Chapter 2 Reading Guide - The Constitution

Chapter 3 Reading Guide - Federalism

Outline the supporting details and key explanatory information for each of the following items. Outlines must be completed and brought to class for the in-class chapter quiz.

- federalism

- federal republic

- unitary system

- federal system

- confederate system

- Necessary and Proper Clause

- doctrine of nullification

- Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions

- doctrine of dual federalism

- police power

- initiative

- referendum

- recall

- grants-in-aid

- intergovernmental lobby

- categorical grants

- block grant

- conditions of aid

- mandates

- waiver

- devolution

1. The Antifederalist concern about the federal government seizing power have been increasingly justified. List examples supporting this view.

2. How did Kelo v. City of New London (2005) show the expansion of federal power?

3. List examples that show ways in which the states influence federal policy/laws.

4. Describe the differing views of what the national government “ought to do” as opposed to what it “has the right to do”.

5. Describe the meaning of the 10th Amendment in the Constitution historically.

6. What were the differing views of Hamilton, Jefferson, and Madison with regards to supremacy of government levels and the elastic power of the federal government?

7. What was the impact of the Court’s decision in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)?

8. List the two questions addressed by the Court in McCulloch v. Maryland and state the answers determined in the decision.

9. Describe the application of dual federalism to the commerce power including the concepts of interstate and intrastate commerce.

10. What were the effects of United States v. Lopez (1995), United States v. Morrison (2000), and Printz v. United States (1997) on dual federalism?

11. Describe the opposing views of federalism’s positive and negative impacts on race issues in America.

12. How has federalism helped to increase political activity in the US?

13. List examples of grant-in-aid programs.

14. Which university is one of the nation’s greatest? (Check out the caption on the top of page 64.)

15. What were the reasons for the rapid growth of the grants-in-aid system?

16. How did the purpose of the grant system change in the 1960s?

17. List four reasons that block grants & revenue sharing never became as prominent as desired?

18. Are conditions of aid truly voluntary for states?

19. Describe the trends in devolution in the 1980s & 1990s.

20. Describe the current popular view of devolution.

21. Describe the impact of devolution on welfare policy.

22. If American politics are still locally oriented, why are laws passed that cause “problems” for states and local governments?


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