US History RIO Unit 5: Reform- The Gilded Age and the ...

US History RIO Unit 5: Reform- The Gilded Age and the Progressive Era


1. Why did farmers in the Gilded Age experience such widespread financial difficulty?

2. What group of people would have likely joined the Grange movement? Why?

3. What main thing did the Grange movement advocate for in order to improve the conditions for farmers?

4. Why was the Populist Party formed?

5. In what ways were the Populists successful in achieving their goals? In what ways did they fail?

6. Why did farmers advocate for the “free coinage of silver?”

7. Who gave the “Cross of Gold” speech? What did the speech advocate?

8. What was the “Omaha Platform?”

City Life

9. What new inventions made buildings such as the Chrysler Building (pictured to the left) possible?

10. What were living conditions like for lower class people living in the cities?

11. What is a settlement house?


12. Why did the Progressive Movement start?

13. What is a muckraker?

14. Why did Progressive reformers want to add a referendum, recall, and initiative to the political process?

15. How did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire affect working conditions?

16. Why did Teddy Roosevelt for the progressive Bull Moose party and run against Taft in 1912?

Progressive Reformers

|Progressive Reformer |What did the reformer want to |What tactics did the reformer use |What impact did this reformer’s |What groups directly benefited |

| |change about America? |to address the problems? |actions have on American society? |from the reformer’s actions? |

|Ida Tarbell | | | | |

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|Upton Sinclair | | | | |

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|Jacob Riis | | | | |

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|Jane Addams | | | | |

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|Robert LaFollette | | | | |

Government Actions

17. What was the purpose of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

18. What is the purpose of the Federal Reserve System?

Constitutional Amendments

|Amendment # |Purpose |

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|16th | |

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|17th | |

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|18th | |

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|19th | |

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Lives of African Americans

19. Why did so many African Americans leave the South for Northern cities in what became known as the Great Migration?

20. What was the purpose of Jim Crow laws? What are some examples of these laws?

| |Philosophy |Public Reaction to His Views |Impact |

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|Booker T. Washington | | | |

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|W.E.B. DuBois | | | |

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