How to remove pages from pdf microsoft edge windows 7 free

How to remove pages from pdf microsoft edge windows 7 free

Updated: 05/03/2022 by Computer Hope When you download a file from the Internet, it is saved in your operating system's Downloads folder. Additionally, there is a record of it in your Internet browser. When a file is in the Downloads folder, it can take up unnecessary storage space. Also, it could be a security or privacy risk as it shows the files you've downloaded. To clear your Downloads folder or download history, click a link in the list below and follow the instructions. To clear the files in the Downloads folder in Windows, follow the steps below. Press the Windows key on your keyboard and type Downloads. Locate the Downloads file folder, arrow key down to it, and press Enter. In the window that opens, highlight all the downloaded files using your mouse or press Ctrl+A. If you don't want to delete all files, you may select individual ones by holding the Ctrl key and left-clicking them. How to select or highlight multiple files and folders. macOS and Safari To clear the files in the Downloads folder on your Mac computer, follow the steps below. Note As it's built into macOS, these steps are the same for those using the Safari browser. Select Finder from the Dock at the bottom of your desktop. In the window that opens, select Downloads from the list on the left side of the screen. Right-click each entry and select Move to Trash in the drop-down menu. Google Chrome Follow these steps to clear the files in the Downloads folder for Google Chrome. Open the Google Chrome browser. Click the Customize and control Google Chrome button in the screen's upper-right corner. Select Downloads from the drop-down menu that appears. In the new window that opens, click next to each entry you want to remove. To clear all entries, click the More actions icon in the screen's upper-right corner and select Clear all. Tip In Chrome, press Ctrl+J (Windows) or Command+Shift+J (macOS) to view a list of your downloaded files. Tip If you're using Microsoft Windows, you can also see our Windows steps for deleting downloads using Windows. Mozilla Firefox Follow these steps to clear the files in the Downloads folder for Firefox. Open the Mozilla Firefox browser. Click the Library icon near the upper-right corner of the screen. Select Downloads in the menu that appears. You may delete each file individually using the Delete key. To remove them all at once, right-click in the downloads section and select Clear Downloads in the drop-down menu. Tip In Firefox, press Ctrl+J (Windows) or Command+J (macOS) to view a list of your downloaded files. Tip If you're using Microsoft Windows, you can also see our Windows steps for deleting downloads using Windows. Microsoft Edge To clear the files in the Downloads folder for Microsoft Edge, follow these steps. Open the Microsoft Edge browser. Click the Settings and more icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window. In the drop-down menu, select Downloads. Clear all download history In the top right corner of the Downloads window, click the More options icon. Select Clear all download history from the drop-down menu. In the prompt that appears, click the Remove all button. Clear a single entry To remove a single entry, move your mouse over it, and click the trash can icon. Tip In Edge, press Ctrl+J to view a list of your downloads. Tip If you're using Microsoft Windows, you can also see our Windows steps for deleting downloads using Windows. Microsoft Edge Legacy Follow these steps to clear the files in the Downloads folder for Microsoft Edge Legacy. Open the Microsoft Edge browser. In the upper-right corner, select the Hub button. Click the icon that looks like a down arrow. You can delete each file individually by clicking next to the file entry. Or, you may delete all files by clicking the Clear all option. Tip In Edge Legacy, press Ctrl+J to view a list of your downloads. Tip If you're using Microsoft Windows, you can also see our Windows steps for deleting downloads using Windows. Microsoft Internet Explorer Follow these steps to clear the files in the Downloads folder for Internet Explorer. Open the Internet Explorer browser. Click the Gear icon on the upper-right side of the window. Click View downloads in the drop-down menu that appears. You can delete each file individually by clicking next to the file entry. Or, you may delete all files by clicking the Clear list option. Tip In Internet Explorer, press Ctrl+J to open your Downloads folder. Tip If you're using Microsoft Windows, you can also see our Windows steps for deleting downloads using Windows. Opera Follow these steps to clear the files in the Downloads folder for Opera. Open the Opera browser. Click in the upper-left corner of the window. In the drop-down menu that appears, select Downloads. In the tab that opens, you may delete each entry individually by clicking the icon on the right side and selecting Remove in the menu. To delete all files, click the button in the upper-right corner. Tip In Opera, press Ctrl+J (Windows) or Command+J (macOS) to view a list of your downloaded files. Tip If you're using Microsoft Windows, you can also see our Windows steps for deleting downloads using Windows. Organize your PDF file with easy-to-use online services that allow you to reorder or delete multiple pages in Microsoft Edge.When you update PDFs, or combine multiple PDFs into one, sometimes pages become irrelevant or duplicative. Maybe you've gathered materials to make a portfolio and have duplicate examples that you need to remove from the final product -- with Adobe Acrobat online services, you can easily delete pages within a PDF in Microsoft Edge.How to delete pages from a PDF on a PC.Follow these steps to remove a page from a PDF file:Begin by navigating to the page remover tool from any web browser.Click the Select A File button or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone.Continue by signing in to an Adobe, Google, or Apple account.After the file is uploaded, delete the pages by selecting the checkbox on each thumbnail and then clicking the trashcan icon.You can also rotate pages, drag pages to reorder them, and insert other files to add more.Finish by clicking Save, and then download your new PDF or click Share to get a shareable link.From deleting pages to converting files, explore what more you can do with Acrobat online services. Think your PDF could do without certain pages? If so, it's easy to delete a single or multiple pages from your PDF file. You can do this using Chrome, Edge, or Preview, and we'll show you how. Remove Pages From a PDF Using Chrome or Edge A quick and easy way to remove pages from a PDF is to use either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. In these web browsers, you basically open your PDF and use the virtual PDF printer to make a new copy of your PDF. This copy only contains the pages that you wanted to keep. An issue with this method is that if your PDF has clickable web links (hyperlinks), those will not work in the resulting PDF. Other than that, this is a great method to use. To get started, locate your PDF in File Explorer on Windows or Finder on Mac. Right-click your PDF and choose Open With > Google Chrome (or Microsoft Edge). We'll choose "Google Chrome." When your PDF's preview appears in Chrome, at the top-right corner, click the "Print" option (a printer icon). In the "Print" panel on the right, from the "Destination" drop-down menu, choose "Save as PDF." Select the Pages > Custom option and specify the pages you'd like to keep in your file. Any pages that you don't mention will be removed from the new PDF file that you're making. For example, if you only want to keep the 1, 2, 5, and 6 pages, then enter those numbers separated by a comma. To use a range so that all the pages in that range are included, use a dash (-) separator. For example, to include all pages between 1 and 25, enter 1-25. (1 and 25 will be included.) When you're ready, at the bottom of the "Print" panel, click "Save." In the "Save As" window that opens, select a folder to save your PDF in. Optionally, enter your PDF's name in the "File Name" field. Then click "Save." Chrome will make a PDF that only contains your mentioned page numbers. You'll find this file in your specified folder. Enjoy! RELATED: How to Delete a Page in Microsoft Word Delete PDF Pages Using Preview on Mac If you're a Mac user, you don't have to install Chrome or Edge to get rid of pages from your PDFs. Simply use the built-in Preview app to perform the task. Start by locating your PDF in Finder, right-clicking it, and choosing Open With > Preview. In the left sidebar on the Preview window, you'll see thumbnails of your PDF pages. Select the pages you'd like to delete and press the Delete button on your keyboard. Tip: If you don't see the PDF pages on the left, in Preview's menu bar, click View > Thumbnails. Then save your revised PDF file by clicking File > Save in Preview's menu bar, and you're done. Want to remove the password from your PDF? If so, it's easy to do that. RELATED: How to Remove a Password From a PDF File

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