
Language Learning Portfolio(Part 2)My Language BiographyThis document is a record of 1) your current English abilities2) your English learning experiences, feelings, and goals3) how you learn EnglishCompleting this document will help you1) think more deeply about your current English abilities 2) understand how your experiences and attitudes affect your learning3) identify your English learning goals4) realize how to be a more successful language learnerLanguage Skills Analysis (1/1)My Current AbilitiesComplete the questionnaire with what you think about your current English abilities. Then, reflect on (think about) and write down your strengths and weaknesses.My speaking skills123451I can talk about my likes and dislikes in English.2I can give and respond to suggestions in English.3I can express my opinion in English.4I can react to what someone else says in English.5I can describe how to do something in English.6I can describe a word that I forget in English.7I can negotiate in English.8I can keep a conversation going in English.9I can bring someone else into a conversation in English.10I can interrupt someone politely in English.11I can check that someone understands what I’m saying in English.12I can check that I understand someone in English.My listening skills1234513I can understand what my professors say in English.14I can understand what my classmates say to me in English.15I can understand movies and TV shows in English.If I meet a foreigner in Korea ...1234516... I can greet them in English.17... I can introduce myself in English.?18... I can talk about myself in English.19... I can talk about Korean culture and customs in English.20... I can give them travel and tourism advice.21... I can give them directions in English.?If I travel abroad ...1234522... I can ask for directions in English.?23... I can check into a hotel in English.?24... I can order food or drinks in a restaurant or cafe in English.?25... I can buy something in a store in English.?26... I can buy a bus or train ticket in English.?27... I can buy a ticket for a tourist attraction in English.?28... I can ask for help from someone in English.?29... I can make ‘small talk’ with a local in English.?30... I can find out about someone’s culture in English.?Write your scoreScore: ? ? ? ? /150My Strengths ?My Weaknesses ?Me And My English (1/1)My English Past, Present, And FutureComplete the questionnaire about your previous experiences, present feelings, and future goals.My English ExperiencesQ1. How long have you been learning English? (Circle one answer)0-6 Months6-12 Months? 1-2 Years3-5 Years5-10 Years10+ YearsQ2. What have your English classes focused on in the past? (Circle one or more answers)Reading ? ? ? ? ? ? Listening ? ? ? ? ? ? Writing ? ? ? ? ? ? Speaking???Grammar? ? ? ? ? ? Vocabulary? ? ? ? ? ? Test Preparation ? ? ? ? ? ? Other (_____)Q3. Please rate your enjoyment of your English classes in the past. (1=hate; 10=love)12345678910Q4. What did you like most about learning English? (Write a short answer)Q5. What did you not like about learning English? (Write a short answer)My Current Feelings about EnglishQ6. Who do you prefer learning with? (Circle one answer)Alone? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? In pairs? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? In small groups (3-4 people)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? As a whole classQ7. What do you like doing in class? (Circle one or more answers)Reading ? ? ? ? Listening to audio files? ? ? ? ? Speaking??????????Practicing pronunciation ? ? ? ? Studying grammar? ? ? ? ? Learning vocabulary??????????Playing games? ? ? ? ? Watching TV/movies? ? ? ? ? Test preparation? ? ? ? ? ? Other (_____)?Q8. What would you like to do outside of the class? (Circle one or more answers)Reading ? ? ? ? Listening to audio files? ? ? ? ? Speaking??????????Practicing pronunciation ? ? ? ? Studying grammar? ? ? ? ? Learning vocabulary??????????Playing games? ? ? ? ? Watching TV/movies? ? ? ? ? Test preparation? ? ? ? ? ? Other (_____)Q9. How do you prefer learning? (Circle one answer)I like the teacher telling me the answer? ? ? ? ? I like working out the answer with others1=Strongly Disagree; ? ? ? 2=Disagree; ? ? ? 3=Not Sure; ? ? ? 4=Agree; ? ? ? 5=Strongly AgreeQ10.Learning English is about memorising words and grammar.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q11.Learning English means practicing with other people.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q12.The teacher should show students how to learn English.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q13.The teacher should always choose what to learn.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q14.Studying for 3 hours a week is enough to improve my English.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q15.The teacher should always correct my mistakes.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q16.Learning English takes time - students need to be patient.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q17.I have the ability to learn English.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q18.I will improve if I continue to practice.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q19.I worry about making mistakes when speaking English.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q20.I get nervous when using English to communicate.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q21.I think other students are better than me at using English.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q22.I worry someone will not understand my English speaking.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q23.I worry about failing English tests.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q24.I always do my best to improve my English skills.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q25.I want to become more confident using English.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q26.I need to learn English to get a good job.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q27.I enjoy learning.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5Q28.I want to improve my English skills.1 ? ? ? 2 ? ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 ? ? ? 5My English in the FutureQ29. How do you think you will use English in the future? (Circle one or more answers)Travel abroad ? ? Work/Business ? ? Study (in Korea) ? ? Study (abroad) ? ? Socially (e.g. making friends)? ? Watching movies/TV ? ? Social Media ? ? Reading books/news ? ? Listening to music?????Giving presentations? ? ? Sending emails ? ? Academic writing ? ? Taking tests? ? Other (_____)Q30. How would you like to use English in the future? (Circle one or more answers)Travel abroad ? ? Work/Business ? ? Study (in Korea) ? ? Study (abroad) ? ? Socially (e.g. making friends)? ? Watching movies/TV ? ? Social Media ? ? Reading books/news ? ? Listening to music?????Giving presentations? ? ? Sending emails ? ? Academic writing ? ? Taking tests ? ? Other (_____)Learning to Learn (1/1)Why Good Language Learners Are GoodComplete the questionnaire about how you learn a foreign language (such as English). Then, reflect on (think about) how you can be a better language learner.A=Always ? ? ? ? ? ? O=Often ? ? ? ? ? ? S=Sometimes ? ? ? ? ? ? R=Rarely ? ? ? ? ? ? N=NeverGOOD LANGUAGE LEARNERS FIND A LEARNING STYLE THAT SUITS THEM.I try to benefit from every learning situation, even if I don’t like it.AOSRNI try to choose ways of learning that are suited to my learning preferences.AOSRNGOOD LANGUAGE LEARNERS ARE ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN THE LEARNING PROCESS.Outside class, I use resources and activities to help me learn and use the language.AOSRNI try to find out my weaknesses.AOSRNI try to improve my weaknesses.AOSRNI try new ways of learning to get more information about the language.AOSRNGOOD LANGUAGE LEARNERS TRY TO UNDERSTAND HOW THE LANGUAGE WORKS.I pay special attention to pronunciation and how speech is connected.AOSRNI pay special attention to grammar.AOSRNI pay special attention to vocabulary and chunks of language.AOSRNGOOD LANGUAGE LEARNERS KNOW THAT LANGUAGE IS ABOUT COMMUNICATING.I try to develop useful techniques to practise listening, speaking, reading and writing.AOSRNI try to develop useful techniques to improve my pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.AOSRNI focus on successful communication and I don’t worry about making mistakes.AOSRNGOOD LANGUAGE LEARNERS ARE LIKE GOOD DETECTIVES.I look for clues to help me understand how the language works.AOSRNWhen I’m unsure about a word, phrase or utterance I’m happy to guess.AOSRNI ask people to correct me if I make a mistake.AOSRNI compare what I say to what others say to help me notice mistakes or ways to improve.AOSRNAfter class, or in my free time, I think about what I’ve learned.AOSRNGOOD LANGUAGE LEARNERS LEARN TO THINK IN THE LANGUAGE.I try to think in the target language even if it means I make more mistakes.AOSRNGOOD LANGUAGE LEARNERS UNDERSTAND THAT LANGUAGE LEARNING ISN’T EASY.I don’t easily get frustrated and I don’t often lose confidence.AOSRNI don’t get embarrassed when I make a mistake and I can even laugh at myself.AOSRNThe most successful language learners usually answer ‘Always’ to most of these statements.How can I be a better language learner? ? ? ? ................

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