ELT Materials DevelopmentNeeds AnalysisLearning English:What is your purpose for learning English?Where do you see yourself using English in the future?What do you want to improve the most?What do you have the most difficulty with?What do you want to do in your English class? Do you prefer working in groups or working alone?About your English language abilities:1= not very good 2 = good 3 = very good 4 = fluentI think I am _____ at speaking_____ at pronunciation_____ at reading_____ at grammar_____ at listening and understanding_____ at vocabulary_____ at writingI want to improve my:-857251193801. example: reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, pronunciation, confidence, vocabulary, presentation skills, etc. 00For example: reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, pronunciation, confidence, vocabulary, presentation skills, etc. Things that interest you:What are some topics that you are interested in?Who are some popular actors these days?Who are some popular actresses?Who are some popular pop groups?How interesting are the following topics for you?1= not important at all2 = somewhat important3 = important4 = very important1. Martial Arts2. Sports3. Food4. Travel ................

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