Scott Henderson

1.GreetingsRepliesGood morning/afternoon/evening.Good morning/afternoon/eveningHi, how are you? /How’s it going? (informal)I’m fine, thanks. And you?/ So-so/Bad/Horrible/TerribleNot bad/Pretty good/Alright/Great/FantasticWhat’s up? (informal)What’s up?/Not much 2. Names: I’m…/My name is…/You can call me…I’m…/My name is…/You can call me..3. Questions (first time meeting)-------------------->Follow-up questions1. Where are you from?/Where’s your hometown?1a. What’s your hometown like?2. What’s your major?/What are you majoring in?2a. Why did you choose you major?/Do you like it?3. What do you do in your free time?/What do you do for fun?/What’s your hobby? 3a. How long have you...?/Why do you like to...?Your questions:Your follow-up questions:4. Ending the conversationA:It was nice meeting you. (first time meeting only)B: See you later/Talk to you later A: It was nice meeting you, too.B: See you/I’ll talk to you laterGoals and Objectives for Unit 1You will learn new greetings. You will meet your classmates.You will learn new vocabulary about relationships.You will learn how to introduce people.Vocabulary 5 acquaintance, classmate, coworker/colleague, girlfriend/boyfriend, neighborgood/close/best/old friends, just friends, just acquaintancesgoing outattended (school)work togetherGrammar 8 simple present present continuousUseful expressionsPage 7I’d like to introduce you to...I’d like you to meet...This is...Practice these with someone near you. GreetingsRepliesGood morning/afternoon/eveningHi, how are you?/How’s it going? What’s up? (informal)Good morning/afternoon/evening.I’m fine, thanks. And you?/ So-so/Bad/Horrible/TerribleNot bad/Pretty good/Alright/Great/FantasticWhat’s up/Not muchQuestionswe can ask people we have just met-Where are you from?/Where’s your hometown?/What’s your hometown?-What’s your major?/What are you majoring in?-How old are you? (in Korea, it’s okay. In the USA, it’s not okay)-What’s your hobby? /Do you have any hobbies? -What are your interests?/What do you do in your free time?/-What do you do for fun?-What kind of….do you like?-Have you…recently?-Where do you live? In the dormitory or at home?-Do you have a job? (Part time job = job) (Full time job = job)-How many classes are you taking this semester? -Do you like your major?-What’s your hardest class? What’s your easiest class?Read the two conversations on page 7. Who is meeting for the first time? How do you know? C1: Junko and Ricardo (Nice to meet you/ This is my friend Ricardo)C2: Mr. Otani and Andres (Nice to meet you/I’d like you to meet…)Page 7FormalInformalI’d like to introduce you to..(name)I’d like you to meet…(name)This is….(name).(Name) meet (name). (Name), (name)Introduce your partner.“This is my (partner, friend/gf/bf/classmate/coworker/teammate), (name).”“She is from…”“He likes to…”“She/he…”Page 5: What are some types of people you know?Type of people we knowClassmates Friends FamilyCoworkers teammatesType of people we knowClassmates Friends FamilyRoommates profs and teachers bosses/managers/supervisorsCustomers business associates Coworkers/colleagues Neighbors Teammates Roommates Club members Bus driver Church membersBoyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wifeExes=ex-bf/ex-gf/ex-husband/ex-wife5 Read the vocabulary and Word Bank.5 Vocabulary***Acquaintance (just met/not close)***Colleague = professional jobs (teacher, business, etc). ***Old friend = have known each other for a long timeSometimes old friend ≠best friend Sometimes old friend = best friend***Just = only Just friends = not dating/not going outJust acquaintances= not close friends/do not know each other well/recently met5AJason is Mario’s ….. old friend (old= long time)Lei is Mario’s .....girlfriend(going out = dating) (attend + school/high school/academy/university)Hakim is an acquaintance of Mario’s.Emma is Mario’s....classmateJulia is a coworker/colleague of Mario’s.David is Mario’s....neighborOptional: 6D Listening 1a.aren’t1b.are3a.know3b.aren’t2a.aren’t2b.don’t know1.Woman: So, Linda, how do you know Michael?Linda: Michael? Oh, we went out for a while.Woman: He’s your boyfriend?Linda: Not anymore, but we’re still friends.Woman: Really?Linda: Yeah. In fact, I saw him last weekend. A group of us went out together.3.Rakesh: Clara? Clara Goldman?Clara: Umm… yeah? Do I… do I know you?Rakesh: I’m Rakesh… Rakesh Patel. We were in the sameEnglish class last year….Clara: Oh, yeah! Rakesh. Now I remember you. How are you doing?Rakesh: Fine. How about you?2.Andres: Excuse me? Are you Miriam?Miriam: Yeah. And you must be Andres.Andres: Right.Miriam: Hi. It’s nice to meet you.Andres: Nice to meet you, too.Miriam: So, Andres, is this your first day working here?Andres: No, I started yesterday.Video: Adrian is a new co-worker / an intern at Good Morning World.Adrian works during the day and attends classes / takes tennis lessons at night.Adrian wants to be a news reporter / teacher. Adrian doesn’t work / get a grade as an intern.Kim says that Adrian is going to pass / fail.Adrian has soccer / basketball practice twice a week.Jay says that you don’t have to study a lot / get good grades to be on television.Adrian and Rashid play sports / go to school together.Adrian and Rashid are just friends / dating.Kim says that Jay passed / failed the “get to know Adrian” exam.Adrian is a new co-worker / an internat Good Morning World.Adrian works during the day and attends classes / takes tennis lessons at night.Adrian wants to be a news reporter / teacher. Adrian doesn’t work / get a gradeas an intern.Kim says that Adrian is going to pass / fail.Adrian has soccer / basketball practice twice a week.Jay says that you don’t have to study a lot / get good grades to be on television.Adrian and Rashid play sports / go to schooltogether.Adrian and Rashid are just friends / dating.Kim says that Jay passed / failedthe “get to know Adrian” exam.World Link 2, Unit 1 Good Morning World – You, AdrianJay: Good Morning World! Thank you for joining us this morning! We are your hosts, Jay Jones…Kim: …and Kim Kimal! How are you doing, Jay? Jay: Well, I’m confused, Kim. Who were you talking to before the show? Do we have a new co-worker?Kim: A new co-worker? No, we don’t. Wait, are you talking about the woman with blonde hair? Jay! That’s Adrian, our intern. You always forget who she is.Jay: Adrian? Really? I thought the intern’s name was Allison.Kim: We have to do something about this. Adrian, can you come out here please? (Adrian enters) Ladies and gentlemen—and Jay—I’d like you to meet our intern at Good Morning World, Adrian!Adrian: Hi, everyone. It’s nice to meet you. Kim: Adrian, Jay would like to get to know you. What can you tell him?Adrian: Well, I am a student. I work here during the day and attend classes at night.Jay: You work all day and then go to school? Why are you doing both?Adrian: My job here is part of my education. It’s like I’m taking a class.Jay: That makes me your teacher. Are you learning a lot from me?Kim: I think she’s learning a lot about you.Adrian: This is a great experience. I want to be a news reporter, so working here is going to help me after college.Jay: If you get a good grade from me.Kim: Oh, Jay. She doesn’t get a grade. When you’re an intern, you either pass or fail. And don’t worry, Adrian. You are going to pass.Jay: What else do you do?Adrian: I have soccer practice twice a week. I tutor high school students on the weekends. And I study a lot.Jay: Adrian, Adrian. You don’t have to study a lot to be on television. I know.Adrian: Well, I want to get good grades. It helps to study with people. In fact, Rashid is in my study group.Jay: Really? So you and Rashid go to school together?Adrian: Yes. Before Good Morning World, we were just acquaintances. But now that we work together, we’re friends. I’m actually— Jay: Friends? Ah-ha! I know what that means. Kim: What are you talking about, Jay?Jay: Come on, Kim. Friends? Adrian is dating Rashid!Adrian: No! Rashid and I are just friends! I was going to say that I’m close friends with his girlfriend!Kim: Jay, I think you failed the “get to know Adrian” exam.8 Grammar- simple present vs present continuousExplain the difference in meanings. 1A: I live in Gwangju1B: I’m living in Gwangju. 2A: I talk to a class full of students.2B: I’m talking to a class full of students. Hint: A is simple present. B is present continuous.1A: I live in Bundang. (fact/usually/always)1B: I’m living in Bundang. (now/nowadays/maybe temporary)2A: I talk to a class full of students.(fact/always/usually)2B: I’m talking to a class full of students. (now)Page 8 GrammarSimple present: fact/habits/routinesPresent continuous: Now/These days/TemporaryI /You/We/They + (verb)She/He/It + verb(s)I am She/He/It is + verb + ingThey/We/You areWhoWhatWhyWhereWhenHowDo you/I/we/they + verb?Does she/he/it + verb?WhoWhatWhyWhereWhenHowAm I Are you/we/they verb +ing?Is she/he/it.....?8B 1.Sophia is my classmate. B2.She’s living at home this term. E/D3.She comes to school every day at 8:00. A4.She’s majoring in science. D5.We’re studying together for a test right now. C8C1.Are you studying2.Are you taking *** (this term/semester = temporary)3.Do you eat/have4.Do you have5.Do you do6.are you talking to/is she talking to/is he talking to/are they talking toScott’s examplesRoutines/habits/facts -Simple presentThese days/Temporary/Now -present continuousI get up at 7:00 AM. (habit/schedule)I go to bed around 11 PM. (habit/schedule)I exercise after work. (habit)I study Korean class twice a week. (schedule)I’m studying with online Korean lessons. (these days)I’m teaching seven classes this semester. (these days)I’m exercising after school these days.Say some things about youhabits/facts/routines -Simple presentThese days/Temporary/Now –present continuousI usually get up at____________. I go to campus at__________My last class today finishes at________.I live at home/in the dormitory/in a one room apartment/_______________I always/usually/sometimes/never go to bed before midnight. I’m taking ______ classes this semester. My favorite ones are__________I’m/I’m not going out with someone. (going out = have a boyfriend/girlfriend) I am/am not working at a part-time job this semester.WhoWhatWhyWhereWhenHowDo you/I/we/they + verb?Does she/he/it + verb?WhoWhatWhyWhereWhenHowAm I Are you/we/they verb +ing?Is she/he/it.....?Habits/schedules/routines/factsNow/these days/temporaryChoose 3 and write ‘Do you….’ or ‘Are you…’questions.Find someone who…has coworkers. ------>Do you have coworkers?has teammates. (is on a sports team)sometimes talks to their next-door going out with someone. (has a bf/gf) goes to bed before midnight (12AM).is learning a musical instrument these just friends with a guy/girl.Do you have coworkers?Do you have teammates? /Are you on a team?Do you talk to your next-door neighbors?Are you going out with someone?/Do you have a bf/gf?Do you go to bed before midnight?/What time do you go to bed?Are you learning a musical instrument these days?Are you just friends with anyone?Do not do this.Ask follow-up questions.A: Do you have coworkers?B: Yes, I do.A: Cool. See you later.A: Do you have coworkers?B: Yes, I do.A: Are you friends with your coworkers.B: No, we are just acquaintances.A: Oh, I see. Where do you work?Read the email. Find the mistakes.From: PUBGKILLLLLLLLER@To: I was gone LOLYo! Prof. Smith!!!!!!!How r u? Sorry I missed class last week. I was so sick from drinking too much at MT. ???Can I turn my homework in late? I love you professor! ???CU l8r,Scottdldydghks@From:PUBGKILLLLLLLLER@(too immature/unprofessional)To: I was gone LOL(laugh out loud- slang/abbreviations)Yo! Prof. Smith!!!!!!!(too informal)How r u?(write the whole word) Sorry I missed class last week. I was so sick from drinking too much at MT. ???(no abbreviations/no slang)Can I turn my homework in late? I love you professor! ???(don’t be cute)CU l8r,(no abbreviations/no slang)ScottYour email address should be professional. No emoticons. No emojis. Don’t be cute in formal emails. Don’t use abbreviations and slang in formal emails.15-18Read the model on page 15. 16 Addressee/Subject/Attachment/Greeting/ Text (body)/Closing/Sender Addressee: Jinsu Kim, Minji HanSubject: Cancel a classAttachment: NONEGreeting: Class StudentsText: Prof.Smith…syllabusClosing: RegardsSender: Ye-won LeeWhat kinds of greetings and closing are used on page 15? Is the email formal or informal? How do you know?Formal emailGreeting: Class students, (not very formal, but not informal)Closing: Regards,(not very formal, not very informal)Title: Teaching assistant….No slang. No abbreviations. 17 Read: Formal and informal greetings/ Formal and informal closings***Regards = sometimes formal, sometimes informalPage 18Your professor bought you coffee last week.Write a short formal thank-you email to her.Remember:AddresseeSubjectGreetingText (body)ClosingSenderHW: Page 18Your professor bought you coffee last week.Write a short formal thank-you email to her.Remember:AddresseeSubjectGreetingText (body)ClosingSenderYour professor bought you coffee last week.Write a short formal thank-you email to her.Subject: (not a long sentence)Greeting (formal/semi-formal)Text (body)Text (body) Thank you….Text (body)Closing (formal/semi-formal)SenderFrom: ScottH@From: ScottH@To: Coffee last weekThank youProfessor Smith,I would like to thank you for the coffee last week.It was really nice of you to buy it for me. We are very grateful to have you at our university, and we appreciate your service to the students.Best regards,ScottDear Professor Smith,I would like to thank you for buying coffee last week.It was really nice of you to buy it for me. We are very grateful to have you at our university, and we appreciate your service to the students.Sincerely,Scott***I would like to thank you for (-ing). (being so nice/teaching so well/giving us so much homework.)***Thank you for (noun) (the coffee/such a great class/all of our homework)HW Page 21 Your team project is due today. You need more time.Request to extend your project deadline.22 With your partner:Is the email formal or informal? How do you know?Explain the greeting. (To Whom It May Concern)22 Greeting: formalClosing: formalIndirect language = softens the messagesI believe a mistake was made…(Direct: You made a mistake)I would appreciate it if you refund the money (Direct: Refund my money.)To Whom It May Concern You do not know who you are writing to at the company.To Whom It May Concern at Samsung Mobile, To Whom It May Concern at City Gas,27 Collocations (1)I’m sorry I didn’t respond (early/earlier) to your email.Please find the (attaching/attached) minutes of yesterday’s meeting.Thank you for your (interest/interesting) in booking a room.I think he needs to know (hand/cellular) phone etiquette.Most of use (general/public) transport to get to schools or companies. (2)I’m (attaching/detaching) the detailed specifications of the product.Could you please (calculate/evaluate) the shipping charges?I’m writing to complain (about/to) the state of the rooms.We look forward to (build/building) a lasting business partnership in the future.I’m sorry I didn’t respond (early/earlier) to your email.Please find the (attaching/attached) minutes of yesterday’s meeting.***Please find the attached photos/files/documents/etc.Thank you for your (interest/interesting) in booking a room.***Thanks you for your interest in our product/in our hotel/etcI think he needs to know (hand/cellular) phone etiquette.***hand phone = Konglish ***cell phone/mobile phoneMost of use use (general/public) transport to get to schools or companies. ***public transportation = buses, subway, etc.I’m (attaching/detaching) the detailed specifications of the product.Could you please (calculate/evaluate) the shipping charges?I’m writing to complain (about/to) the state of the rooms.***I’m writing to complain about the price/the cost/the bad service/etcWe look forward to (build/building) a lasting business partnership in the future.***We look forward to meeting you/seeing you soon/etc*** I’m looking forward to(noun) the trip/the movie/my lunch date Goals and Objectives for Unit 12 You will learn and use vocabulary for traveling by airplane.You will be able to talk about places you have traveled to.You will be able to talk about things you have and haven’t done.Vocabulary 176-177tray table, baggage claim, flight attendant, oxygen mask, boarding pass, check-in counter, overhead compartment, frequent flyer points, layoverGrammar Present perfect Simple pastUseful expressions168-1691. Where are these people? What are they looking at?2. Would you go to this place on vacation? Why or why not?I’ve never been to Yellowknife Canada, but I saw the northern lights in Norway.I’ve been to Thailand two times. I went in 2009 and 2013.Present perfect simple pastExplain the use of the present perfect and the simple past tense. I have/have not experienced it……….…...........................….time/whenPresent perfect (have/has (not) +PP Simple past tense180, 210,217 Grammar- present perfect vs simple pastI /You/They/ We have + pp (past participle)She/He has + pp (past participle)*Used to talk about experiences in the past.*The time is unknown or unimportant.Have you ever + pp (past participle)?Has she/he ever + pp (past participle)?Have they ever + pp (past participle)?I have/have not experienced it……….…...........................….time/whenPresent perfect (have/has (not) +PP Simple past tense2181. F2. T3. T4. N (She called three times. We don’t know when.)5. T6. F(Still has to = not done yet/ need to do it)?2I’ve/I’ve never (break) a bone before. 2I have (read)…., and I want to read it again.3I’ve never (be) to……., but I want to go.3Many people haven’t (go) to……, but I have.4I’ve never (do)….. but I want to try it.4I’ve/I’ve never (fall) in front of other people. 5I’ve never (eat), but I want to try it. 5I’ve (eat)…., and I never want to eat it again. 6I’ve never (buy)….but I want to buy it someday.6I’ve/I’ve never (feel) embarrassed in class. 7I’ve never (drink)….7I have (drink)…., and I never want to do it again. 8I’ve/I haven’t (drive) a car.8I’ve/I haven’t ever (meet) someone famous.9I’ve/I haven’t ever (forget) something on a bus.9I’ve (hurt) my…., I hope I never hurt it again.10I’ve/I’ve never (fight) with my best friend. 10I’ve/I’ve never (steal) something. JI’ve/I haven’t (swim) in the ocean before. JI’ve/I’ve never (find) money on the ground.QI’ve already/I’ve never (fly) on a plane before.QI’ve/I’ve never (shoot) a gun before. KI’ve/I’ve never (hit) someone when I was angry.KI’ve/haven’t (sleep) in a strange location. AI’ve/I haven’t (ride) on a motorcycle. AI’ve/ I haven’t (write) a love letter to someone. been become begun bitten broken brought built burned/ burnt bought caught chosen come cost cut dug dived done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen felt fought found flownforgotten gotten/ got given gone grown had heard hit held hurt known left lain lost made met paid put quit read ridden run said seen sold sent shot shownsung sat slept spoken spent stood stolen swum taken taught told thought thrown worn won written180visiteda big city in another countrybeenon a train in another countrytalked to a flight attendantforgotten something on a tripgone to the beach in another countrylost their luggagegotten sick while travelingmisseda flight, train, or bus176-177 tray table, baggage claim, flight attendant, oxygen mask, boarding pass, check-in counter, overhead compartmenttray tableboarding pass(you need this to get on a plane/train/ship)check-in counteroverhead compartmentflight attendantoxygen maskcarry-on luggagebaggage claim1. check-in counter 2. carry-on luggage3. boarding pass4. overhead compartment....flight attendant5. oxygen mask6. tray table7. baggage claimAsk your partner:Which words you have seen or heard while traveling?Which words are new?Which words are the most important to know?Jay: “I’ve / You’ve got to be excited about this trip!”Jay: “Well, let’s not think about carry-on luggage / boarding passes and overhead compartments…”Kim:“Did you remember / forget to empty the trash?”Kim:“Uh-oh. I remembered / forgot to do that.”Jay:“Precious? In a kennel / carry-on?”Kim: “Have you ever been / travelled to Jamaica?”Jay:“But I have travelled all over the world and I’ve visited/seen many beautiful places.”Kim:“I’ve / You’ve been to Egypt… Italy… Morocco… India… Argentina…”Kim:“Jay Jones remembered / forgot to confirm that his passport is still good.”Jay: “I asked Mother / Precious to do this for me!”World Link 2, Unit 12 Good Morning World – Show on the roadJay: Good morning everyone! We have a little time left before we say goodbye. The next time you see us, Good Morning World will be coming to you from sunny Jamaica! Now Kim, I know you don’t like to fly. But we are going to your old home! You’ve got to be excited about this trip!Kim: Yes, Jay. I’m trying to be. Jay: Well, let’s not think about carry-on luggageand overhead compartments and oxygen masks and a heavy plane flying thousands of meters in the air over water. How about trip preparations! Let’s make sure we remembered to do everything. Kim: Good idea.Jay: Before you left this morning, did you turn off the lights?Kim: Yes I did. The lights are off.Did you remember to empty the trash?Jay: No. But I’ve never had to empty the trash. That’s Mother’s job. Let’s see, did you unplug all of your electrical items?Kim: Yes I did. I even unplugged the refrigerator!Jay: Good! But I hope you gave away your fresh foods.Kim: Uh-oh. I forgot to do that.I gave my apartment keys to my sister. I’ll have to call her. I hate to see good food go bad!Jay: I bet you do.Kim: Did you remember to put your dog in a kennel? Jay: Precious? In a kennel? No, no, no. Mother will take care of Precious.Kim: Is your mother going to do everything for you?Jay: Of course not! She only has to watch the dog, water the plants, pay the bills, and open my fan mail. That’s all! She’s going to have a great time while I’m gone!Kim: Well thank you Jay. I don’t feel so nervous now. I am getting excited! Jamaica is a beautiful place, and the people are very friendly. Have you ever been to Jamaica?Jay: No, I’ve never been there. But I have travelled all over the world and I’ve seen many beautiful places. I travel so often that the flight attendants know my name. Kim: Probably because you always tell them.Jay: Yes, this passport is like a book about the adventures of Jay Jones. (hands passport to Kim) Here Kim. Would you like to read it?Kim: Not really. (takes passport) Wow. You’ve been to Egypt… Italy… Morocco… India… Argentina… I guess you really were telling the truth.Jay: I don’t make up stories. I live them.Kim: Uh, Jay? Here’s a story for you: “Jay Jones forgot to confirm that his passport is still good.”Jay: What?!?Kim: The date has passed. You can’t use this passport anymore.Jay: No! It can’t be! I asked Mother to do this for me!Kim: Well, your mother will be very happy you’re staying home. Don’t worry; I’ll tell the flight attendants that Jay Jones says “Hi.” You know, suddenly I’m really looking forward to this trip!Have you experienced any problems while traveling? Tell your partner.Ideas: I missed my flight/bus/trainlost my baggage/boarding pass/wallet/purseI got sick/hurtPage 21 Request to extend your project deadline.Subject: (not a long sentence)Greeting (formal/semi-formal)Text (body)Text (body) Please…Text (body)Closing (formal/semi-formal)SenderFrom: ScottH@From: ScottH@To: Project deadlineSubject: Project extensionDear Professor Smith,*I’m writing to ask you a favor.Can you please extend the project deadline until next week? My partner was sick, so we could not finish our work. Thank you for considering my request.Respectfully,ScottProfessor Smith,* I’m sorry to say that we cannot finish our project by tomorrow. Our computer crashed, and we lost all of our work. Could we please have one more day to work on the project? We appreciate your consideration.Sincerely,Scott*See page 20.*I’m writing to ask you a favor. * I’m sorry to say that…(big problem/serious problem)Page 37 Useful chat abbreviations Do not use chat abbreviations in emails. Use them in text messages and chats with your friends.KMN= joke/sarcasm “I have to write 20 pages tonight. KMN”KISS = Scott would never use this.Change the text message into a formal email.Hey Smith! B4 u get angry, plz lemme tell U Y Im not N class.ATM I’m N Seoul cuz I’m wth my gf. We saw a movie N ?? n missed the bus to HUFS. OMG, I’m so srry.Idk whn I will b back. Thx 4 understanding. HAND.CU l8r. ScottHey Smith! B4 u get angry, plz lemme tell UY Im not N class.ATM I’m N Seoul cuz I’m wth my gf. We saw a movie N ?? n missed the bus to HUFS. OMG, I’m so srry.Idk whn I will b back. Thx 4 understanding. HAND.CU l8r. ScottDear Professor Smith,Before you get angry, please let me tell you why I am not in class today.At the moment, I am in Seoul with my girlfriend. We saw a movie in Myeongdong and the missed the bus back to HUFS. I’m so sorry for missing class. I do not knowwhen I will be back, but thank you very much for understanding. Have a nice day, and I will see you soon.Regards,Scott170A: You are on a trip and…Your shoes get scuffed up. (They get a mark on them.)You need to wash some clothes.Your toiletries spill in your bag. (toiletries = soap, toothbrush, lotion, shampoo, shaving cream)What would you do?B. b. vinegara. a ziplock plastic baga laundry detergent packsa stain remover pen1. How do you prepare before you take a big trip? I pack my toothbrush. I get money from the ATM.I put my passport in a safe place in my backpack.A What do these people do before going on a trip? Watch the video “Travel” and check (?) the things each person does. DaveAlejandraThalesconfirm plans[ ][ ][ ]empty trash[ ][ ][ ]give out key(s)[ ][ ][ ]pay bills[ ][ ][ ]request meal(s)[ ][ ][ ]turn off items[ ][ ][ ]water plant(s)[ ][ ][ ]ADaveAlejandraThalesconfirm plans[ ][ ? ][ ]empty trash[ ? ][ ][ ]give out key(s)[ ? ][ ][ ? ]pay bills[ ? ][ ][ ]request meal(s)[ ][ ? ][ ]turn off items[ ][ ][ ? ]water plant(s)[ ][ ][ ? ]B Check (?) the sentences that are true. Then work with a partner to correct the false sentences. _____ Before going on a trip, Dave gives a house key to a friend._____ Before leaving on a trip. Alejandra requests a vegetarian meal._____ Thales gives his keys to his brother when he goes on a long trip._____ Julianna’s story happened when she came to the U.S. by herself._____ Julianna didn’t speak English, so she used an interpreter to communicate._____ Catherine’s story happened on her first trip to Tanzania._____ Catherine traveled in a helicopter._____ Catherine had a detailed travel plan._____ Dennis’s story happened when he was a passenger on an airplane._____ Dennis’s coworker lost her balance and accidentally moved a man’s toupee.BTrueTrueFalse, Thales gives his keys to his roommate. True False, Julianna usedher hands to communicate. False, Catherine’s story happened on her second trip to Tanzania.True False, Catherine didn’t have a detailed travel plan.False, Dennis’s story happened when he was working on a plane as a flight attendant.10. TrueDave: Before going on a trip, I pay the bills, I empty the trash, and I give a house key to a friend.Alejandra: Before I leave on a trip, I have to confirm travel plans and make sure that I have requested a vegetarian meal.Thales: Before leaving for a long trip, I turn off the lights, I turn off my heater, I give my keys to my roommate, and I water my plant.Julianna: The funniest story of my traveling experience was when I came to the U.S. for the first time by myself. They lost my luggage, and I didn’t speak a word of English. I had to use my hands to explain myself. People understood what I meant, and they helped me out.Catherine: My recent trip to Africa was one of the most amazing trips of my life. This was my second trip to Tanzania, Africa. We visited a lot of villages, some very remote that we had to travel by helicopter. In Tanzania, it’s very different from America, so there are no maps. So, even traveling in a helicopter, we didn’t really know where we were going to go. We didn’t really know the village names, so we just kind of had no destination, and we got in the helicopter and just flew around. And if we saw some animals or some rooftops of hut houses, we said, “Let’s go there,” and we just kind of landed.Dennis: I have a lot of funny experiences on the airline as a flight attendant. But one of the funniest I could recall was there was this passenger who had a toupee, and one of my flight attendants was serving… I think she was serving food. And she had this tray. And suddenly turbulence happened, and she lost her balance. And her hand landed on the guy’s head, who had a toupee. When she caught her balance again, the toupee kind of shifted, so his sideburns were on his forehead. And I had to control my laughter, because you’re not allowed to laugh.2. Has anything funny happened to you while traveling?3. Have you experienced any problems while traveling? I forgot to...turn off my lights/bring my money.I forgot my…sunscreen/passport/toothbrush.I missed my flight/bus/train.I lost my… baggage/boarding pass/wallet/purse.I got sick/hurt.180visiteda big city in another countrybeenon a train in another countrytalked to a flight attendantforgotten something on a tripgone to the beach in another countrylost their luggagegot/gotten sick while travelingmisseda flight, train, or busPage 47 Collocations *FYI = for you (invitation/information) (Used to add extra information)*BTW = by the (way/week) (Used to add extra information)*JK = just (killing/kidding)*FAQ = (finally/frequently) asked questionsIOW = in (old/other) wordsWRT = with (regards/reminder) toThat is okay from my (PO/POV) (point of view)*Hang (on/out). I’ll be ready in a minute. (informal)(Just a moment, please. = more formal)*Don’t hesitate. Just give it a (try/test).*It’s (on/up) to you. It’s your decision.(It’s up to you = it’s your choice)Your opinion is important, (so/such) is mine.*This is amazing. How did you (catch/come) up with an idea like that? (come up with = think of)I’m not sure. It is (before/beyond) my understanding. *You know, I (will/wish) I could help you, but I can’t.Sad to say, but my opinion is different (from/in) yours.*It doesn’t (make/take) sense.(make sense = be understandable)I have no alternative but (accepting/to accept) your offer.*Please put yourself in my (body/place), and then you can understand me.*Thank you, but it’s none of your (benefit/business). That’s up to me to decide.(this can be rude, so be careful when using it)Greet your partner. Make small talk.GreetingsRepliesGood morning/afternoon/eveningHi, how are you?/How’s it going? (Howzitgoin?)What’s up? (informal)Good morning/afternoon/evening.I’m fine, thanks. And you?/ So-so/Bad/Horrible/TerribleNot bad/Pretty good/Alright/Great/FantasticWhat’s up/Not muchHow have you been? What have you been up to since last class?Goals and Objectives for Unit 4You will learn new vocabulary for talking about clothes and style. You will be able to give advice and make suggestions in new ways. Vocabulary 56-57 in (popular), ripped, baggy, pointy, oversized, skinny (fitted), casual/comfortable, formal/conservative, colorful, dramatic/flashy, plain/simple, elegant, retro/vintage, stylish, sporty, unique/unusual, common/ordinary, dress code, like/dislikeGrammar could + verbshould + verbought to + verbhad better + verbUseful expressions56 Fashion trends warm-up questions: Do you have any favorite brands of clothes?Do you buy designer clothes? (Gucci, Versace, Chanel, Luis Vuitton, Armani, Tommy Hilfiger, Andre Kim, etc)What is your favorite piece of clothing right now? 56-1A Match the vocabulary with the picsa. Ripped jeans b. Baggy shorts short pantsc. pointy shoes d. an oversized shirt e. skinny (fitted) jeanscasual/comfortable<-->formal/conservative (suit) colorfuldramatic/flashy <--> plain/simpleelegant (fancy) (wedding dress)retro/vintage (old)stylishsportyunique/unusual<-> common/ordinary56-1B (in style)1. Which clothes and styles in the picture are still in these days? “….are still in style.”“Those are still in these days.”Which clothes and styles are out of style?“…are not in style these days.”“…are out of style.”“Those are out of style.”3. Which words from page 56 describe your style?4. What is something you loved to wear in the past, but is not in style now?A: What should I wear to the birthday party?B: You could wear your red shirt.C: Yeah, but you ought to wear the green one. It’s really in style these days.D: No way. You had better not wear those. You’d better wear the black one. It’s look the best on you.A: Yeah, I should wear that one black one, shouldn’t I?Which advice sounds the weakest? Which advice sounds the strongest?60 and 200 Grammar-could, should, ought to, had betterSuggest, give advice, give options or choicesSuggest or give adviceAdvice (Warning/order) could + verbshould (not) + verbought to + verb (spoken only)had better (not) + verb You’d better (not) + verbWeakerStronger200 ACouldShouldn’t ought tohad bettercould had better not60Ask Suzie Style/Steve StyleYou could + verb WeakerYou should (not) + verbYou ought to + verbYou had better (not) + verb Strongercould + verbSuggest, give advice, give options or choicesYou could trim your beard.You could wear a dress (formal) shirt.You could change your hair style.You could cut your hair.should (not) + verb/ought to + verbSuggest or give adviceYou should shave your beard completely off.You ought to change everything about your hairstyle.You should draw on your eye brows. You ought to smile differently. You should wear a suit.had better (not) + verb You’d betterYou’d better notGive advice (Warning/order)You had better wear a dress shirt. You had better shave off your beard.You’d better throw away your shirt.`Game: A: Ask your question.B,C,D: Give one or two pieces of advice.A: Give thecard to the person with the best advice.Suggest, give advice, give options or choicesSuggest or give adviceAdvice (Warning/order) could + verbshould (not) + verbought to + verbhad better (not) + verb You’d better (not) + verbWeakerStrongerI recently put on four kilograms. I really want to lose weight. What should I do?You shouldn’t eat any late night snacks.You shouldn’t meet your friends. You should eat vegetables and exercise.I recently put on four kilograms. I really want to lose weight. What should I do?You should walk around HUFS campus without taking the shuttle bus.You had better exercise more. You shouldn’t eat late at night.You shouldn’t eat donuts.You shouldn’t drink beer.You ought to just drink water.Video1. Kim says that Jay is _____.a. very stylish b. out of style2. Isadora is going to talk about how to get the look you want _____.a. without spending a lot of money b. by paying thousands on designer clothes3. Isadora says that the clothes you should buy _____.a. are expensive designer brands b. look designer but are nearly half the cost4. The designer jeans are _____.a. the darker fitted ones b. the ripped ones5. The designer shirt is _____.a. the one that has a retro look b. the sporty one6. Does Isadora like Jay’s tie? World Link 2, Unit 4 Good Morning World – Passion for fashionKim: It’s time to talk fashion. Jay, do you agree that it’s expensive to be in style? Jay: Do you think it’s cheap to look this good? Kim: Yes, Jay, you are very stylish. But maybe you don’t have to pay so much for that look. That’s why Isadora Vestiti joins us again on Good Morning World. She is going to talk about how you can get the look you want without spending a lot of money. Welcome back, Isadora!Isadora: Thank you, Kim. You look wonderful in that outfit. Kim: Oh, why thank you, Isadora!Jay: Ahem.Kim: Isadora, someone could pay thousands on designer clothes. But most people don’t have that kind of money. There ought to be a better way.Isadora: There is a better way, Kim. Some people make clothes that look designer but at nearly half the cost. These are the clothes you should buy.Kim: That’s great! So you can be stylish and save money.Isadora: Yes, and no one knows the difference.Jay: Oh, come on! Kim: Jay? Jay: Sorry, but I disagree. Anyone who knows fashion—like me—knows if clothes are designer or not. Isadora: Well Jay, let’s see how good you are. I have some clothes here. Some of them are expensive designer brands, and some of them are more affordable clothes. I am going to show you two items, and you tell me which one is designer.Jay: No problem, Isadora. Isadora: Let’s call these ripped jeans “A” and these darker fitted jeans “B”. Which pair is designer?Kim: Ooh, that’s a hard one.Jay: Are you kidding me? Pair “B” are the designer jeans. I think I have them at home.Isadora: Ooh, I’m sorry Jay. The correct answer is “A.” These jeans are twice as expensive as the others. Jay: What?!? Those jeans are ripped! They look sloppy!Kim: Ripped and sloppy are in style, Jay. Isadora: Let’s try shirts. This one is “A.” And this one is “B.” Which shirt is designer?Jay: Shirt “A,” the sporty shirt.Isadora: Sorry, Jay. Wrong again. The shirt that has a retro look is the designer brand.Kim: It’s true, Jay, All of the kids love retro.Jay: Well I bet “the kids” don’t know a designer tie when they see one. Isadora: Um, Jay? About that tie…60B Give your partner advice on what to wear and what to do about their style.Suggest, give advice, give options or choicesSuggest or give adviceAdvice (Warning/order) You could + verbYou should (not) + verbYou ought to + verbYou’d better + verbYou’d better not + verbWeakerStrongerCheck HW 1Read 3C to your partnerI’d like to introduce you to…I’d like you to meet….This is…4CUsuallyPresent SimpleToday = TemporaryHe is verb + ingHe is not verb + ingGreet your partner. GreetingsRepliesGood morning/afternoon/eveningHi, how are you?/How’s it going? What’s up? (informal)Good morning/afternoon/evening.Not bad/Pretty good/Alright/Great/FantasticWhat’s up/Not muchGoals and Objectives for Unit 10You will learn new vocabulary about phones and online activity. You will learn how to better describe likes and dislikes. Vocabulary 148Add/post DeleteBan AllowPoliteRudeRaise your voice/Lower your voiceRespond IgnoreThoughtless/ThoughtfulTurn down the music Turn down a request acceptGrammar 152verb + gerund/infinitiveWarm-up discussion: *Noun: “Send me a text later.” (text message= SMS/Kakao talk/Line)*Verb: “Text me later, okay?” 1. How many texts do you send every day?Who do you text the most?3. How many phone calls do you make every day?Who do you call the most?148 Read the survey. Choose your plete the chart on the left. Use the words in blue.Add/postDeleteBanAllowPoliteRudeRaise your voiceLower your voiceRespond IgnoreThoughtlessThoughtful (think of other people’s feelings)Turn down the musicTurn up the musicTurn down a requestacceptShare your survey answers with your partner. Explain your answers.Scott’s answers1. Ignore the message. (You should pay attention to your date.)2. Ask him to turn down the music. (If he is younger than me, I can ask him to turn it down.)3. Allow phones everywhere. (Almost everywhere.)4. lower my voice. (People who raise their voice while talking annoy me.)5. Show your friends first. 6. Accept the request. (I can change my FB settings, so my boss can’t see everything.)Annoying or rude things people do with their phonesResponding to text messages while on a date. /Not ignoring text message while on a date. (pg. 148)Turning up your music too loud in your headphones. /Not turning down your music in your headphones. (pg. 148)Raising your voice or talking loudly on your phone. /Not lowering your voice when talking. (pg. 148)Posting/Adding embarrassing photos on social media (SNS). (pg. 148)150 Reading B 1. Simon thinks all cell phone used should be banned. Reason: Using your cell phone and driving at the same time causes accidents.2. Alexis thinks some cell phone use should be allowed. Reason: Sometimes we need to use our phones to help others.3. Ann thinks some cell phone use should be allowed. Reason: Talking on the phone while using a hands-free device is the same as talking to a passenger while driving.VideoWho does Erica love talking to?How long does Erica say she’ll be on the phone?Who does Erica say is rude sometimes?What does Erica think is always important to do?What does Erica say when she answers the phone and doesn’t know who it is?Why is Erica so excited?World Link 2, Unit 10 Good Morning World – Hello hangupsKim: Good Morning World! Our next guest stars in a TV show about her life called, “The Famous One.” You have seen her picture in magazines everywhere. Please welcome Erica Allendez!Erica:(on phone) Are you serious? That’s so funny! You tell her I’ll be there. She doesn’t need to worry…Kim: Um, Hi. Erica?Erica: Hey, I’ll have to call you back. Yeah. I have a thing. Okay. Buh-bye! (hangs up) Sorry, it was my friend Renee. I love talking to her. She is so funny!Jay: Well, you must be very busy. We’re glad you took the time to—Erica: Ooh, I’m getting a call from my agent. Do you mind if I answer it? I’ll be on the phone for just a second.Kim: Sorry, but we—Erica: (answers phone)Felicia, hi! No you’re the best! Mmm-hmm. He didn’t! He did? Right. We need to talk about this at lunch. Mmm-hmm. No, I hate eating there. No one takes my picture.Jay: Erica, I’m sorry to interrupt, but we have viewers waiting. Do you mind hanging up the phone?Erica: (on phone) Hey Felicia, I have to go. Remember Good Morning World? Yeah. Call my assistant and leave a message for me. Right. (hangs up)Sorry. My agent. She can be so rude sometimes. Now, what were we talking about?Kim: We weren’t, actually.Jay: Kim means we wanted to talk about your show. What—Erica: Aww. I just got a text message from my boyfriend. He is so sweet! I… (Kim glares) will respond to him later. Now, as I was saying about my show, I love having cameras in my house to record every moment of my life. The other day I— Jay: You could turn off your phone.Kim: Or ignore the call.Erica: Hmm. I don’t know this caller. Maybe it’s a wrong number. It’s always important to screen your calls.(answers phone) Hello, Erica Allendez. Who’s calling? I did? I got the part? I got it?!? Hang on a minute. (to Jay and Kim) I got the part!!! (on phone) Yes! I’m so excited!!! Oh yes, I will. But I don’t want to work with Nicole. She’s impossible! Mmm-hmm. (exits)Kim: Can you believe that?!?Jay: Kim, lower your voice. It’s not easy being famous. I know.Annoying, dangerous, or rude things people do with their phonesResponding to text messages while on a date. /Not ignoring text message while on a date. (pg. 148)Turning up your music too loud in your headphones. /Not turning down your music in your headphones. (pg. 148)Raising your voice or talking loudly on your phone. /Not lowering your voice when talking. (pg. 148)Posting/Adding embarrassing photos on social media (SNS). (pg. 148)Using a cell phone while driving. (pg. 150)Using your cell phone when someone is talking to you. (video)Partners --- > GroupsWhat are other annoying, dangerous, or rude things that people do with their cell phones?What places or situations do you think cell phone use should be banned?Using your phone in the theater.Using your phone when chatting with your friends. Using your phone in the library is annoying. Walking and using your phone on the sidewalk. You cannot see or hear the things around you.Not setting your phone to vibrate during class.Using your phone in class. Playing games during a conversation. Taking pictures of me without my permission.Not turning off your ringer in silent places such as the library. Boss/manager/coworkers call you after work has finished.Getting calls during the middle of the night.Posting everything about your life on social media.People ignoring phone calls.Taking pictures in class. Using your phone while eating with other people.Sending spam messages.People looking at their phone while I’m talking to them.Roommates talk loudly while I’m sleeping. Photobombing my picsUsing your phone while eatingDrunk dialing your friendsDrunk dialing your ex-gf/ex-bfUsing the flashlight in a movie theater. Looking at your phone in the theater. Talking on your phone in the theater.Texting while walking 152+213 Grammar verb + gerund/infinitiveVerb + infinitive(Infinitive = to + verb) Verb + gerund(Gerund = verb + ing) Verb + infinitive or gerundAgree needChoose planDecide seemHope wantLearn would likeAppreciate finishAvoid imagine Dislike keepEnjoy *do not mind (it’s okay)Feel like suggest Begin love**Can’t stand (really dislike/hate)PreferHate startLike tryI don’t mind walking and texting at the same time.X I mind walking and texting at the same time.* I don’t mind doing lots of homework. (Doing lots of homework is okay with me.)* I don’t mind if you listen to your music. (It’s okay if you ) listen to your music.* Do you mind if I open the window?(Is it okay if I open the window?)** I can’t stand hearing loud phones in class. ** I can’t stand to see students texting during class time.213AI learned to speak Spanish in high school.I avoid to call people on the phone. (calling)I began to raise my voice. I enjoy to play games on my phone. (playing)I agreed to turning down the music on my phone. (to turn)I prefer to respond to texts quickly. I finished to do my homework and then I called a friend. (doing)I tried texting you twice, but you didn’t reply. 152 B Scott’s answers1. I don’t mind talking on the phone.2. I dislike responding to texts late at night. 3. I can’t stand walking and texting at the same time. 4. I don’t like to take selfies in public. 5. I don’t mind posting weird photos of myself online. 6. I avoid saying mean (rude/hurtful) things on social media. 7. Sometimes I enjoy playing games on my phone. 8. I prefer to ignore friend requests from strangers online. Scott’s extended answers.1. I don’t mind talking on the phone, but I can’t stand long text message conversations.2. I dislike responding to texts late at night. 3. I can’t stand walking and texting at the same time. I usually move to the side and text.4. I don’t like to take selfies in public. People take too many selfies, in my opinion. 5. I don’t mind posting weird photos of myself online. My friends already know I’m weird, so it’s okay.6. I avoid saying mean (rude/hurtful) things on social media. Too many people are rude online these days. 7. Sometimes I enjoy playing games on my phone. 8. I prefer to not accept friend requests from strangers online. I don’t mind walking and texting at the same time.X I mind walking and texting at the same time. I don’t like walking and texting at the same time. ( I mind = I don’t like…)A: Do you mind if I open the window?B: No, I don’t mind. B: Yes, I mind. It’s cold outside. (Okay, but not a usual response.)Do you like…? (infinitive = to + verb)(gerund = verb + ing)Do you enjoy…?(gerund = verb + ing) 1 = I love it. 2 = I enjoy it. 3 = I don’t mind it. 4 = I don’t like it. 5 = I can’t stand it. Food…(cook) your own meals?1 2 3 4 5…(eat) fast food?1 2 3 4 5…Your question1 2 3 4 5Entertainment…(go) to dance clubs?1 2 3 4 5…(listen) to hip-hop?1 2 3 4 5…Your question1 2 3 4 5Appearance….(work out) at the gym?1 2 3 4 5…(wear) famous brands?1 2 3 4 5…Your question1 2 3 4 5Check HW 2Greet your partner. GreetingsRepliesGood morning/afternoon/eveningHi, how are you?/How’s it going? What’s up? (informal)Good morning/afternoon/evening.Not bad/Pretty good/Alright/Great/FantasticWhat’s up/Not much*Follow the directions: Clothes and fashion. *Use capital letters and punctuation.Page 23BYou could + verb You ought to + verb You should not + verb You had better + verb You had better not + verb59B Start sentences with a capital letter. End with a period.Infinitive = to + verb Gerund =verb + ingI love to/-ingI decided toI hate to/-ingI dislike -ingI want toI can’t stand to/-ingI finished -ingI try to /-ing61BHW: Writing book page 47 (MON and WED)Page 47 Collocations *FYI = for you (invitation/information) (Written and spoken, give information)*BTW = by the (way/week) (Written, used to add extra information)*JK = just (killing/kidding)*FAQ = (finally/frequently) asked questionsOTP = on the (payroll/phone)IOW = in (old/other) wordsWRT = with (regard/reminder) toThat is okay from my (PO/POV) (point of view)*Hang (on/out). I’ll be ready in a minute. (informal)(Just a moment, please. = more formal)*Don’t hesitate. Just give it a (try/test).*It’s (on/up) to you. It’s your decision.(It’s up to you = it’s your choice)Your opinion is important, (so/such) is mine.*This is amazing. How did you (catch/come) up with an idea like that? (come up with = think of)I’m not sure. It is (before/beyond) my understanding. *You know, I (will/wish) I could help you, but I can’t.Sad to say, but my opinion is different (from/in) yours.*It doesn’t (make/take) sense.(make sense = be understandable)I have no alternative but (accepting/to accept) your offer.*Please put yourself in my (body/place), and then you can understand me.*Thank you, but it’s none of your (benefit/business). That’s up to me to decide.(this can be rude, so be careful when using it)Kahoot***Mid-term Exam***Monday October 22 at 5:30 PMOld Main Building (???), Room 501Review game 1 and 2 (MON and WED)Roll the dice twice and tell your partner…6Two different answers to the question: How’s it going?One formal way to introduce someone. One informal way to introduce someone. What do you call the person who lives next door?Two different words for people you work with. Types of friends: best, good, _______ and ______.5What is another way to say you are dating someone?What word describes a person you met but do not know well?3 things your are doing these days.(present continuous) 3 things you are not doing these day but want to do.(present continuous) Talk about your daily routine. (Simple present)2 great places you’ve (travel) to and want to go again.42 places you’ve never (go) to, but want to go to.What’s the past participle (PP) of (grow)? Use it in a question. What’s the past participle (PP) of (bring)? Use it in a question.What’s the past participle (PP) of (catch)? Use it in a question.What’s the past participle (PP) of (steal)? Use it in a question.What’s the past participle (PP) of (drive)? Use it in a question.3What’s the past participle (PP) of (sing)? Use it in a question.What’s the past participle (PP) of (fall) ? Use it in a sentence.What’s the past participle (PP) of (write)? Use it in a question.What’s the past participle (PP) of (speak)? Use it in a question.What’s the past participle (PP) of (take)? Use it in a question.What’s the past participle (PP) of (bite)? Use it in a question.2You need a _______ _______ to get on an airplane.On an airplane, you put your drink on your ______ ________. You can bring your ______-____ luggage on an airplane. On an airplane, the overhead _________ is above you. Two formal email greetings are...Two formal email closings are…1A ________ ________ serves you food and drinks on a planeYou check your luggage at the check-in _______ before flying. After your arrive, you go to the ______ ______ to get your luggageWhile flying, if the _____ mask falls down, it’s a big emergency. Two informal email greetings are…Two informal email closings are…1234566Pretty good, great, not bad, alright, etc.I’d like to introduce you to.../I’d like you to meet...A, this is BA meet BA, BNeighborColleagueCoworkerClose, old 5Going outAcquaintance I am verb + ingI’m not verb+ingI get up at...I eat..I go to school...I’ve traveled to...4I’ve never gone to....GrownBroughtCaughtStolendriven3SungFallenWrittenSpokenTakenBitten2Boarding passTray tableCarry-on luggageOverhead compartmentWriting book page 17Writing book page 171Flight attendantCheck-in counterBaggage claimOxygen maskWriting book page 17Writing book page 17123456Review game 2 (All)Creativity Units 4 and 10Roll the dice twice and tell your partner…6What is the opposite of casual clothes?What is the opposite of dramatic/flashy clothes?What word is similar to ‘retro’ style?What is the opposite of unique/unusual?Name 3 designer brands of clothes.Describe your style 5What is the opposite of allow?What is the opposite of polite?What is the opposite of ‘lower your voice’?I need (to study/studying) tonight. I enjoy (playing/to play) Overwatch. Say three annoying, dangerous, or rude things people do with their phones. 4I need to lose weight quickly.What should I do?I slept late, and now I’m late for class. What should I do?I’m really hungry, but I don’t have any money. What should I do?My group project partner is not helping me. What should I do?I have to write a 10 page essay tonight, but I’m tired. What should I do?I can study English or I can go watch a movie. What should I do?3I think he needs to know (hand/cellular) phone etiquette.I’m writing to complain (about/to) the state of the rooms.Most of us use (general/public) transport to get to schools or companies. We look forward to (build/building) a lasting business partnership I (will/wish) I could help you, but I can’t.It doesn’t (make/take) sense.2FYI = for your (invitation/information)BTW = by the way/week)CUZ = ?UR = ?IOU = ?ATM = ?1F2F = ?HBD = ?POV = ?THX = ?Dunno = ?XOXO = ?1234566Formal clothesPlain/simpleVintageCommon/ordinaryVersace, Luis Vuitton, Andre Kim, etc??? 5BanRudeRaise your voiceTo studyPlaying????4You could, should (not), ought to, had better (not)...You could, should (not), ought to, had better (not)...You could, should (not), ought to, had better (not)...You could, should (not), ought to, had better (not)...You could, should (not), ought to, had better (not)...You could, should (not), ought to, had better (not)...3Cell/cellularAboutPublicBuildingWishMake2InformationWayBecause YourI owe youAt the moment1Face to faceHappy birthdayPoint of viewThanksI don’t knowHugs and kisses123456Speaking test practiceHWMonday October 22 at 5:30 PMOld Main Building (???), Room 501Go to the E-Zone. You must go 6 times by December 7.Go to the supplementary writing classes. You must go 6 times.(NO EZONES DURING MID-TERM WEEK)Preview Unit 7Find a partner for the speaking test. ................

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