Standard Work - Improving Primary Care Team Guide

|Step |Description |Key Point / Image / Reason |Who |Time |

| |Prior to session start, review scheduled visits for the current session |See Scheduled Management Standard Work attached. |PCP/DMA | |

| |and upcoming sessions | | | |

| |Review inbasket staff messages for daily updates and messages that need |For example, patients needing appointments, |DMA | |

| |immediate follow up. |messages sent to DMA that needs clinician input | | |

| |To be done at the beginning of the day and throughout the day after each | | | |

| |patient prep. | | | |

| |Review clinician’s inbasket for in between visit actions: |Assess volume and prioritize for completion with a|DMA | |

| | |limit of 4 items at once. | | |

| |- Urgent Patient Calls | | | |

| |- Urgent Prescription Approvals |Use color-coded cards and post-it notes to | | |

| |- Urgent Referral Messages |identify in between visit work in the queue. | | |

| |- Routine Patient Calls |Document on the post-it note, the time work was | | |

| |- Routine Prescription Approvals |received in the inbasket: | | |

| |- Routine Referral Messages |Yellow – Patient Calls | | |

| |- Patient Renewal Requests (MyHealth) |Light Blue - MyHealth | | |

| |- Patient Med Advice (MyHealth) |Purple – Prescriptions | | |

| |- Test Results |Red – Test Results | | |

| |- Previsit Results |Pink – Consult | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Consider the type of visit clinician is currently | | |

| |. |with and what type is ahead when determining the | | |

| | |queue of work and documentation to be done. | | |

| |Create a prioritized queue of work for the clinician to process upon |Assess volume and prioritize for completion. |DMA | |

| |returning to their office: |If clinician is running behind, in-between visit | | |

| |- Sign Hard Copy RXs |work consists of critical items only and/or just | | |

| |- Sign documents |documenting. | | |

| |- Forms | | | |

| |- Review patient results | | | |

| |- Clinician requesting a face to face consult | | | |

| | | | | |

| |To be done while clinician is with first patient and throughout the day in| | | |

| |between visits. | | | |

| |Throughout the session, manage exam room flow and patient readiness for |Important to determine if rooming or check-out | DMA | |

| |check-out. |should occur first --depends on when clinician | | |

| | |will finish with current patient. | | |

| | |Balance prep of | | |

| | |in-between visit | | |

| | |work and ‘prepping’ | | |

| | |patients. | | |

| | |- Clinician will trigger | | |

| | |“time for checkout” | | |

| | |using a black dot | | |

| | |on the Epic | | |

| | |Schedule. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Team Buy-In |

|Name |Position |Signature |


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