Delete pages from pdf windows 10 - Weebly

[Pages:6]Delete pages from pdf windows 10

Blank pages in a document can make an unprofessional impression on editors or potential employers. Microsoft Word is known to create blank pages in a document, so you should make sure to delete them whenever possible. Our goal is to help others avoid the frustration associated with blank pages. Since Microsoft Word is a popular document creator, we've put together the following guide to help you delete those unwanted pages should they crop up in this particular word processor. Should you also need to delete a page in Word that has text and graphics, our guide includes instructions for that as well. How to delete a page in Word with contentDeleting a page with text and graphics is different from deleting a completely blank page. So first, let's walk through the steps to delete a page in Word that's filled with content. Step 1: The first step in deleting a page is to select it. Either scroll to the page or use the Go to function (Ctrl + G on Windows, Option + Command + G on MacOS). When you've found the page, select any spot on it. Step 2: Next, select all content on the page. It might sound like you've already done this step, but this is so that Word knows that you want to delete the whole page, not just some of the content on it. Open the Go to function (Ctrl + G, or Option + Command + G if you're on a Mac) and type "\page" in the Enter page number box. Then, select Go to (or press Enter or Return on your keyboard) followed by Close. Alternatively, you can use your cursor to drag through the content on the page to select it all. Step 3: Finally, delete the page. Microsoft Word doesn't have a dedicated page deletion tool, but now that we've selected the page's content, we can delete it easily. Double-check that you've selected the entirety of the page and press the Delete key. How to delete a blank page in WordMost text editors, Word included, have a habit of creating blank pages at the end of your document for seemingly no reason. Deleting those before you fire it off to your boss or the printer is usually a good idea. Step 1: To find the blank page(s), open up the Navigation pane. You can do so by selecting the View tab and making sure that the Navigation pane box is ticked. When the sidebar on the left opens, select Pages to show all the pages in your document. Step 2: Scroll through the list to find the blank page(s) you want to delete. Pick one and double-click it to jump straight to it. Step 3: Hold Ctrl + Shift + 8 on Windows or Command + 8 on Mac to make the paragraph marks visible. Step 4: Select the paragraph mark on the blank page, go to the Home tab, and enter "1" in the Font size box. Press Enter to lock in the size. The paragraph attached to the paragraph mark should then fit on the previous page, removing the blank page. Step 5: After you've made all necessary changes, you can hide the paragraph marks again by holding Ctrl + Shift + 8 on Windows or Command + 8 on a Mac. Now that you know how to delete a page in Word, take a look at how to remove a page break or how to double-space in Word. Editors' Recommendations If you're using Microsoft Word, you don't want blank pages appearing in the middle of your document, or extra pages at the end. These extra pages could be caused by tables, hitting the ENTER key too many times, unnecessary section breaks, unintentional page breaks, extra paragraph markers, and more. You don't want your Word document to look unprofessional because of this quirk, so in this article I'll show you how to delete blank and extra pages in Word. I will be using Microsoft Office 2016 in this tutorial, but you can follow along with any version, as pretty much the same thing applies to all versions. How to Delete a Blank Page in the Middle of a Word Document If you are working with a large word document and you are about to present it or print it, it's a good idea to check for blank pages and an extra final page. To do this, press CTRL + SHIFT + 8, or go to the Home tab and click the paragraph icon. This key combination displays paragraph markers (?) at the end of every paragraph and each blank line ? basically, whenever you hit the ENTER key, and at the beginning of the extra blank page. To remove these extra pages, highlight the paragraph markers with your mouse or trackpad and hit the DELETE button. If one of the markers remains there, remove it with the BACKSPACE key. If you have the patience, you can also remove the blank page(s) by going to the blank pages and hitting the BACKSPACE key until the paragraph markers disappear. How to Delete an Extra Blank Page in a Word Document Step 1: To delete an extra blank page that might get added at the end of your document, click the View tab: Step 2: Go to the Navigation Pane. This will display a sidebar containing 3 tabs ? Headings, Pages, and Results. Click on Pages to display all the pages of the document in the sidebar. Step 3: The active page will be automatically selected. Click the extra blank page to select it and hit the DELETE button on your keyboard to remove it. You can also remove this extra blank page by simply pressing the BACKSPACE key. Conclusion In this article, you learned how to remove blank pages in Word, so you can make your documents appear more professional. Thank you for reading. If you find this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family. Most of us ? whether students, office employees, artists or scientists ? utilize Microsoft Office, and more specifically, Microsoft Word, in our daily lives. It's practically everyone's go-to software suite for productivity, and for good reason. Its roster of applications are extremely reliable and very powerful productivity tools that serve many purposes.Yet a huge percentage of its users don't realize just how powerful they are. Let's take Microsoft Word, for example. While it is designed to make word processing feel more like a stroll on the beach rather than a tedious task with its buttons, automated functions and shortcuts, many users barely know ? let alone, use ? most of them. And so they end up taking too many steps and a longer time than necessary to do the more complex tasks.When deleting a page in Word, for example, some users end up giving their mouse or backspace button a bit of a workout, all because they aren't aware that there's a more seamless way to do it.If you're one of those folks, you've come to the right place. Today, we're going to show you several more efficient ways to delete a page in Word, whether you're a Windows 10 or a Mac user, because honestly, your backspace key needs a vacation.How to delete a page in Word on Windows 10There are a couple of easier ways to delete an entire page in Word. Mind you, there's no button you can just click on to magically delete a page. As useful as that would be, we're sure Microsoft has its reasons for not making that available. Still, there are better, not to mention more professional, ways other than holding your backspace key.Image Credit: Microsoft Method #1: Go To functionMicrosoft Word's Go To function lets your cursor jump, instead of scroll, to a page, section, line or footnote you specify, primarily to save you time. Think of it as teleportation ? instead of you walking to a store to buy a soda, you simply disappear from your current location and appear at your destination.When you want to delete a page in Word, the Go To function not only `teleports' your cursor to the page you want to delete, but it also lets you highlight the contents of the page, essentially priming it for deletion.Step 1: On the Home tab, click on the Find drop down button and select Go To. Or simply press Ctrl+G.This should open the Go To tab in the Find and Replace dialog box.Image Credit: Microsoft Step 2: Type in the page number in the Enter page number text box and click Go To.There, you can jump to the page you want to delete by typing in its page number. If you don't know its specific page number, you can also type in + or ? to jump from the page you're currently on to the page you'd like to delete. For example, if you're on page 1 and the page you'd like to delete is four pages down, you simply type +4. Then click on the Go To button. Doing so will take you to that page you specified.Step 3: Type "\page" then click Go To to highlight the whole page. Click Close once highlighted.Typing the text "\page" in the Enter page number text box and clicking Go To essentially highlights the entire page you wish to delete.Step 4: Press backspace or delete to delete the page.When the whole page has been highlighted, you're free to simply press the backspace or delete button once. This effectively deletes the whole page.Image Credit: Microsoft Method #2: Navigation Pane (for blank pages)Using the Navigation Pane's Thumbnails Pane tab allows you to preview and quickly scroll through your document's pages by giving you access to their thumbnails. This feature lets you breeze through your document, quickly locate the page you want to delete and double click on it so you can jump to the actual page.This method is especially useful when you inadvertently created a bunch of blank documents, whether by accidentally holding the Space Bar or adding a page break. The Navigation Pane lets you easily determine which pages are blank and therefore need deletion.Step 1: Go to the View tab and tick off the Navigation Pane box or simply press Ctrl+H and click on the Pages tab in the Navigation Pane.Opening the Navigation Pane, usually tethered on the left-hand side of the application window, and clicking on the Pages tab will display the thumbnails of your document pages in order.Step 2: Scroll through the pages, then find and double click on the blank page you'd like to delete.This should take you to the beginning of the selected page.Image Credit: Microsoft Step 3: Press Ctrl+Shift+8 to show the paragraph marks. If it's an extra paragraph (or five) that caused the blank page to appear, simply press delete until the page is completely deleted, which shouldn't take a lot of time. If the blank page was caused by a Page Break, simply select page break and press backspace.How to delete a page in Word on MacDeleting a page in Word on Mac is very similar to when you're doing it on a PC. There are, however, a few glaring differences primarily because of MacOS's distinct set of shortcut keys as well as the application's slightly different user interface.Method #1: Go To functionIf you haven't read the section for Windows 10, then let's do a quick refresher. The Go To function lets your cursor jump, instead of scroll, to a page, section or line you specify, as if teleporting the cursor to that location to save you time.The Go To function not only `teleports' your cursor to the page you want to delete, but it also lets you highlight the contents of the page, getting it ready for deletion.Image Credit: Microsoft Step 1: On the Main Menu, go to Edit > Find and select Go To. Or simply press Fn+Cmd+G.This should open the Go To tab in the Find and Replace dialog box.Step 2: Type in the page number in the Enter page number text box and click Go To.You can jump to the page you want to delete by typing in its page number. If you don't know the page number, you can also type in + or ? to jump from the current page to the one you're looking for. For example, if you're on page 1 and the page you'd like to delete is four pages down, you simply type +4.Image Credit: Microsoft Step 3: Type `\page' then click Go To in order to highlight the whole page. Click Close once the text is highlighted.Typing the text `\page' in the Enter page number text box and clicking Go To essentially highlights the entire page you wish to delete.Step 4: Press delete to delete the page.Once the whole page has been highlighted, simply press the delete button to delete the whole page in one swoop.Image Credit: Microsoft Method #2: Navigation Pane (for blank pages)Using the Navigation Pane's Thumbnails Pane tab allows you to preview and quickly scroll your document's pages by giving you access to their thumbnails. This feature lets you breeze through your document, quickly locate the page you want to delete and double click on it so you can jump to the actual page.This method is especially useful when you've inadvertently created a bunch of blank documents, whether by accidentally holding the Space Bar or adding a page break. The Navigation Pane lets you easily determine which pages are blank and therefore need deletion.Step 1: On the View tab and tick off the Navigation Pane box. Click on the Thumbnails Pane (first tab) in the Navigation Pane.The Thumbnails Pane, which typically appears on the left-hand side of the window, displays the thumbnails of your document pages in order.Step 2: Scroll through the pages to find the blank page you'd like to delete. When found, double click on it to move your cursor to the beginning of that page.Image Credit: Microsoft Step 3: Press Cmd+8 to show the paragraph marks. If it's an extra paragraph (or five) that caused the blank page to appear, simply select the paragraph marks and press delete. If the blank page was caused by a Page Break, simply select page break and press delete.These are the best laptops for writersYou might also want to check out how to download and use Microsoft Word for free (opens in new tab).

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