Delete pages from pdf adobe dc adobe reader download windows 10 - Weebly

Delete pages from pdf adobe dc adobe reader download windows 10

There are scores of users who have found it challenging to delete pages from PDF with Adobe Acrobat. While Adobe Acrobat is an excellent PDF software, the program is known for being a bit complicated. If you are a novice, there is a high chance that you might struggle to navigate and delete pages from PDF Adobe Acrobat. You may end up deleting the wrong pages or make several errors that may prove costly. This article has prepared you a complete guide on how to delete pages in Adobe Acrobat and its alternative Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor. Delete Pages from PDF with Adobe Acrobat Adobe Acrobat is a popular PDF tinker tool used by plenty of organizations. The program is equipped with many great features that make it easy to work with PDF files. You can use it to create, edit, sign, compress, annotate, and print PDF among others. With Adobe Acrobat, you can remove pages from a PDF file and put them in an existing or a new PDF file, add, and arrange pages as you like. Besides being expensive, users have been complaining that Adobe Acrobat is a bit complicated. Nevertheless, if you have much money to spare, you can pull a trigger and use it to delete pages as follows. Step 1. Right-click the PDF file you want to delete pages and select to open with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Step 2. Once the PDF is loaded on Adobe Acrobat, go to the "Tools" section, and subsequently, choose the "Organize" option. Alternatively, you can hit the "Organize Pages" option on the right pane. Step 3. Hit the page thumbnail of the page or pages you want to remove, then click the "Delete" icon. Step 4. After clicking the "Delete" button, hit "OK" to allow the program to remove the pages from your PDF file. Step 5. After the program has removed the target pages from your PDF file, navigate to the "File" menu then select the "Save As" option. Choose a convenient output folder and then click "Save" to save your PDF file. How to Remove Pages from PDF with Adobe Acrobat Alternative Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor is the best all-in-one PDF software for all types and sizes of organizations. This program is equipped with plenty of powerful features that make the way we interact with PDF files much easier. The excellent processing speed, compatibility with a plethora of devices, affordability, and ease of use makes it an ultimate PDF solution. With PDFelement, you can convert, create, edit, annotate, perform OCR, print, and share PDF files with ease. Step 1. Open PDF File Start by launching PDFelement to access the main window. At the bottom left corner, hit the "Open File" button. The program will direct you to the file explorer window. Here, browse for the PDF file you want to remove its pages and click "Open" to upload it. Step 2. Remove Pages from PDF When the PDF file loads, navigate to the "Page" tab, then click the "Delete" icon from the subsequent submenu. The program will display the "Delete Pages" dialog box. Choose the range of pages you want to remove. Use a comma to separate pages or a hyphen to indicate the range. When you are done with your selections, click "OK" to trigger the deletion process. Step 3. Save PDF Document Once the program has completed deleting the pages you wanted to remove, you need to save the changes. To do so, go to the top right of the window and hit the "Save" icon. Alternatively, you can navigate to File> Save/Save As and save your PDF file. Free Download or Buy PDFelement right now! Free Download or Buy PDFelement right now! Buy PDFelement right now! Buy PDFelement right now! 1 Double-click the PDF to open it in Preview. If it opens in another program instead, such as Adobe Reader, right-click the file, select Open With and then click Preview. 2 Click the View menu. It's in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Advertisement 3 Click Thumbnails on the menu. This displays all of the pages as thumbnails (small images). 4 Select the page(s) you want to delete. If you want to delete more than one page, press and hold the Command key as you click each page. 5 Press the Delete key on the keyboard. If you'd prefer, you can click the Edit menu at the top of the screen and select Delete instead. This removes the selected pages from your PDF.[1] Advertisement 1 Go to in a web browser. This opens SmallPDF's Delete Pages from PDF tool. SmallPDF is a free online tool you can use to quickly remove pages from a PDF. You can use SmallPDF to delete pages from 2 PDFs each day at no cost. If you want unlimited edits, you can get a 7-day free trial, which also allows you to make other changes to PDFs in your web browser. SmallPDF is one of many similar sites that allow you to work with PDF files online at no cost. If you don't like SmallPDF or need to work with more than 2 files per day, you can search the web for "delete pages from pdfs online" to find alternatives. 2 Click CHOOSE FILE. It's at the middle of the page. 3 Select your PDF and click Open. This uploads your file to SmallPDF and displays the pages as thumbnails (small images). 4 Hover your mouse cursor over a page you want to delete. You'll see a few icons appear at the top of the thumbnail image. 5 Click the trash icon on the page. It's at the thumbnail's top-right corner. This removes that page from the file. Repeat this step for all other pages you want to delete. 6 Click APPLY CHANGES. It's the blue-green button at the bottom-right corner. This removes the selected pages and displays a preview. 7 Click Download to save the file. This saves the new version of the PDF to your computer. Advertisement 1 Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat. If you have the paid version of Adobe Acrobat (including Acrobat 2020, Acrobat DC, or Acrobat 2017), you can use it to remove pages from any PDF.[2] If the PDF doesn't open in Acrobat, right-click the file, choose Open with, and then select Acrobat. You could also get a full-featured trial version of Adobe Acrobat, which will cost you nothing at all for 7 days. To get the trial, visit . 2 Click Organize Pages. It's in the right panel (in the secondary toolbar). You'll now see thumbnails (small versions of each page) in the Document area. 3 Select the page you want to delete. Clicking the thumbnail of the page you want to delete will select it. If you want to select multiple pages at once, click the Page Thumbnails button in the left panel to display thumbnails in a panel called "Page Thumbnails." Then, press and hold Ctrl (PC) or Command (Mac) as you click each page you want to delete in that panel. 4 Click the trash icon to delete the selected page(s). If you just selected one page, click the trash icon right next to it. If you selected multiple pages, click the trash icon at the top of the Page Thumbnails panel.[3] Advertisement 1 2 Sign in with your Adobe account. If you don't have an account, click Create an account to sign up now. 3 Click the blue Select files button. It's at the center of the page. 4 Select your PDF and click Open. This uploads your PDF to Adobe's servers and displays it as thumbnails (small images of each page). 5 Select the page(s) you want to delete. To select multiple pages, hover your mouse over each page you want to delete, and then click the checkbox at its upper-left corner. 6 Click the trash icon. It's at the top of the page. This removes the selected pages from the document. 7 Click the Save button. It's at the top-right corner of the page. This saves the PDF file without the deleted pages. Advertisement Add New Question Question In my Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, there is no option for "Print to PDF" in the Print command. What can I do? Just open the file in your internet browser, then click print or Ctrl+ P. In the Destination, chose "Save to PDF", then enter the page numbers you want. Click Save and you're done! Question What should I do if there is no "delete" icon in the thumbnail pane? Then you are using Adobe Reader, which is what most people have for just reading PDFs (not creating them). To delete pages, go to "print to PDF" in the print command. Chose to print only the pages you want to keep. Click print or create PDF. Then the pages will be gone. Ask a Question Advertisement Thanks! Thanks! Advertisement Co-authored by: wikiHow Technology Writer This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Nicole Levine, MFA. Nicole Levine is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. She has more than 20 years of experience creating technical documentation and leading support teams at major web hosting and software companies. Nicole also holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Portland State University and teaches composition, fiction-writing, and zine-making at various institutions. This article has been viewed 2,275,645 times. Co-authors: 18 Updated: June 10, 2022 Views: 2,275,645 Categories: Editing PDF Documents Print Send fan mail to authors Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 2,275,645 times.

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