How to log into minecraft launcher with microsoft account


How to log into minecraft launcher with microsoft account

The Minecraft Launcher now supports both Microsoft and Mojang accounts! That means you're able to play both Minecraft: Java Edition and Minecraft Dungeons from the same place. We expect that there are some questions about these changes so we have put together this list of answers to clear up any confusion. WHAT IS THE UNIFIED MINECRAFT LAUNCHER? Recently, we created a single unified Minecraft launcher from which players can launch both Minecraft: Java Edition and Minecraft Dungeons. The banner you're seeing at the bottom of your game should direct you to the link where you can install this launcher. At the moment, moving to the launcher is entirely voluntary and just meant to be a nice way to begin centralizing your launchers for Minecraft games. HOW CAN I GET THIS NEW UNIFIED LAUNCHER? If you're already running the Minecraft Launcher, the update will download automatically when starting the program. If you currently only have the Minecraft Dungeons Launcher, you can download the new launcher from download. DO I HAVE TO UPGRADE TO THIS NEW LAUNCHER? As of January 18, 2021, the new launcher is required to access Minecraft Dungeons. The old launcher has messaging to let you know that the upgrade is needed. I OWN THE GAME ON THE MICROSOFT STORE. WHERE IS THE LAUNCHER? The launcher is not available for players who purchased the game from the Microsoft Store or are playing through Xbox Game Pass for PC. The launcher is a delivery vehicle for getting the game onto your computer. Since the Microsoft Store handles all downloading, installing, and updating, the launcher is not available. HOW DO I SIGN INTO MY ACCOUNTS? The Minecraft Launcher supports signing into both Microsoft and Mojang accounts. Follow the steps below on how to login for each type of account. Microsoft Account Go to Settings > Accounts > Add Mojang Account. Enter the email address and password associated with your Microsoft account and press Sign In. Mojang Account Go to Settings > Accounts > Add Mojang Account. Enter the email address and password associated with your Mojang account and press Log In. Your active accounts will appear in the Accounts tab of the Settings screen. Clicking on the "... " icon next to each account will allow you to manage the account settings or remove the account from the launcher. HOW DO I SWITCH BETWEEN MY ACCOUNTS TO PLAY MY GAMES? If you own Minecraft: Java Edition on a Mojang Account and Minecraft Dungeons on a Microsoft account, both accounts can be linked to the Minecraft Launcher. However, you will have to switch between the two accounts in order to play one game or the other. From the main launcher screen, click on your profile in the top left portion of the screen, then select your Mojang Account or Microsoft Account. WHAT HAPPENS TO MY CURRENT SAVE FILES FOR MINECRAFT DUNGEONS? Save files remain unaffected by this, as the launcher reads the same location for the save files. If you have a save file via the Dungeons Launcher, you will be able to continue to play with the regular Unified Launcher (or vice versa). If you uninstall the launcher, DO NOT check the Remove Save Files checkbox, otherwise your save files will be removed. If you would like to create backups of your save files, please refer to this article on backing up save files for a full walkthrough of how to do so. DOES THIS AUTOMATICALLY GIVE ME ACCESS TO BOTH GAMES? No, the games still must be purchased separately. IS THE UNIFIED LAUNCHER ALSO ON MAC AND LINUX? While the updated launcher is available for players on Mac and Linux, Minecraft Dungeons is unfortunately not playable on those devices. Last Updated - 2021-05-15 15:57:44 UTC Was this article helpful? To install and play packs on ATLauncher, you need to add in your Minecraft account to the launcher. This must be a Java edition of Minecraft, and you cannot use a Windows 10, bedrock or trial edition of Minecraft to use ATLauncher. If you do not have a paid for Java Minecraft account, you can buy one here. ATLauncher doesn't work for cracked/free accounts. If you're worried about entering your login information into ATLauncher, we're completely open source and our code is all available on GitHub for all to see. If you've purchased Minecraft before the 1st of December, 2020, you'll have a Mojang account (unless you've migrated). In this case, you can login using your username/email and password as below: For accounts purchased after 1st of December, 2020, they're associated with your Microsoft account. You can login to your account by clicking the Login with Microsoft button. Clicking this will open your web browser to complete the login process with Microsoft: Hello, I recently purchased a new minecraft account for the Java edition of minecraft. Brand new profile, however i purchased it on the minecraft site through my Microsoft account. Technically, this is not recognized as a Mojang account, as the only way for me to sign into my account on their site or the launcher is by hitting that "Sign in through Microsoft" button. When trying to sign into the Technic Launcher, the only option is to use a Mojang account email and password, and when i put in my minecraft account username and password or my microsoft login, neither work. I spent hours looking online for a way to resolve this, and the only advice i found was to verify my email directly on the minecraft site. Upon trying to, I found there was no button to do so. No option, because I had signed in through my microsoft account, and my email is verified for that. With no verify email button, I can't receive password reset emails for the minecraft account so I can't change it and try again. Any advice at all on how I can fix this would be extremely helpful, I just wanna play some modded minecraft. You can't perform that action at this time. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. If multiple Minecraft usernames log in via the same computer user account, they will be able to access each others' saved worlds. You can change this, though it requires a bit of advanced setup. To keep things clear, the following three terms are used: Minecraft username - This is the name of your Minecraft character that your account uses. Computer user account - This is the computer account that you log into when you start up your computer. Minecraft launcher configuration- You can make Minecraft run with different settings or in different versions by using different configurations, accessible from the Minecraft launcher (before you press Play). By default, most users will have a single configuration called "Latest Release", but you may set up any number of configurations. Windows (Java Edition) You can have Minecraft create world saves and player data in a different location than the default. If you do, you will not see the worlds of others who use the same computer. To edit create a new launcher configuration: Run Minecraft Go to "Launch options" and click "Add new" Switch on the "Game directory" option, then specify a different file path (for example, C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft to C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft2) Click "Save" Windows 10 Edition Besides changing the file path, you can also just create a different computer user account. Click the Start button, click Settings (cogwheel), go to Accounts, and then press Other Users. Click Add someone else to this PC and fill in their information. You can choose to create a user with a Microsoft account or make a local user without an account. Do not use an exclamation mark or Minecraft will not run For more information, please visit the Windows help site at You need to be an administrator to create a new account. The procedure of adding new users to the computer can be different depending on the distribution and administration settings. Please refer to your operating system documentation for details on how to create a user profile. Last Updated - 2021-05-15 08:15:56 UTC Was this article helpful?

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