldal |
| | |Map of the book | | |
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