Integrated Math 3 - commoncoremath2atdsa

Name:______________________ ______ Assignment:________

Common Core II Syllabus

Benjamin Bailey S107


919-560-3926 ext 23511

Mr. Bailey’s Webpage:

Common Core Textbook Online: Please refer to the above webpage for textbook information.

Welcome Back!

We have an exciting year planned in Common Core 2! Common core 2 will expand on the important topics of high school mathematics, such as Statistics, Geometry, and Linear Relationships. We will work in collaborative groups and investigate how mathematics plays a crucial role in the world around us. We will continue learning to formulate relevant questions and seek out the mathematics required to answer our questions and solve the problems relevant to the 21st century world.


• Three-ring binder (MANDATORY)

• Pencils

• Loose-leaf paper

• Graphing Calculator (TI-84)

• Post-It Notes 3x3

• Time Tracker

• 4 AAA Batteries

• Positive Attitude and Willingness to Learn by Working Hard!

Graphing Calculator

Each student is Strongly Encouraged to have a TI-83+, or TI-84+ graphing calculator. The TI-graphing calculator is used throughout the entire year to investigate mathematical concepts as well as in Common Core 3 and beyond. Many homework problems require the use of a graphing calculator.

COMMON CORE Tutoring Schedule

Each Common Core 2 teacher will offer tutoring at least one day a week for ALL Common Core 2 students. To make the most of tutoring sessions, students should come with notebooks, textbooks, applicable worksheets or handouts, and specific questions.

|Monday |Tuesday |Tuesday |

|3:55-4:30pm |8:00-8:35am |3:55–4:30 pm |

|Mr. Bailey S107 |Ms. Elliott S112 |Mr. Maultsby S209 |

|Wednesday |Thursday |

|8:00-8:35am |8:00-8:35am |

|Ms. Biddle S103B |Ms. Pace S103B |

Mr. Bailey’s Webpage:

Another way to be successful in math class is to utilize the Common Core 2 website. The website contains daily assignments, printable worksheets, contact information, tutoring schedules, and other important links. Mark this website as a “favorite” on your computer and be sure to visit on a regular basis.

Textbook Online Resources: Class textbooks are to be left in class, except with special permission. You can access your textbook online to review, practice, and complete HW assignments. If you do not have regular access to internet at home, please let me know ASAP!

If you need help navigating the site, please do not hesitate to ask!

What to do when I’m absent? Students should make every effort to be in attendance every day. However, we all know that sickness and other events cause students to miss school. Note: Assignments that were assigned the day before and due when the student was absent are expected to be completed and turned in when the student returns.

A record of daily assignments is located on the table of contents in the classroom and on my website. Any handouts needed for an assignment will be located in an ABSENT BINDER and are also available for download from the common core website. It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to check the TOC and ABSENT BINDER when they return.

Students should immediately check with a classmate FIRST and then Mr. Bailey if they have any questions about an assignment or its due date. Students have three additional days to make up any work they missed as a result of being absent.

Classroom Rules

1. Respect YOURSELF

2. Respect YOUR PEERS

3. Respect MR. BAILEY

Classroom Policies and Procedures

• A daily warm-up will always be on the screen when you enter. Get started immediately!

• Textbooks will be kept in class (class set only). If you need a textbook at home, you may check one out with Mr. Bailey

• Homework is to be completed every night. NO EXCEPTIONS.

• Respect each other and Mr. Bailey – ‘nuff said

• Snacks are ok as long as they aren’t noisy, have an odor, or cause other distractions. Eating your lunch is NOT ok.

• Drinks are ok ONLY if they have a top – spills encourage cockroaches!

• Students will be given 2 bathroom passes per quarter. So, you will need to plan your restroom breaks/water breaks accordingly.

• Our school has a rule about hats, phones, iPods etc. This rule also applies in Mr. Bailey’s classroom. Thank you for dealing with your technology appropriately.

• Students are expected to adhere to the DSA Academic Honor Code.

If a student chooses to break a rule, consequences include parent contacts, parent conferences, and after school detention. If these consequences do not resolve the issue, a discipline referral will be sent to the office.

Late Work Policy *NEW*

• Students MUST complete homework daily in order to be prepared for the next step in mathematical understanding. However, there are a few times during the year where we have other obligations or just plain forget. Late work will be accepted under the following conditions.

1. Student attends a tutoring session and completes the assignment DURING tutoring.

2. Student receiveds a signature and date of completion from the tutoring teacher on


3. Students completes above steps PRIOR to the quiz/test on the material.

4. Student submits the assignment, with signature and date, prior to the quiz/test.

Academic Honor Code Philosophy

Academic dishonesty (cheating) is a serious problem and occurs whenever submitted work is not uniquely your own. As academic requirements and expectations have grown, some students have opted to take short cuts. These short cuts not only take away from the students’ learning but also undermine the entire education process.

Examples of academic dishonesty can range from (but are not limited to):

• Copying someone’s homework

• Texting answers to a test

• Discussing answers to a test with someone who hasn’t taken the test yet

• Rewording passages from a book or article and not citing the source

• Cutting and pasting from online sources to create an assignment that one claims to be original work

• Purchasing an assignment or having someone else complete the assignment

• Looking at someone else’s paper

• Using online translators for assignments in a foreign language

• Seeing someone who is performing in an academically dishonest way and not reporting it

When students turn in work to teachers they should be claiming one of the following:

• They completed the work completely on their own

• They completed the work with tutoring help that is considered acceptable to the teacher

• They completed the work with classmates in a way that is considered acceptable to the teacher

• They completed the work with resource materials and cited those sources

When students turn in work that does not match one of the items listed above, academic dishonesty (cheating) has occurred.

Durham School of the Arts with take a stand to insure integrity to our program and to help instill the value of personal honor in our students through our honor code policy. Students who are guilty of cheating will face disciplinary action such as in-school (ISS) or out of school suspension (OSS).

|Grading Percentages |

|Quizzes & |70% |Quizzes will be given periodically. Tests will be given at the end of each unit. Tests will |

|Tests | |be weighted more heavily than quizzes. |

|Classwork, Homework, & |30% |Classwork and homework will be checked on a regular basis. Selected assignments will be |

|Warm-ups | |collected and graded for correctness. Warm-ups are used for daily review and practice. |

| | |Warm-up and homework quizzes will be given periodically. |

Group Work

The Math Department at DSA places a high value on the importance and necessity of working in collaborative groups. Therefore, we will be working in cooperative groups on a daily basis and you are expected to participate and be an asset. The following is a list of some ideals:

• Communicating mathematical ideas to other members of the group

• Dividing a task fairly among the group members

• Taking time to ensure that all group members understand

• Pushing the group to think deeply about the mathematics under investigation

• Reporting the group’s progress to the whole class in a complete and interesting way

Classroom/Group Norms

• Listen to others’ ideas. Disagree with ideas, not people.

• Take turns (be respectful).

• Helping is not the same as giving answers.

• ***Confusion is a part of learning***

3-Ring Binder and Notebooks – Chronological Order (order in which you receive items)

Success in a math class is dependent on many factors. One very important factor is organization of work. Students will be required to keep a math (only) 3-ring binder and follow the guidelines listed below.

• ALL work is to be done in PENCIL.

• Students will use a three-ring binder to keep notes, vocabulary, handouts and quizzes and tests (all chronologically)

• Assignment numbers MUST be written at the top of each homework/classwork assignment

• If an assignment is graded and returned, it should be placed into the correct order based on when the assignment was initially given.

Additional Resources – Search specific content in each of the following

• GOOGLE! – use google to find NEW resources of your own!

Homework Policy

Practice is an integral part to being successful in any math class. Completing an assignment is one step, but taking the time to do assignments correctly is what will give students the best opportunity for success. Most homework in this course will be an extension of incomplete class work and will be graded for completion. Occasionally, homework will be additional work designed to practice a newly learned skill. In order to encourage all students to do their assignments, ask questions about their assignments, and correct their assignments we will be giving 50% of their grade for completion and 50% of their grade for accuracy.


Honors Description

There is an honors track and college prep track available for this course. College prep and honors students will be graded on the same scale for all work. Assessments will be different for honors and college prep students. Additionally, honors students will frequently have additional/different problems for homework. Students who choose to pursue honors credit must turn in a signed honors contract no later than Friday, August 28th.

Anyone who signs up for the honors track has until September 25th to move out of honors into college prep track (must be done in writing). From that point on, honors students stay on the honors track the entire school year and college prep will remain on the college prep track. Students who do not earn a 75 or higher for the 1st 9 weeks will be transferred from Honors into College Prep. No changes will be made to the numerical grade for those 9 weeks.

What can you expect from Mr. Bailey?

The majority of this syllabus is related to my expectations of you. But, just as important, what can you expect from me? As your math teacher, I will be prepared every day with quality lessons to help you succeed in math class. I will establish classroom procedures to help you do your best and provide a safe and enjoyable learning environment. I will develop systems to help students organize their work and effectively study for quizzes and tests. I will hold students accountable for their actions and set high standards for achievement. I will create a friendly classroom where students feel safe and comfortable asking for help so that you reach your highest potential.


Text the message @ccm2ba to 81010 to receive important announcements (i.e. upcoming quizzes)

Mr. Bailey’s Wish List: Any donations will be greatly appreciated!

Bolded items are most needed

• Tissues *

• AAA batteries

• Loose leaf college-ruled paper

• Band Aids

• Gift cards to any office supply store

• High Polymer Erasers (white)

• Colored Pens (green, blue and red)

• Other


Common Core 2 Syllabus

Turn this in!

Please sign below to indicate that you have READ, UNDERSTAND, and AGREE to the information and procedures on the Common Core 2 syllabus. Please return this signed form to Mr. Bailey.

|Student Name: | |

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|Student Signature: | |

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|Parent/Guardian Name: | |

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|Parent/Guardian Signature: | |

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|Parent/Guardian Contact Information | |

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|Email Address(es): |Phone Number(s): |

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Please send any comments or questions you may have to Benjamin.Bailey@. Thank you!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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