A G E N D A - StFX


Students’ Union Representative Council

January 10, 2010

Students’ Union Council Chambers

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Opening Remarks of the Chair of Council

4. Review of Minutes from Last Meeting

5. Business Arising

6. Constituency Reports

7. Executive reports

• President, Mr. Sandy MacIntosh

• VP Executive, Ms. Sheryl MacAulay

• VP Finance, Mr. Pat McAloon

• VP Activities and Events, Mr. Aaron Flynn

• VP Communications, Ms. Sarah Furey

• VP Student Relations, Ms. Alex Gosselin

• VP Union Services, Ms. Alexa Minichiello

• VP Campus Police, Mr. Rory Campbell

8. Review of Strategic Plan

9. Faculty Representative’s Remarks

10. Student’s Union Administrator’s Remarks

11. Report of Committees

• Standing Committees

12. Special Reports

• Update on Administration-Faculty Negotiations (Dr. Sean Riley)

13. Unfinished Business

• CP Manual (Dave)

14. New Business

• Election Bylaws (Sheryl)

• Inn Upgrades (Sandy)

• Lead Web Developer Terms of Reference (Sandy)

• Donations Requests (Pat)

o Ringette

o Surfing

• Society Ratifications (Sandy)

15. Closing Remarks of the Chair of Council

16. Adjournment


Executive Report

January 11th, 2010

Sandy MacIntosh – President

StFX Students’ Union

“The Snuggie keeps you totally warm and gives you the freedom to use your hands!”

-Snuggie Commercial

Acadian Lines

Over the holidays Julieanne Mattie (Students’ Union Accounts Coordinator) helped increase the number of buses available for traveling students. Over 200 students signed up to be on extra buses and this seemed to work very smoothly for transporting students home for the holidays. In the future we hope to help with the same type of service around Spring Break and April exams. We are also looking into helping manage the flow of students who are returning to StFX after the holidays.


Our first ANSSA Board meeting of the year will take place on Thursday, January 14th. Following this meeting, we will have a meeting with Premier Darrell Dexter and Minister of Education Marilyn More. At this meeting we will discuss ANSSA’s priorities for the year and where we would like to see funding for post-secondary education.

Atlantic Canada Student Summit

As was proposed to take place back in November and was canceled, the Atlantic Canada Student Summit will take place at StFX on January 29th, 2010. This summit will involve student leaders from across the Atlantic provinces along with business men and women from the public and private sectors. Topics to be covered will be: Investing for Sustainable Growth, Creating Opportunities and Choices for People, and Freeing Businesses to Grow and Succeed. Peter MacKay will be hosting this summit which is put on by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. I have been working closely with ACOA and am trying to get as many StFX student involved as possible.


The Bloomfield deal is in its final stages and there are only just a very few small details to work out before it is all done. By the time this Council meeting happens I expect everything to be signed off on and operating smoothly.

Faculty Negotiations

I have been in contact with a number of people regarding the faculty negotiations over the past few months and I am now keeping a very close eye on things. Sheryl and I met with Academic Vice President Mary McGillivray and Dean of Education Jeff Orr over the break to discuss things and what we may expect in the future. Currently the University and the StFX Atlantic University Teachers (AUT) have together filed for conciliation to the province. This means that the province will now attempt to act as a middleman to help the negotiations and hopefully resolve everything. This process is likely to start in mid January and I will keep Council posted on information given.

The AUT called for a strike authorization vote in late November and it was voted in favor of. However, this does not necessarily mean there will be a strike. This simply gives the AUT the ability to call a strike. As the conciliation process starts we are in hopes that an agreement will be met. If not then it will be back to negotiations as usual for the two parties.

Happy New Year

I hope the winter break was fantastic to everyone and I wish you all the best in 2010!


“If you have no will to change it, you have no will to criticize.” – anon.

From the Office of the Vice President Executive

Sheryl MacAulay

Council Executive Report

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Senate Update

- There has not been a Senate meeting since last Council

- Have met with Senate Steering to set next week’s agenda

- Student Senators will be looking to amend the registrar’s proposed timetable for next year to have December 3rd, X-Ring Day as a half day of classes.

- Next University Senate meeting scheduled for January 18th.

Committee Work

Facility Development Committee – I have an update about the Student Faculty forum and ways it could be improved in the future. I also suggested to the committee organizing a student/faculty trivia night as a way of engaging students and professors in a less formal environment.

Other items committee discussed were as follows:

- Brown Bag Lunches; Faculty Mentoring Program; FDC Meeting with OTA in regards to submissions to the AAU for the Distinguished Awards and Instructional Leadership Awards

- Please see me if you would like more details on the agenda items

Office Projects

-Planning a “Union 101” Session for anyone who is interested in understanding the Students’ Union inner-workings. Presentations will be done by Sandy and I. The exec team will be there to answer questions about their specific positions.

- I encourage anyone who is interested in applying/running for a Students’ Union position to attend!

- Taking place the evening of Tuesday January 26th, Time TBA – stay tuned for more.

Team Management

- Asked Exec team to prepare a document of necessary changes/structure to their position to ensure efficiency in their role. These changes will be discussed as an executive and agreed changes will be compiled into one document to present to incoming Pres/VP. It will also be used as a tool when setting next years budget.

- I am in the process of setting new one on one times with the team and sub-execs

- The team is compiling their Winter Plans

Equity Advocate

- Set semester priorities – will be focusing on extending diversity trainging and positive space to the more general public.

- Is mobilizing the Equity reps to gain student perspective on major Equity issues on campus

- Working on Project with reps “What I love about X Wall” – ways to promote a positive attitude/spirit at X

Christmas Break

- studied for a few exams here and there early in the month

- ate a lot of turkey... and food in general.

- played in a charity soccer tournament. My team lost terribly, but I won a BPA free water bottle in the door prize draw.

Announcements and Updates

- Welcome to a new DECADE! I am looking forward to working with you fine ladies and gents for another great semester.


December Executive Report

From the office of the Vice President Finance

Clothing Store

• Christmas sales exceeded expectations

• Great job by all staff

In Office

• Cleaned up all outstanding invoices prior to the break

• Paid all honorariums

Christmas Break

• Averaged 12 hours of sleep each day

• Averaged 1.5 hours of gym time each day

• Spent a large amount of time on the couch

• Consumed a large amount of excellent food that cannot be replicated in my kitchen.

• Flights were not delayed and bags were not lost.

VP Activities & Events – Aaron Flynn

January, 2009 Executive Report

• A new year begins with lots of phone calls and e mails to secure second term talent for a major event, and our new BAR! I’ll keep you guys updated on the happenings.

• The Activities office has successfully ended first term with positive finances. First term and made a LOT of money from XRing, and X Mas Ball events. This money will be used to host various events at the Inn, as well as allow us to bring in bigger acts for our second major concert!

• Joel Plaskett is this Friday at the Inn….Be there…and if your like me reading this in council…I hope you enjoyed the show!

• Sandy and I have been working hard to update the INN’s look and feel, Sandy will be presenting our proposal at tonight’s meeting.

• That’s all for now…any questions you know where to find me!

“Let's go make some history………Before we fall apart”

-Joel Plaskett-

[pic]Vice President of Communications

Sarah Furey

Council Report January 7th, 2010

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”

• Server Update

o We have access to a server located here on campus! Wahooo!!! This is a big celebration my friends! (:

o We will discontinue our rental of the webdynamics server in Calgary

• Election System

o The new election system is complete and ready to be hosted on our local production sever.

o Dave Mattie and Alex Dorward will set up a test election and we will need your help.

o vote.theu.ca -> will be the url. Not active yet.

• TheU.ca

o I was in the office until December 20th working on this project. Web development is tough.

o Met with Dave Mattie to discuss the progression. He is confident in launching on Friday, Januaray 15th. As long as there are no major blips. I should have a screen shot for you to review by Sunday

• X-Talk

o Will launch with the new website.

• Academic Computing Committee

o I have been appointed to a sub committee to discuss Moodle.

• Election

o Promotions for the election are in movement.

o Chris Baxter, Marketing Manager has a good handle on plans for this event.

o We have decided to try and influence students to be educated and informed then exercise their right to vote.

o I am creating an election facebook group which will be used as a means of communication and not campaigning.


• The Inn Marketing Team

o Edmudon Gurza is hired as the newest member of the team and is excited about putting together a new site for The Inn. I will meet with him on Tuesday.

• The Inn Logo

o Andrew Doiron has been drafting potential Inn logo ideas. Stop by my office to see them.

• The Inn

▪ Pump up The Inn. It’s the place to be.

▪ You own The Inn. See you there.

January Council Report

Vice President Student Relations: Alex Gosselin

“It’s not who you know it’s what you know”

Hello Everyone,

I hope you had a great break and are off to a happy new year! The Student Relations Office is off to a running start this semester and has a lot of stuff on the go.

January Training

January training is scheduled for next week January 16th from 10:00 am to 4: 30 pm. The schedule is as follows:

For those who are not familiar with the purpose of January training it is essentially an opportunity for the House Council executives to be reacquainted and reengaged. Second semester is usually a stressful period for students and thus training is necessary to instill the excitement of working for the Union in these great leaders. I will be hosting some sessions on helping them develop their 3 month plans as well as a timeline to deal with issues surrounding House Rivalries. Off Campus Leaders will also be present at the sessions and I hope to have the Off Campus Councilors engaged as well. There will also be a session put on by the Health and Counseling Center to teach House Leaders how to indentify problematic signs regarding stress and depression. This session is particularly important since some students (second semester) become home sick and stressed and may require some additional support from their house leaders.

I will also be planning a bonding session with the Councilors, House Presidents, Vice Presidents and Executives for Saturday January 16th, so stand by for more information.

Xavier Cup and House Cup

Xavier Cup planning and House Hockey Cup planning is well underway. The schedules for the games are located below and are subject to change.

As noted in a past Council report the Xavier Cup tournament will be slightly different this year, as there will be an ‘all star game’ between on and off campus for both men and women. Brett Bedecki and Muffy MacIntyre will be assisting me in planning the games and collaborating with the teams. The Xavier Cup is sure to serve it’s purpose in uniting the campus through games which are a better reflection of the different athletes. I will be beginning meetings to plan Friday January 8th, 2010 and have already been in contact with the marketing team to get the hype going.

|KMC - Main Arena |

|Date |Time |Game |

|Friday, February 12 |8:00 PM |Messis |

|Saturday, February 13 |9:00 PM |Lazer |

|Wednesday, March 17 |11:00 PM |TRI-MAC |

|Thursday, March 18 |10:30 PM |TRI-MAC |

|Saturday, March 20 |9:00 PM |TRI-MAC |

|Sunday, March 21 |10:00 PM |TNT-Chillis |

|TBA |TBA |Xavier Cup |

| | | |

|BURMAC is Wednesday, February 3rd at Antigonish Arena |

|Xavier Cup is tentatively March 27th, 2010 |

In regards to House Cups there is some concern surrounding the violent and raunchy culture at the games. However, these concerns will be addressed both and the January training and leading up to the games. Programming and event planning is expected of the House Councils.

Burmac Rivalry

With the Burmac Game approaching in the next month I will be checking in with Burke and MacIsaac House Council more frequently to lend my support in programming initiatives. So far the Houses have been working very hard and should be applauded. I have scheduled a meeting on Friday January 7th to discuss the rivalry, the role of the Union and liability with the House Presidents, Vice Presidents, House Directors, Sheryl, Sandy and the Coaches. The meeting will be a good opportunity for open dialogue and exchange of ideas and suggestions. Stand by for the outcome of this meeting.

Performance Review

I have formulated a survey to be distributed to all the Residences regarding House Council. Essentially I would like to better understand what type of events and activities Houses would like to see their House Councils plan and implement. I will also be inquiring about how well students know their House Presidents and Vice Presidents in order to understand if they are visible enough within their residence. I would also like to use this information to help the House Presidents and Vice Presidents improve in their positions and become better leaders as a result. I would like to thank Michael Caddegan for being such a huge help in getting this all together(! Go Mike!

Finally I am doing a performance review from within my office of all my Sub Executives. I essentially will be going over this at my One on One meetings and helping to encourage the House Presidents and Vice Presidents to excel in their positions. The feedback with be delivered in a positive open environment and is mean to be helpful and inspiring.

Guest Policy Update

The guest policy meeting is scheduled for early next week. No further information is available on the matter.

VP Student Relations 2010 – 2011

I have been visited by a number of worthy candidates who are interested in applying for a position with in the Students Union. I just wanted to encourage anyone who would like to chat with me to please e-mail me or give me a call because I would be thrilled to chat!



“Clear Eyes, Full Heart- Can’t Lose”


Christmas Break was great. I hope all of you also had an enjoyable time.


Things in my office have been pretty slow the first week back. I’ve spent most of my time organizing, getting office hours ready for sub-execs and setting up meetings.


Instead of giving you an update that doesn’t really exist I’m going to give you a list of things I hope to do this term:


1.    Revise and revamp advocate training

2.    Push Food Bank promotion

3.    Reach residence students interested in moving Off Campus and providing them with information on how to find a living arrangement that best meets their needs.

4.    Deal with some housing issues in the Town of Antigonish.

5.    Look at re-vamping the Research Officers to become more engaged in policy and advocacy work with our two lobby organizations.

VP CP- December 2009 Exec Report

First of all Happy New Year to you all and I hope you enjoyed the break.

Not too much to report but here it goes….


• Just before the exam period we put out a call for applications for new Campus Police. Although these ‘mid-year’ hires were not something I hoped to have to do it seems to be working out ok. We had just about 50 applications and are interviewing about 25ish.

• As mentioned, mid year hiring was something that we tried to prepare not to do. That being said I think a better alternative for years to come would be to plan as if they are going to hire new staff after Christmas. I think this way a more concerted effort could be made in actively recruiting the best people as supplements to the force.


• Our evaluations have been finished and I am currently in the process of putting packages together for all of our staff. I will be doing a brief presentation for the CP Commission which will summarize the results.

CP Commission

• We will be meeting shortly to discuss first semester as well as the semester ahead. Alex M. has put a lot of work into finding a time that works for everyone and is has been a great addition to the CP Commission

• At our meeting I will be making another presentation through which I hope to adjust the way some of our staff get paid for the shifts they work.


• We are in the process of setting up some sub-committees within the CP Force. These committees will be led by Seniors and will focus on Well-Being, On-Going Training, Social, and House Relations. Aside from expanding the scope of the force, these committees are also designed to more fully engage our Senior staff as leaders both within the force and on Campus in general.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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