Offline Hard Disk Imaging - security

Offline Hard Disk Imaging

Using write-blocking hardware and Helix CD

Imaging Note: These commands assume sdb is evidence and sdc is image storage.

|1. Find devices | |

|dmesg | grep hd | |

|2. Mount image storage drive | |

|mount /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc1 | |

|3. Make directory for incident case | |

|mkdir /media/sdc1/[case_no] | |

|4. Make subdirectory for evidence | |

|mkdir /media/sdc1/[case_no]/[evidence_no] | |

|5. Case info: name, organization, case number, date, description | |

|mousepad /media/sdc1/[case_no]/case_info.txt | |

|6. Evidence info: name, org, case_no, date and time of image, make, model, serial of comp, make, model, serial of HD, where hd came | |

|from and why imaging | |

|mousepad /media/sdc1/[case_no]/[evidence_no]/evidence_info.txt | |

|7. Change directory and save dmesg to text file | |

|cd /media/sdc1/[case_no]/[evidence_no] | |

|dmesg | tee case_no_dmesg.txt | |

|8. Save info of evidence disk | |

|hdparm -giI /dev/sdb | tee case_no_hdparm.txt | |

|9. Save partition info of evidence disk | |

|sfdisk -luS /dev/sdb | tee sfdisk.txt | |

|10. Check sum for text files | |

|md5sum *.txt | tee case_no_txt_hashes.txt | |

|11. Check sum for evidence disk | |

|md5sum /dev/sdb | tee serial_no_.original.md5.txt | |

|12. Make image with dcfldd | |

|dcfldd if=/dev/sdb of=/media/sdc1/[case_no]/[evidence_no]/serial_no.dd conv=noerror,sync hashwindows=0 hashlog=serial_no.md5.txt | |

|13. Record filenames, check sums for original HD and image, on form | |


|1. Create loop back device for disk image (offset = sectors x block size) | |

|losetup -o 32256 /dev/loop1 /media/sdc1/disk.img | |

|2. Mount filesystem on loop back device (disk image) | |

|mount -t ntfs /dev/loop1 /media/diskimg/ | |

|3. Use Retriever or other utilities to perform analysis | |

|4. Unmount filesystem | |

|umount /dev/loop1 | |

|5. Remove loop back device | |

|Losetup -d /dev/loop1 | |

IT Security Office

1300 Torgersen Hall (0284)

November 16, 2006

Offline Hard Disk Imaging

Description / reason for image: _____________________________________________



Location: ______________________________________________________________

Date and Time: _________________________________________________________

Started Finished

Files Created:__________________________________________________________


|Original |(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( |

|MD5Sum | |

|Image |(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( |

|MD5Sum | |

Persons who performed imaging:


Name Organization Signature Date


Name Organization Signature Date


Name Organization Signature Date


Chain of Custody


Name Organization Signature Date


Name Organization Signature Date


Name Organization Signature Date


Name Organization Signature Date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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