English 91 Beginning Grammar and Composition for ESL Code ...

ESL 011 -Speaking and Listening for ESL 1

Fall 2010

Instructor: Leticia Pastrana

Office 2788 Office Phone- 355-6336

Email: leticia.pastrana@imperial.edu

Office Hours: Wednesday 12:45-2:45 Tuesday/Thursday 10:00- 10:45 Friday 8:00-9:30

Textbooks: Future: English for Results 1. Student Book and Workbook

Class Description: ESL 011 is a grammar-based conversation course in an English-only environment designed for the beginning ESL student. Listening comprehension and speaking skills will be developed through basic dialogues, modeled tasks, and communicative activities.

Objectives: Through various speaking and listening exercises, students will:

• Create and present short dialogs with new vocabulary and grammar.

• Improve listening skills.

• Learn new words.

• Improve pronunciation.

• Show competency with verb tenses.

• Practice the modal verb “can”; prepositions of time and location.

• Show competency with different types of nouns and pronouns.

Attendance: You WILL be dropped after your 3rd absence. I will take role at the beginning and at the end of class. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you will be marked late. Three tardies equal one absence. If you come in late, do not interrupt the class. Come in and find your seat quietly. NOTE: It is YOUR DECISION AND RESPONSIBILITY to drop using WebSTAR. The last day to drop without a “W” is November 12th. If you have 3 absences after the last day to drop with a “W”, you will receive an “F” for your semester grade.

Grades: Your grades will be calculated on the following basis:

Workbook and Homework 20%

Oral presentations 20%

Quizzes 30%

Final Exam 30%

90 + = A 80-89 = B 70-79 = C 60-69 = D 59 - = F

Make-Ups: You have the opportunity to make up 2 regular quizzes that you missed during the semester. You must come to the teacher’s office hours or make an appointment to make up the quizzes. You have only 1 week from the date of the quiz to make up the quiz. NO late homework will be accepted.

|Student Learning Outcomes |

|Outcome 1: Produce a fluent and grammatically correct response in oral English from an aural English prompt. |

|Outcome 2: Produce fluent and grammatically correct questions in oral English using a pictorial prompt. |

|Outcome 3: Produce fluent and comprehensible 3rd person (-s) endings in Oral English from verbs learned in class |

|Outcome 4: Produce an oral response using the vocabulary learned in class. |

|Outcome 5: produce appropriate rising or falling intonation in Yes/No questions and Wh- Questions |

The Do’s and Don’ts of Mrs. Pastrana’s class:


❖ bring paper, pencils, and your book with you to every class.

❖ buy your book as soon as possible.

❖ erase old answers in the book by the second week.

❖ raise your hands to ask questions

❖ get into the habit to study a little bit everyday


❖ be afraid to ask the teacher questions

❖ interrupt other students

❖ talk on the phone or send text messages

❖ schedule appointments with the counselors during class- I will count you as absent

❖ don’t make up ESL 10 lab hour during class

❖ copy anybody’s homework or tests!!!

❖ wait to find out you are not passing to ask what you can do to pass the class

❖ leave early or arrive late to every class.

Any student with a documented disability who may need education accommodations should notify me or the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSP&S) office as soon as possible. DSP&S Health Sciences Building Room 2117 (760) 355-6312.

My goal is to help you improve your English in every way possible. I hope that you will feel free to call me or come see me in my office if you have any questions. I will be happy to chat with you about anything; it does not have to be about your class. Seize the opportunity to use you English. In addition, tutors are also available to help you at the library and language lab, so take advantage of this service.

Used Books: All used books MUST have all the answers erased by the second week of classes. Otherwise homework assigned from the book will not receive credit.

Class contact _______________________________ Phone number ___________________________

Class contact _______________________________ Phone number ___________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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