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The Fine Print

The Newsletter of the Maryland Public Purchasing Association, Inc.

November/December 2007


Mark A. Pemberton, C.P.M., CPPB

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! Well, at times it certainly felt as if we were under the “big top” on Tuesday, October 16th at MPPA’s inaugural Reverse Trade Show. The show was appropriately titled “Building Bridges between Government and Vendors” and, by all accounts, bridges were built—the show was a huge success. I personally had numerous vendors tell me how great it was and pledge to come back next year! I believe Martin’s West, as the host facility, put on a first class affair. It was great to see all of you, and the crowd of 357 attendees was overwhelming at times.

I have to again give thanks and acknowledgement to our Vice-President, Debbie Meehan, for serving as the Trade Show Committee Chairperson. The Association owes a great deal of thanks to Debbie and ALL of the other members who volunteered their time and efforts to bring this enormous endeavor to fruition. Those who witnessed it surely know how incredibly successful it was. And those who didn’t surely missed an outstanding event. So outstanding that Bill Davis says, ten days later, that he’s still getting calls!

The trade show was made a success by the overwhelming involvement of the MPPA members. The committee’s efforts were outstanding and the response of dozens of MPPA member organizations and the 49 exhibitors also exceeded our expectations. We had exhibitors from Washington to Wicomico Counties—talking about a salesperson’s dream audience!

Thanks to all of the purchasing professionals who took time from your busy days to participate in this vendor out-reach effort. You made it work! Also, tip of the hat to Bill Irish and Lucy Slaight for facilitating the vendor workshops. We received lots of positive feed-back from your sessions. Your time and knowledge were appreciated. A special thanks also to M.J. for obtaining the lunch speaker on such late notice—you came through again!

While I’m thanking people, let me thank our many sponsors for their contributions. The committee had a total of 69 program sponsors, again outstanding. I’d be remiss if I did not acknowledge Governor’s Office of Minority Affairs (GOMA) for its sponsorship as well as the appearance of its Special Secretary, Luwanda Jenkins. I believe GOMA’s involvement helped legitimize and validate the value of this substantial vendor out-reach effort and that their name brand recognition helped us sell some tickets as well. Our thanks again is extended to Special Secretary Jenkins, Janice Montague, and the rest of the GOMA staff. We look forward to partnering with GOMA on future trade shows.

Finally, let me give a shout out to Julia Davis, Principal Counsel, DGS, for her help in seeing us through. Thanks Julia!

I will leave any discussion of future affairs to Debbie Meehan!

I hope you all can attend the General Membership meeting and elections on November 8. Come out and show your support.

President’s Message (continued)

Please take the time to submit your nominations for our annual awards. These awards include Buyer and Manager of the Year, the Distinguished Service award, and the Zemansky award. Be proud of your accomplishments and get those nominations in to Pam Jones.

I wonder how we are doing in response to my earlier membership challenge to increase membership by 10% this year. Well, as of November, we have signed up 29 new members. I am still shooting for 32 so let’s recruit a few more before year’s end. It’s easy to sell the value and benefits of membership to our prestigious organization—keep selling!

My usual departing quote, from one of my favorites, Groucho Marx, “We should learn from the mistakes of others; we don’t have time to make them ourselves.”

Here’s looking forward to MPPA’s next reverse trade show. See you soon and if I didn’t mention it earlier, thanks to all again!


Mark A. Pemberton, C.P.M., CPPB



WHEN: Thursday, November 8, 2007

                        11:30 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. (Lunch at 12:00 P.M.)


WHERE: The Rose Restaurant

6075 Belle Grove Road

Linthicum, Maryland


 COST: $25.00


TOPIC: MPPA Buyer or Manager of the Year Application Process

SPEAKERS: Stephen Ports, CPPB and William Schull, C.P.M., CPPB


Buffet Menu:

Roast Pork Loin

Chicken Rosa

House Salad


Potato du jour

Bread, Rolls and butter


Iced/Hot Tea, Coffee

R.S.V.P.: The number of attendee’s must be guaranteed a week before the meeting.  Please notify Facilities Chairperson, Brian Snyder, CPPO, by either telephone at (410) 263-7944, e-mail at BDS@, or fax at (410) 263-8120 if you plan to attend. Cost of the meeting is payable by cash or check at the door, or via credit card. Credit card payments are to be made through the web site at .


January 2008 – Officer Installation – Date and location to be determined.


September’s crab feast had 45 happy and well fed attendees, including NIGP President, Ed Grant! Last year’s November meeting at The Rose had an outstanding attendance of 74.

Brian D. Snyder, CPPO

Facilities Chairperson

Program Report

Mary Jo McCabe, CPPB


Ever wonder what it takes to be the MPPA, Inc. Buyer or Manager of the Year? Come and learn from two of our own members who were MPPA Buyer or Manager of the Year, and went on to achieve the NIGP Buyer of the Year 2003 and the NIGP Manager of the Year 2002; our very own Stephen Ports, CPPB and William Schull, C.P.M., CPPB, respectively. They will provide us with an honest and lively review of the application process (what is required, what is not acceptable), tips on maximizing your point count, and the answer to the proverbial ~ "Just how much time and effort does the application process take?" Learn about the benefits to you and your Agency.

Take a moment to review the application on . Look on the right table for the link to Buyer/Manager of the year. There you will find eligibility

requirements, applications and instructions. Please bring your questions with you to the meeting!

Hope to see you there!


Mary Jo McCabe, CPPB

Program Chair


Darla H. Herbold, CPPO

MPPA warmly welcomes the following professional purchasing practitioners who were accepted into membership at the meeting of the MPPA Executive Board on October 10, 2007:

Mitchell P. Norris, C.P.M.

Director of Purchasing

Howard Community College

10901 Little Patuxent Parkway

Columbia, MD 21044-3197

Phone: (410) 772-4837

Fax: (410) 772-4661


Responsible for all purchasing (goods, services, capital construction)

Interested in serving on the following committees: Budget and Finance, Information & Research, Workshops, NIGP Regional Workshops, Cooperative Purchasing, Facililties, Membership, Certification Review.

Janique A. Evans

Public Administration Intern

Office of Procurement

Montgomery County, Maryland

255 Rockville Pike, Suite 180

Rockville, MD 20850

Phone: (240) 777-9954

Fax: (240) 777-9952

Email: janique.evans@

(In training to become a procurement specialist)

Pending Receipt of Check

Victoria Brown

Public Administration Intern

Office of Procurement

Montgomery County, Maryland

255 Rockville Pike, Suite 180

Rockville, MD 20850

Phone: (240) 777-9916

Fax: (240) 777-9952

Email: victoria.brown@

(In training to become a procurement specialist)

Pending Receipt of Check

3 New Members Approved for Membership.

Darla H. Herbold, CPPO

Membership Chair 2007


Pam Jones, CPPO, MBA, CPM


Please remember, if you’d like to forward information to be published (e.g., recent certification, promotion, etc.), please contact me at pam.jones@.


Anne Arundel County, Department of Central Services – Purchasing Division was recently awarded the prestigious Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award by the National Purchasing Institute (NPI) the Official Public Sector Purchasing Affiliate of the Institute for Supply Management (ISM). This award is formal recognition of agencies that are leaders in the public procurement profession.

The Achievement of Excellence in Procurement Award is designed as a self-evaluation process. It requires a response to a detailed application and substantial documentation in order for the County to be assessed using best practices required by NPI.

“We were required to respond to a comprehensive review in order to achieve accreditation,” said Fred Schram, Central Services Officer for Anne Arundel County. This process confirms that the County’s Purchasing operations are being conducted using nationally recognized best practices for automation, policies and procedures and internal controls.

The criteria are designed to measure innovation, professionalism, productivity, e-procurement, and leadership attributes of a procurement organization according to NPI.

“We are very pleased to receive this award, which confirms the confidence our residents should have in how their tax dollars are spent,” said County Executive, John R. Leopold.

This is the second award bestowed on the County’s Purchasing Division. Last year the office received the Outstanding Agency Accreditation Achievement Award from the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing.

Get Well

MPPA sends it wishes for a full and speedy recovery to its member Stewart Whisman, Procurement Specialist I, with the Montgomery County, MD, Office of Procurement. Stewart is recovering from recent surgery at the Frederick Memorial Hospital.

Get Well Soon!

New Certification/Recertification

If you have recertification information or other certification information you would like to share or recognize, please let me know.

CONGRATULATIONS to the following individuals:

New CPPB/CPPO (report from NIGP)

1. Cathie Nash, CPPB, Chief Procurement Officer, State Retirement Agency of Maryland (August 2007, New CPPB)

2. Carol Wilson, CPPB, Procurement Associate II, Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (August 2007, New CPPB)

Recognition Report (continued)

3. Teresa Barnes, CPPB, Agency Procurement Specialist Supervisor, Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (September 2007, New CPPB)

Recertification News


Take Advantage of Educational Aide Opportunities:

Currently, there are two types of educational aid available to members, as follows:

1) The Stanley D. Zemansky Scholarship Program and

2) The Certification Exam Reimbursement Program.

Please visit the MPPA website to view the instructions and application for each.

Pam Jones, CPPO, MBA, CPM

Recognition, Chair


The General Membership Meeting to be held at the Rose Restaurant on November 8, 2007, will not only be election of Officers and open Board of Directors positions but it will also be our corporation’s annual meeting as required by Section 2-501 of the Corporations and Associations Article, Annotated Code of Maryland. The nominees for elections are listed below. The election will be held in two parts. The first will be election of Officers. The second election will be for the vacant Board of Directors position(s). The number of vacant Directors positions will be affected by the outcome of the election of Officers.


Deborah Meehan, CPPB, Baltimore County

Vice President:

Mary Jo McCabe, CPPB, Community College of Baltimore

Patricia Tarpley, CPPB, Dept. of Labor & Licensing Regulation


Donita Hood, CPPB, National Archives & Records Administration

Rose Harrell, Maryland Food Center Authority


Nancy Smith, CPPB, Anne Arundel County Public Schools


Rose Harrell, Maryland Food Center Authority

Pam Jones, CPPO, Montgomery County

Patricia Greco, CPPB, CPPO, Frederick County

Nancy Smith, CPPB

Reporting for the Nominating Committee

RELEASE MONTHS FOR 2008 ISSUES: January, March, May, July, September, and November


Friday, December 21, 2007

Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Please send all contributions to:


c/o William (Bill) Davis, CPPB – Administrator (Editor)

Maryland Department of General Services -

General Professional Services Selection Board

301 West Preston Street, Room M-6B

Baltimore, MD 21201

410-767-4296 or



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