SPN - Mendocino College

|If approved by your supervisor, you may use any of these sample learning objectives for your required CWEE learning objective(s). You will |

|need to copy and paste the text into the Learning Objective Template form. |

|Objective |Outcome Measurement |Learning Process |

|To accurately and efficiently use 20 key |I have demonstrated accurate and proficient use|I will make a list of the phrases and words |

|Spanish phrases and 50 words related to my job.|of 20 phrases and 50 words related to my work |that relate to my work environment and review |

| |environment, verified by my supervisor. |the list with my supervisor, making adjustments|

| | |based on feedback. |

| | |I will read and study all related materials |

| | |recommended by my supervisor. |

| | |I will learn the phrases and words, using |

| | |flashcards and practice so that I can say them,|

| | |and also recognize when repeated back to me. |

| | |I will use the words and phrases in the |

| | |workplace, and make corrections in my usage |

| | |based on the feedback I receive. |

| | |I will continue to practice in multiple and |

| | |varied settings until I reach the level of |

| | |proficiency expected by my supervisor. |

|To demonstrate the ability to communicate with |I will have mastered a list of 20 phrases and |I will read any literature recommended by |

|clients effectively and accurately in Spanish |50 words that are directly relevant to an |supervisors; utilizing textbooks, dictionaries |

|in a professional advocacy environment. |advocacy job, and demonstrate proficiency in |and other resources at my disposal. |

| |their use, as verified by my supervisor. |I will closely observe my supervisor(s) using |

| |Clients and advocacy peers will have responded |language and phrases for communicating with |

| |favorably to my interactions with them. |clients. |

| | |I will be observed using Spanish phrases for |

| | |communication with clients and adjust my |

| | |approach based on the feedback I receive. |

| | |I will create and practice with a list of 20 |

| | |phrases and 50 words directly relevant to an |

| | |advocacy job. I will use the correct syntax, |

| | |tenses, grammar, and pronunciation in speaking |

| | |Spanish, verified by my supervisor. |

| | |I will continue to practice my Spanish skills |

| | |under observation in the workplace and make |

| | |adjustments based on supervisor feedback. |

|To improve my conversational Spanish language |I will have used correct syntax, grammar, |I will review basic Spanish conversation and |

|skills in order to effectively deliver lessons |pronunciation, verb tenses and sentence |grammar texts as recommended by my supervisor. |

|at an acceptable conversational level. |constructions to the satisfaction of my |I will discuss with my supervisor key words and|

| |supervisor. |phrases used in the workplace, making a list of|

| |My lesson plans will have been approved for |these to practice |

| |classroom use by my supervisor. |I will speak Spanish to students in the |

| |My Spanish journal will have required few |presence of a fluent Spanish-speaker, and make |

| |revisions. |adjustments in my approach based on the |

| | |feedback I receive. |

| | |I will draft a lesson in Spanish that I will |

| | |review with my supervisor, and modify based on |

| | |her feedback. |

| | |I will deliver practice lessons to the students|

| | |under observation, and make adjustments based |

| | |on the feedback I receive. |

| | |I will keep a journal, written in Spanish, of |

| | |my classroom experiences, which I will |

| | |periodically review with my Spanish instructor,|

| | |modifying my grammar based on her feedback. |

|To accurately complete a transaction in |I will have completed transactions in Spanish |I will discuss with my supervisor the specific |

|Spanish. |accurately and effectively as observed by my |phrases that are most useful for me to know on |

| |supervisor. |the job. I will build a list of new vocabulary |

| |I will have demonstrated fluency with 20 |phrases and definitions, using dictionaries and|

| |phrases and 50 words relevant to the task, |other materials recommended by my supervisor. |

| |verified by my supervisor. |I will create and memorize a list of 20 key |

| | |phrases and 50 words to be used during a |

| | |transaction, obtaining input and approval from |

| | |my supervisor. |

| | |I will practice these with my supervisor or |

| | |co-workers who are fluent in Spanish, and make |

| | |adjustments based on the feedback received. |

| | |I will observe Spanish language speakers making|

| | |transactions and ask questions to clarify |

| | |vocabulary and syntax. |

| | |I will be observed conducting transactions with|

| | |customers in Spanish, and make adjustments |

| | |based on the feedback I receive. |

| | |I will practice these transactions in multiple |

| | |and varied circumstances. |

|To accurately and effectively draft a Spanish |My lesson plans will have been used |I will review existing Second Step lesson plans|

|Second Step Lesson Plan. |successfully in the classroom, as verified by |in both English and Spanish, and will research |

| |my supervisor. |supporting instructional materials that are |

| | |written in Spanish, as recommended by my |

| | |supervisor. |

| | |I will draft lesson plans in Spanish that I |

| | |will review with my supervisor, which I will |

| | |modify based on her feedback. I will deliver |

| | |these lessons to the students under |

| | |observation, and make adjustments based on the |

| | |feedback I receive. |

| | |I will practice writing and using lesson plans |

| | |until I reach the level of proficiency expected|

| | |by my supervisor. |

|To improve my conversational Spanish language |I will have used correct syntax, grammar, |I will review basic Spanish conversation and |

|skills in order to effectively deliver lessons |pronunciation, verb tenses and sentence |grammar texts as recommended by my supervisor. |

|at an acceptable conversational level. |constructions to the satisfaction of my |I will discuss with my supervisor key words and|

| |supervisor. |phrases used in the classroom, making a list of|

| |My lesson plans will have been approved for |these to practice. |

| |classroom use by my supervisor. |I will observe fluent staff in the teaching |

| | |setting and ask questions for clarification of |

| | |language and vocabulary. |

| | |I will speak Spanish to students in the |

| | |presence of a fluent Spanish-speaker, and make |

| | |adjustments in my approach based on the |

| | |feedback I receive. |

| | |I will draft a lesson in Spanish that I will |

| | |review with my supervisor, and modify based on |

| | |her feedback. |

| | |I will deliver practice lessons to the students|

| | |under observation, and make adjustments based |

| | |on the feedback I receive. |

|To coordinate the learning schedule with |The linked pre-school activity time will have |I will research projects and activities for |

|pre-school activities, linking activities to |become more organized with materials readily |children by searching on the internet, |

|the phonetic or numeric studies for that week |available and set up time reduced, as verified |discussing with teachers and reviewing print |

|in a bi-lingual classroom. |by my supervisor. |resources as recommended by my supervisor. |

| |I will have received approval for a month of |I will review the learning schedule and create |

| |written schedules, signed off as accurate and |a list of related pre-school activities and |

| |complete by my supervisors. |discuss with my supervisor, adjusting my plan |

| |A check list signed by the supervisor confirms |related to feedback. |

| |the use of pre-school session linking |I will draft pre-school activity plans that |

| |activities, coordinated with the lesson plan. |parallel the class lesson plan and review with |

| | |my supervisor for critique, additions, and |

| | |changes |

| | |I will organize and purchase craft/art or |

| | |science materials ahead of time and consult |

| | |with and observe experienced staff working in |

| | |the pre-school time slot. |

| | |I will practice the pre-school activities under|

| | |observation from my supervisor and adjust my |

| | |plan based on feedback. |


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