How to reset comcast motorola cable box


How to reset comcast motorola cable box

May 23, 2015 Order Reprints Print Article These reports, excerpted and edited by Barron's, were issued recently by investment and research firms. Many may be obtained through Thomson Reuters at financial or 800-638-8241. They are also available in the company-research area of , or through . Some of the reports' issuers have provided, or hope to provide, investment-banking or other services to the companies being analyzed. Comcast ? CMCSA-Nasdaq Outperform ? Price $57.26 on May 19 by Barclays Comcast, one of the largest and fastest-growing media companies, is bigger than the next three cable operators combined, and is the only vertically integrated/diversified media play. Despite the above, and the fact that its Ebitda is 60% larger than Disney's, Comcast's enterprise value is smaller than Disney's. While this is driven in part by concerns around regulation and cable M&A dynamics, we believe the valuation of Comcast's cable business at present is similar to that of newspaper businesses at six times Ebitda, which in our view offers an attractive opportunity. Therefore, we reinstate our rating at Overweight. Video distribution could be at an inflection for the company: While there is a secular shift in market share toward cable (away from satellite), we believe Comcast's technology is likely to make this shift more sustainable than it will be for other cable operators. Comcast's X1 platform, with its interactive high-volume capabilities, could add more than 150 basis points [1.5 percentage points] to its cable top-line growth because it offers more operating leverage than cable businesses typically have. This technology is also likely, over time, to blur the boundary between offline and online content, which has larger implications for the ecosystem. Our price target: $68. Medtronic ? MDT-NYSE Buy ? Price $78.44 on May 19 by Needham The medical technology company's fiscal fourth-quarter 2015 revenue beat consensus significantly despite a greater-than- expected currency head wind. Its pro forma growth increased to 7% CC [in constant currency] from 5% CC in third-quarter 2015. The increase was driven by contributions from new products and solid growth from Covidien, a medical technology company it acquired in January. Medtronic expects fourth-quarter 2015 EPS to be in the upper half of its prior guidance range of $1.08 to $1.13, and we expect management to provide 2016 guidance during its fourth-quarter 2015 conference call on June 2. We expect strong revenue growth combined with the expected Covidien cost synergies to sustain double-digit EPS growth over the next few years. And with the company's shares trading at a discount to peers' despite the above-average growth profile, we reiterate our Buy rating. Our price target of $90 is raised from $87. Micron Technology ? MU-Nasdaq Buy ? Price $26.31 on May 19 by Deutsche Bank Micron makes semiconductors, including DRAM, or dynamic random access memory chips, used largely in PCs and servers. We are lowering our estimates to reflect continued PC sales weakness; however, we believe this estimate cut is likely the last before demand strengthens in the back half of the year. We also acknowledge that the drop in the price of DRAM is larger than we expected, but we also believe that the move downward is partly priced into the stock, and we therefore see favorable risk-reward for owning the shares. As such, we maintain our Buy rating. Our price target of $32 (down from $34) is based on a consistent 8.5 times our calendar 2016 estimated EPS, implying a free cash multiple of about 14 times. Ashland ? ASH-NYSE Outperform ? Price $128 on May 19 by Credit Suisse We were recently on the road with the chemicals manufacturer, and we remain convinced that the company remains on track, with cash likely to be returned to shareholders in a meaningful way and portfolio management continuing to contribute to growth while business trends remain mixed. With all this we reiterate our rating and raise our 12-month price target to $167 (from $145) based on our new sum-of-the-parts analysis. In line with management's guidance from their second-quarter call and on order to reflect changes in foreign-exchange rates and oil prices, we are modestly adjusting our EPS estimates lower as follows: For 2015 the estimate went to $6.97 from $7.06; for 2016 to $8.42 from $8.65; and for 2017 to $9.63 from $9.88. However, we believe there may be upside to these estimates (Ashland management has developed a consistent track record of beating guidance). Urban Outfitters ? URBN-Nasdaq Hold ? Price $40.72 on May 18 by Maxim Group The specialty retailer and wholesaler missed--reporting firstquarter EPS of 25 cents, versus our estimate of 30 cents (which was also the consensus estimate). The reported EPS also fell short of the 26 cents in the first quarter of last year. We are therefore reducing our 2016 EPS estimate to $1.78, from $2.01. Our 12-month target price is set at $32. Consolidated comparable-store sales were up 4%, slightly below our 5% estimate. Comps for the company's Anthropologie line of stores was surprisingly low, at only 1%. This compares with our estimate of a 5% comp for the division. To be considered for this section, material should be sent to Research@. By Brandy Burgess Cable boxes are provided to customers by television service providers. The cable box picks up a digital signal issued by the cable provider, allowing you to enjoy television programming in your home. Occasionally, a cable box must be reset. Sporadic freezing of the television screen is the most common cable box problem, which can typically be fixed without a visit from a cable technician. Resetting the cable box may be necessary to resolve such minor issues. Turn off the cable box using the power button located on the front of the device. The light on the front of the device will turn off. Unplug the attached power cord from the surge protector or electrical outlet. Leave the cable box unplugged for a minimum of 30 seconds. Plug the power cord attached to the cable box back into the surge protector or electrical outlet. Press the power button to turn the device on. Wait several minutes for the cable box to reconnect to the signal provided by the cable service provider. Once a connection is made, the television should return to normal programming. Turn off the cable box using the power button located on the front of the device. The power button on the remote control can also be used to power off the cable box. Press the "Enter" button on the remote control immediately after powering off the cable box. This should pull up a diagnostic screen on the television. Locate the information in the diagnostic box that provides the In-band and Out-of-Band SNRs. If the cable box signal is working properly, the diagnostic screen should read "Good." Contact your cable service provider and speak to a technical assistance technician. If neither the power cycle or signal strength check solves the problem, a cable technician may need to remotely reset your cable box or schedule a home visit. By Melanie Jo Triebel Cable boxes, also referred to as set-top boxes, have become very much a part of the modern complex and expansive television viewing system. Customers who select limited or basic cable services from Comcast, however, may wonder whether they too are required to use these boxes. For you, whether a cable box or other device is needed depends upon a number of factors, including the type of plan selected, the type of television used and your location. Comcast limited cable, also called limited basic cable, is cable television offering a small selection of channels. Comcast's limited basic cable service includes local broadcast stations,as well as government channels and educational channels. Comcast's expanded basic cable, by contrast, offers these same channels but also offers other channels totaling 30 to 50 channels overall. Comcast cable boxes enable you to access the company's digital cable service. Comcast's cable boxes also allow you to access on-demand, pay-per-view, and Comcast's interactive programming guide. Not only is a cable box not required for Comcast limited basic cable, you actually must purchase an XFinity digital cable package to obtain a cable box. The simplest way to receive Comcast's digital cable without a cable box is to use a Comcast digital CableCARD. CableCARDs can be used with a television that can receive digital signals. CableCARDs are about the size of a credit card. If you choose to purchase Comcast limited cable without a CableCARD, the results will vary depending on the type of television you use. If your television has a digital QAM tuner, you'll still be able to watch limited basic channels. If not, however, you may lose access to these channels if Comcast has already migrated to digital format in your area. In some areas, Comcast is leaving the limited basic channels in non-digital format, in which case you'll still have access to your channels.

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