How to reset cable box comcast


How to reset cable box comcast

provides a webmail service through its Xfinity cable and phone subscription packages. Xfinity subscribers can create up to seven Comcast webmail addresses with each account. If you cancel your subscription you can retain these email addresses provided you access your inbox at least once every nine months.How to Login to your Comcast Email AccountAccess your email using a web browser. To login go to my.. Next, click the menu icon and select the Email link in the dropdown menu.On the sign in screen type in your Xfinity username and cast Xfinity Primary and Secondary UsernamesIf you have subscribed to Xfinity Internet services your primary username was created for you when you registered. The primary username is the administrative user for your account and you can use it to create up to six further usernames so family members can also use your account. These additional identities are called secondary usernames.If you don't have a username set up then use the Xfinity Lookup Tool to create a new primary username. You'll find a link to this at the bottom of the login form, labelled "Don't have a username? Create One".Your username forms the first part of your email address, e.g. username@.Signing into Your Comcast MailboxLogin to your account by providing either your username, email address or mobile number. Then type in the password. You may also be asked to type in a random letter sequence to prove you are a genuine user and not a robot or other automated tool.Provided your login details are correct, the next screen allows you to switch between your mail inbox and your voice and text messages, if you have those services enabled.How to Recover a Forgotten Comcast UsernameIf you have problems signing in or can't remember your username or password then click on one of the links labelled, "Forgot username or password?", below the Sign In button.If you have forgotten your username you will be asked for your mobile phone number, or your Xfinity account number, or your social security number as another means of identification.Provide one of these items and click Continue. Then type in the letter sequence you see on the screen and your username will be displayed.How to Reset your Comcast PasswordIf you have forgotten your password you will need to reset it. Click on the password link below the Sign In button. Supply your username and click the Continue button.Now you will need to provide your recovery email address. This will either be your main address or a personal email address you have set up for the account.A special email will be sent to this address that contains a link you will need to click to reset your password. Clicking the link will take you to a page in your web browser where you can select your new password.Now you can go back to the main login screen and enter your new details to gain access to your email and other services.Automatic Email ForwardingYou can set up your mailbox to automatically forward email you receive to another email address. To set up email forwarding follow these steps:Log in to your Xfinity account as described above.Go to your Comcast inbox by clicking the small envelope icon at the top right of the page.To access your inbox settings click the small gear cog icon at the top right of the screen and select Settings from the drop down menu.In the Mail section of the Settings menu, click Auto Forward.Tick the box labelled Enable Mail Forwarding.Type in the email address where you would like your mail to be forwarded to.You can also choose between saving a copy of email in your Comcast mailbox or deleting it once it has been forwarded to the email address you selected.Useful Links 1 Connect the "Cable In/RF In" connection to the cable wall outlet. Use a coaxial cable to make this connection, ensure that there is a little slack in the cable so that there is no tension on the connectors. 2 Connect the "HDMI to TV" port on the cable box to the HDMI port on your TV. You can use the HDMI cable that came with the box, or any other HDMI cable. Make note of the HDMI port that you use on your TV so that you can easily switch to it later. Many Comcast cable boxes have multiple HDMI ports. Make sure you're using the HDMI Out port on the box and not the HDMI Input ports. If you don't have an HDMI port on your TV, you can use a coax cable to connect the "To TV/RF Out" port to your TV's coax port. This will not result in high definition image. Advertisement 3 Connect the power adapter to the wall outlet. Plug it in to the Power connector on the back of the box. 4 Switch your TV to the correct input. If you connected the box to an HDMI port on your TV, switch to the HDMI input that matches that port. If you connected the box using coax cable, switch to channel 3 or 4. 5 Connect any additional digital adapters. If you have multiple TVs and have active coax outlets, you can use digital adapters to connect your cable to additional TVs. Each adapter will need its own coax wall outlet. Connecting a digital adapter is pretty much the same as a regular cable box. Use a coax cable to attach it to the wall outlet, and HDMI or coax cable to connect the adapter to the TV, and then connect the power adapter. Make sure all of your digital adapters are connected and powered on before starting the activation process. Advertisement 1 Turn on the cable box. If you cable box has a Power button, press it to turn it on. Some cable boxes will take up to 20 minutes to warm up for the first time. 2 Activate on the Comcast website. The quickest way to activate your box is to visit the Comcast Activation site:[1] Visit activate. Enter your account number and phone number. Wait while your cable box is activated. This may take 20 minutes or so to complete. 3 Activate by calling Comcast. If the online activation service isn't working, you can activate over the phone: Have your account number and cable box serial number handy. If you have digital adapters, have the serial numbers for those ready as well. Call 1-855-OK-BEGIN (1-855-652-3446). Enter the requested numbers when prompted, including the telephone number associated with the account. Wait for your cable box to activate. This may take up to 20 minutes. 4 Activate using the on-screen menu (X1 only in select markets). If you're using a newer X1 box and you are in a market that supports it, you may be able to activate using the on-screen menu:[2] Make sure the TV is set to the X1's input. You should see the X1 startup screen. Select your language and wait while the X1 starts up. The initial startup time may take a while to complete, and the X1 may have to download updates. Enter the information required to verify your account. This may be your whole phone number, the last four digits, or the account number. Select a name for your X1 box and then wait while it activates. This may take another 20 minutes or so to complete. Advertisement 1 Avoid purchasing used cable boxes. All Comcast cable boxes are property of Comcast, and none are authorized for sale by other people. If you purchased a cable box from eBay, Craigslist, or any other re-seller, Comcast will not activate it because it is actually an un-returned rental. You should only get cable boxes directly from Comcast for new service, replacements, or additions. Don't believe any listing or review claiming to have Comcast TV cable boxes for sale. They will not activate, and are most likely stolen. 2 Check your connections. A weak connection to your wall coax outlet or to the box itself could be causing your activation issues. Make sure the coax cable is tightened snugly at both ends. 3 Schedule a service visit. Sometimes bad or old wiring may be causing a failure to activate or receive signal. Old equipment like amplifiers, boosters, and splitters from previous installations may also be causing the problem. If this is the case, you'll need a Comcast technician to come inspect and fix the lines.[3] If the problem is with your Comcast equipment or the lines leading to your house or apartment, you likely won't need to pay. If the problem is with the wiring in your home, you may need to pay to have it rewired. 4 Activate your new equipment quickly. Comcast recommends activating equipment within seven days of the date of the order. Waiting too long may cause the order processing system to interfere with the activation.[4] 5 Contact Comcast if you receive error code RDK-03007. This error code is related to your account billing, and you'll need to contact Comcast to verify your billing information and payment status.[5] Advertisement Add New Question Question I would like captions on the screen. How do I do it? Press the menu button on your remote, then go to Set Up. Click the Captions tab and click CC or Closed Captioning. Question How do I connect to the internet? Go to your settings and select the "WiFi" tab. Then select your network and enter your password. Question When I move, should I take my cable boxes to the new house? Contact your service provider. They need to activate your new house and may want to install the old cable boxes or give you new ones. Question The cable box will not come on! What can I do? Make sure it is turned on. You will be able to tell if it's turned on if there is a button on the front of the cable box then the ring around the button should be lit up blue or some other color. Make sure that the cable box has some kind of power source and is plugged in with the right cables and done properly. Question Why is my box flashing green? When the box is flashing green, that means that the power cord and coax cable are not tightly connected at both ends. Question I have connected everything, but I only get "Welcome. Powering up may take a few minutes." What can I do? Unplug it from the power source. Reset your remote by holding Set Up until the light blinks green, enter 9-8-1 and follow the prompts. Question How do I get the remote to work with the box? Each box and remote is different. Check the manual that came with the remote. Question How can I find out the IP and mac address of my cable box? Look at the back of the cable box, and there you will see a small white sticker which indicates the mac address or C mac ID. Question Will I have to pay additional charges to Comcast if I moved my cable box to another TV in my home? No. You are charged per cable box; it doesn't matter which TV you attach it to. Be aware, though, that the connection (coax or hdmi) may be different, and if you connect an HD box to an older, non-HD TV, you won't get the full HD clarity. Question What do I do if it says one moment please on my Comcast box but it never works? If that's the error message you're seeing constantly on the TV screen, then the best thing to do to resolve that is to call the Comcast customer support. They'll be able to send signals to the box and everything will be fine. Show more answers Ask a Question Advertisement Thanks! Advertisement This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. This article has been viewed 571,157 times. Co-authors: 16 Updated: August 10, 2021 Views: 571,157 Categories: Television Print Send fan mail to authors Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 571,157 times.

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