How to reset comcast remote to cable box


How to reset comcast remote to cable box

Sometimes, most remote controls develop strange behaviors which need a hard reset to clear up. So in this post, we show you how to reset Xfinity remote XR2 back to its factory default state. If you reset the XR2 though, keep in mind that this remote may not work afterwards until you reprogram it. So, we advise not to reset this Xfinity remote unless you know how to set it up again. The Reset Xfinity remote XR2 process may fix many problems. For example: Key presses not working. Stuck-on lights. Keys sending the wrong commands The channel UP DOWN buttons change volume wrongly. Pressing the SAT key switches the remote to DVD player mode instead of the SAT mode. Static charge snaps when you pick up the remote, may change some of the settings. Static can raise these errors. Also, almost-dead batteries may change the remote's programming. Xfinity remotes are not immune to these mishaps. And, they will not fix themselves until you reset the remote to its default state. Then, program it again from scratch. Comcast Xfinity XR2 Version U2 Remote Control, Front View Reset Xfinity Remote XR2 Cautions and Warnings However, before resetting, make sure you have the remote's set up instructions The XR2 has them printed on the back. Also, gather up the make and model numbers of your equipment. That is, get them for your cable box, DVR, TV, and any other device you control with this remote. You'll need this info to reprogram the remote after the reset. Finally, put new batteries in. Make sure that you're working with a fresh set of batteries before reset. You don't want them to go dead during the reset. Why? Because fading batteries during reset could brick the remote, and render it forever broken. How to Reset Xfinity Remote XR2 X11 Remote Control First, place the remote into Setup mode. Press the Setup button until the LED at the top of the remote changes from red to green. Then, Enter the factory reset code. Press the digits 9-8-1. This starts the reset action. Then, the reset completes. The LED blinks green two times, to confirm that the remote finished the reset. Done! Reset is done, and the remote is now ready for set up. References for Reset Xfinity Remote XR2 Revision History 2019-07-23: Tuned the targeting for `Reset Xfinity Remote XR2', removed ad code, and added more links and tags. 2018-03-26: Revised post title and content. 2017-02-04: Originally published. [BruceEmmerling/Pixabay] Comcast is one of America's largest cable TV providers, most recently ranked as 3rd largest in the nation (in numbers of subscribers) behind AT&T and Charter Communications. The media company offers a multitude of cable TV channels to customers based on varying cable TV packages. Cable TV Cable TV has been the warm comfort visual medium for Americans for over 20 years. Cable TV is made available to customers via a cable box that hooks up to a television set and provides a number of channels depending on the cable TV package chosen. Most of the major industry providers today offer more than just cable TV packages. More frequently, these media companies provide phone services, Internet service, cable TV, or a bundle of all of these services. Comcast Cable TV Service Comcast currently offers (winter 2019) the following three cable TV packages under its InfinityX brand: BASIC CABLE ($20/mo) -This basic cable package gives customers these basic channels below in this package, along with local cable access, government, and educational channels. ABC BYUtv CBS CNBC C-SPAN C-SPAN 2 CW Discovery EVINE Live FOX Galavision History HSN HSN2 INSP Jewelry TV NBC PBS QVC Travel Channel TV Land EXTRA CABLE ($60/mo) ? This next cable channel package offers the main network channels and more than 125 cable channels, including ESPN, C-SPAN, and others. PREFERRED CABLE ($80/mo) ? Comcast's premium cable TV package is Preferred Cable, which offers the main network channels and more than 200 other cable channels, including niche interest channels like Food Network, Speed (cars) and more. Prices and available channels vary across the regions of the United States. Bundled Packages Comcast customers can also purchase bundled packages for phone, Internet, and cable service, all in a single payment. These bundled packages also offer Comcasts's Xfinity on Demand streaming service, which allows customers to stream Xfinity titles onto a range of personal electronic devices. These bundled packages vary in price across the US, but here are the general details for the Chicago, IL market: Digital Starter TV DIGITAL STARTER TV: $60/mo. for 1 year. Includes over 125 digital channels, such as The History Channel, Fox Sports, and MSBNC. This package also has the Xfinity on Demand service (movies/TV titles on demand) and Xfinity Streaming access on TV, phone, laptop, or tablet. X1 Starter Pro Double Play X1 STARTER PRO DOUBLE PLAY: $75/mo. for the first 24 months of a 2 yr. agreement. Includes more than 125 digital channels, and Internet access with speeds up to 500 mbps. Plus, free access to millions of wifi hotspots. X1 Preferred Triple Play X1 PREFERRED TRIPLE PLAY: $110/mo. for the first 24 months of a 2 yr. agreement. Online orders only. This package includes unlimited nationwide talk and text, more than 200 digital channels, and Internet access with speeds up to 500 mbps. Plus, free access to millions of wifi hotspots. Comcast Growth Cable companies have been faced with declining home cable TV subscriptions in recent years. Because of this, traditional cable TV operators have had to advance forward with mergers, acquisitions, or launching new streaming services, or risk being left behind. The recent growth in streaming companies like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and others helped motivate Comcast to purchase the UK's SKY TV for $40 billion in 2018. In the deal, Comcast gains more subscribers, more content and more international reach. MORE FROM RobotPoweredHome is reader-supported. When you buy through links on my blog, I may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.I've used the Xfinity X1 Entertainment platform for quite some time now. I've been pretty happy with it, except when the remote has unresponsive buttons.At first, I tried replacing the batteries, but that proved to be ineffective in many situations. I did quite a bit of research to figure out how to fix my Xfinity remote.Finally, I came across Reset instructions, which helped me take care of my remote. For Xfinity Remotes that have a Setup button; press it, then input 9-8-1 to reset the remote.For the Xfinity remotes that don't have the setup button, press and hold the A and D buttons, followed by pressing 9-8-1 to reset the remote.Resync vs Reset on the Xfinity RemoteAn Xfinity remote can be synchronized with an Xfinity box to manage the TV from up to a distance of 50 feet.If you have paired the Xfinity remote with an Xfinity box, and you want to pair the remote with a different Xfinity box, you will have to resync the remote.For that, you should first unpair your remote from the currently connected TV and then pair it to the new TV. To Pair your Xfinity remote to your TV, you can either press the Microphone button and use the voice command "Program Remote".Then, you have to follow the steps shown on the TV screen to pair with your TV.As an alternative, you can press the A button on your remote, choose the Remote Settings option, and then follow the steps shown on the screen.You can make other changes like volume, contrast, resolution, etc., once the pairing process has been completed.Resetting your remote means that all the settings that you had made till then would be lost. It is equivalent to having a brand new remote in your hands.The TV to which you had previously paired your Xfinity remote will not recognize it anymore. You will have to do the pairing process again from scratch.When Should You Reset your Xfinity Remote?When the buttons stop working and changing the batteries in your Xfinity Remote prove to be futile, as a last resort, you can factory reset your remote.When you factory reset your remote, the remote will return it to how it was when you purchased it from a seller.You'll have to pair it and set it up again from the beginning. You can also reset your remote if you are unable to unpair your Xfinity remote from your TV. This is because resetting your remote unpairs your remote from the TV. But the catch is that you will lose all settings made till then with the resetting process.Troubleshoot Unresponsive Remote ButtonsTroubleshooting refers to pressing the buttons on your Xfinity remote to check if it's working.When you press an unresponsive button on your remote, two cases may occur:The LED doesn't blink.The LED blinks red five times.The first case means that there is some issue with the batteries. The second means that the batteries are about to die.Both these cases have the same solution ? replace the battery. If the buttons still do not work, you are left with no other choice but to opt for a factory reset. Factory Reset the Xfinity Remote with a Setup ButtonYou can follow these steps to reset an XR11, XR2, or XR5 Remote, which has an inbuilt Setup button:Press and hold the Setup button. In about 5 seconds, the color of the LED on the remote will turn green from red.Press 9-8-1. You will see that the LED will blink twice in green color. Now, your remote has been reset.Factory Reset the Xfinity Remote without a Setup Button (XR15)You can follow these steps to reset an XR15 Remote which comes without a Setup button:Press and hold the A and the D buttons at the same time. The color of the LED on the remote will turn green from red.Press 9-8-1. You will see that the LED will blink twice in green color. Now, your remote has been reset.Some Final Pointers To Reset Your Xfinity Remote to Troubleshoot IssuesIf you encounter unresponsive buttons in an Xfinity remote, first, troubleshoot the buttons to check their cause.If the issue is with the remote batteries, switch them and try again.If that doesn't work, then you may opt for resetting the remote. Before resetting, check whether your remote has the Setup button or not.Once you have determined that, you can reset accordingly. Just a reminder, resetting your Xfinity remote is not an easy way out. You will lose all of your stored data and settings once you reset it.So make sure that you have evaluated and implemented all other options before resorting to the reset option.If you've tried every option there is and want to see what else is on the market, don't forget to go through Xfinity Early Termination Procedure to avoid Late Fees.You May Also Enjoy Reading:Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat are the ABCD buttons on my Xfinity Remote?Each of the ABCD buttons provides unique functionality. The A button will show you the Help menu.The B button will take you directly to the Accessibility Settings screen. The C button will start the Sports app. You will be able to see match scores, even while watching TV. The D button will delete a DVR recording, cancel a scheduled recording or clear your Last Watched history.How do I unzoom my picture on my Xfinity Remote?Go to Xfinity > Device Settings > Video display > Video Output Resolution. Choose any resolution, and you will see an option to change the Zoom between None and Full.Select None to zoom out of your picture.Why is my Xfinity remote light red?If the LED on your Xfinity remote blinks red five times when any button is pressed, this means that the remote batteries are very low and should be replaced.

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