AP American History

L. Scherer

Unit 7: The Progressive Era (1901-1916)

Theme: Progressive reformers responded to economic instability, social inequity, and political corruption by calling for government intervention in the economy, expanded democracy, greater social justice and conservation of natural resources

In the late 1890s and the early years of the 20th century, journalists and Progressive reformers – largely urban and middle class, and often female – worded to reform existing social and political institutions a the local, state, and federal levels by creating new organizations aimed at addressing social problems associated with an industrial society.

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1. The populists

2. The Emergence of modern america

3. Muckraking and the progressive spirit

4. Theodore Roosevelt and the “Square Deal”

5. Woodrow Wilson’s “new freedom”

Timeline: (you should be familiar with the following terms as we go through the unit): You must look up the dates and put in order. Include a description and explain the significance!

| Granger laws |Niagara Movement |Underwood Tariff Bill - 1913 |

|Munn v. Illinois 1877 |Muckraker |Federal Reserve Act- 1913 |

|Wabash v. Illinois 1886 |Lincoln Steffans |Federal Trade Commission Act- 1914 |

|Interstate Commerce Act 1887 |Ida Tarbell |Clayton Act |

|Populist (People’s) Party 1892 |Robert LaFollette |Federal Farm Loan Act 1914 |

|Coxey’s Army – 1893 |16th Amendment - 1913 |Workingmen’s Compensation Act |

|William Jennings Bryan - 1896 |17th Amendment - 1913 |Keating Owen Child Labor Law |

|William McKinley 1896 |18th Amendment - 1919 | |

|Cross of Gold speech - 1896 |19th Amendment - 1920 | |

|Gold Standard Act 1900 |Elkins Act - 1903 | |

|New Nationalism - 1901 |Hepburn Act - 1906 | |

|New Freedom - 1912 |Northern Securities case | |

| |Muller v. Oregon | |

| |Lochner v. New York | |

| |Triangle Shirtwaist fire - 1911 | |

| |Upton Sinclair | |

| |Meat Inspection Act-1906 | |

| |Pure Food and Drug Act-1906 | |

| |Newlands Act | |

| |Sierra Club | |

| |Yosemite National Park | |

| |John Muir | |

Assignment #1: Due: Monday January 27th

Topic: The Populists

Required Reading in Textbook: American Pageant p. 591-604

1. Complete Document packet: “The Farmers Dilemma – To produce or Not to produce”

2. Do HAPP for each of the documents then answer question #1 a-e, #2 a-e and #3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Assignment #2: Due: Wednesday January 29th

Topic: Muckrakers, Progressives, and Reformers

Required Reading:

American Pageant, 638-655

Answer the following questions:

1. Who were some early critics of social injustice? What contribution did the Social Gospel movement make to progressivism?

2. Who were the muckrakers?  Identify some of the major muckrakers and their writings.  How did they prepare the way for Progressivism?

3. Why is there no “socialism” in America? Read pages 642-643 to find the answer

4. Why did so many upper- and middle-class women become progressives?

5. How did progressive reform change the way city government operated? Give examples

6. What was the basic purpose of the initiative, referendum, direct primary, and recall?

7. Who was Robert La Follette?  Why did his state, Wisconsin, become known as "The Laboratory of Democracy”?

8. Identify the major laws passed during Theodore Roosevelt’s administration that effectively expanded the regulatory powers of the federal government.

9. What was Roosevelt's lasting effect on national environmental policy?

Assignment #3: Due: friday 1/31

Handout: The Jungle and the Progressives

1. Read excerpts from “The Jungle” and fill out the chart labeled Part. A. Be prepared to use your homework in a class assignment on Friday.

No Homework over the weekend! Enjoy the Super Bowl [pic]

Assignment #4: DUE: Tuesday 2/4

Topic: Women’s Suffrage

Required Reading: APUSH READER (available on my website)

History Now, “Winning the Vote: A History of Voting Rights” (Mintz) page 85-90

Discuss the following (1 page typed ): How did women finally gain the right to vote? Compare their struggle to at least one other group in the reading.

DBQ Test on the Progressives: Thursday 2/6

M.C Test on Gilded Age and the Progressives: Friday 2/7 BRING #2 PENCIL



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