Class Policies - Birmingham Schools

Integrated Math 1

Mr. Hoover

Instructor Information

Name: Todd Hoover Email:


Classroom Expectations

While in this class, your success will be directly related to the effort you choose to put into it. I expect that we will make learning the top priority, and consequently direct our energy and effort towards ensuring that every student is successful.

While I intend to support and challenge you with a variety of learning opportunities, I want you to understand that you are responsible for creating optimal learning for yourself!

This responsibility includes, but is not limited to:

▪ Coming to class on time and prepared.

▪ Engaging in meaningful discussion & productive struggle individually, as a group, and as a class.

▪ Following classroom procedures and norms set forth by the class/teacher.

▪ The Seaholm Student Code of Conduct applies

Suggested Materials

Students should bring the following to class everyday, unless otherwise directed:

▪ Pencil (Please use pencil for everything)

▪ Colored pen or pencil for correcting work

▪ 3-Ring binder and 5 dividers - Classwork, Homework, Math Notes & Learning Logs, Tests & TPT’s, Resources

▪ Graphing calculator (TI-84 Plus CE available in class)

▪ A positive attitude!

Grading Policy

Points are earned through tests, homework, classwork and team performance tasks.

Grading Scale: 87 - 89% B+ 77 - 79% C+ 67 – 69% D+

93 – 100% A 83 – 86% B 73 – 76% C 63 – 66% D

90 – 92% A- 80 – 82% B- 70 – 72% C- 60 – 62% D-

0 – 59% E

Trimester Grade: 75% Assessments Final Course Grade: 80% Trimester Grade

20% Homework & Classwork 20% Final Exam

5% Team Performance Tasks

Homework (Review/Preview)

Homework will be assigned nearly every day and is due at the beginning of the following class unless otherwise noted. This is an invaluable opportunity to practice what has been done throughout the trimester and to assess your understanding of the material. As such, students are expected to try every problem, show all work and diagrams, and make corrections. If you get stuck, you are expected to use online/outside resources for additional help and show evidence of this effort in order to receive credit. Be sure to take advantage of homework as an opportunity to make mistakes and make corrections.

Assessment Policy

Individual assessments will be given throughout the trimester and will be announced ahead of time. Assessments will be cumulative, containing concepts from the entire course. One retake opportunity will be offered for each test, excluding the last test of the trimester. There will be a clearly defined timeframe in which the retake must be completed in the Testing Center. Your final test grade will be a weighted average where the initial test is worth 30% and the retake is worth 70%.

Team Performance Tasks (TPT)

Students will be given the opportunity to work together and receive feedback prior to being assessed individually. TPTs will be graded as a group unless requested otherwise.


If you are absent from class, you are responsible for finding out what was covered and turning in the necessary work. All assignments will be posted on PowerSchool. Please make arrangements with another student/group for missed notes.

Students will be required to submit any work that was previously assigned and due on the day of their excused absence on the day of their return. If you are present the day a test, quiz, or project is announced but absent between the announcement and the actual test/due date, you will take the test or turn in the project on the scheduled date. Students who have an excused absence on the day of a quiz or test will be required to make up that quiz or test in the Testing Center within two days.

Testing Center (Room A205): Monday – Friday 5:45am – 7:15am

ALL TESTS must be made up in the testing center.

Make-up work, quizzes, or tests will not be accepted for unexcused absences.

Cell Phones and Electronics

In order to foster a productive learning environment, cell phones and other electronics are not to be used during class.

Additional Help

Even the best students get stuck or confused. Remember that sometimes 5 or 10 minutes of individual help makes all the difference in understanding and learning. Please do not wait until the day of a quiz or test to get extra help! Rather, seek help as soon as you begin having difficulties.

▪ Mr. Hoover is available during X-block and after school in A107. (Depending on time)

▪ There will be a Lunchtime Learning Lab for math help in A107. Mr. Hoover will be available during both lunches Monday through Thursday.

▪ Our online textbook has homework help for just about every problem.

▪ There is an abundance of information online that covers most topics we’ll be studying.

Mathematics Department, Seaholm High School Student Transfer Policy

Students may transfer to a different math course during the first three weeks (15 class periods) with teacher approval.  They will be graded only on subsequent work in their new course, but be responsible for all of the content of the course in terms of future tests/quizzes and the final exam.

Students may transfer to a different math course between the three week point and six week point (30 class periods) with teacher and department head approval.  The grades from their previous course will count as 30% of their trimester grade.  The grades from their new course will count as 50% of their trimester grade.  The final exam will count as 20% of their trimester grade. Again, students will be responsible for all of the content of the course in terms of future tests/quizzes and the final exam.

There will be no student transfers after the six week point (30 class periods).  Students may do a Drop/Fail from the course after six weeks.

Seaholm High School: Integrated 1

Course Description  

Integrated Math 1 aims to deepen and extend student understanding built in previous courses by focusing on developing fluency with solving linear equations, inequalities, and systems. These skills are extended to solving simple exponential equations, exploring linear and exponential functions graphically, numerically, symbolically, and as sequences, and by using regression techniques to analyze the fit of models to distributions of data.

Integrated Math 1 teaching strategies focus on how students best learn and retain mathematics.  Teaching strategies rely on the recommendations of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and are based solidly on the methodological research in teaching mathematics.  The research-based principles that guide the course are:

• Students should engage in problem-based lessons structured around a core idea.

• Guided by a knowledgeable teacher, students should interact in groups to foster mathematical discourse.

• Practice with concepts and procedures should be spaced over time; that is, mastery comes over time.

Course Topics  (tentative)

Ch 1 Functions

Ch 2 Linear Functions

Ch 3 Transformations and Solving

Ch 4 Modeling Two-Variable Data

Ch 5 Sequences

Ch 6 Systems of Equations

Ch 7 Congruence and Coordinate Geometry

Ch 8 Exponential Functions

Ch 9 Inequalities

Ch 10 Functions and Data

Ch 11 Constructions and Closure

Collaborative Learning

Students will be working in a team daily. Teams will mainly consist of four students. The teams and roles will be changed periodically.  Students will be assigned the following roles in order to encourage productive collaboration:

• Resource Manager: Responsible for getting materials and asking the teacher questions.

• Facilitator: Responsible for keeping your team working together.

• Recorder/Reporter: Responsible for verifying that your team is writing justifications and explanations.

• Task Manager: Responsible for facilitating an effective, participating team.

Accessing CPM Online Textbook

Identical to your paper textbook, but includes additional checks for understanding, videos, homework helps, etc.

Go to ebooks. to create your own username and password using the class code FDPHN. Click on “Need an account? Create one”. Enter your first and last name. Use your BPS login followed by bps as your CPM login (ex. xyz1bps). Use your BPS email ( Use your BPS password as your CPM password.



A Note to Parents/Guardians

Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s):

We are very excited to have your student in Integrated 1! This year is going to be a very important year in your student’s mathematics education. Because of that, your student will be challenged regularly in a way that requires thought and discussion. He or she may not understand everything we do in class right away and may be challenged by homework, but that productive struggle is part of the learning process and we are here to help.

As you assist your student, you may find the CPM Parent Guide helpful. Even if you don’t remember particular math concepts, you can also help by asking one of the following questions while your student is working at home:

1. Have you tried using the online textbook’s Homework Help?

2. What information are you looking for?

3. What information do you have?

4. Can you find a similar problem in your notes or textbook?

5. Have you tried looking online for videos or examples of the same concept?

6. Can you write down specifically what you don’t understand about the problem?

Answering these questions will often help students solve their problem or at least provide evidence to us that it was attempted.

Please speak with your student regularly about their progress in the class and encourage them to speak with us if they have questions or are struggling with the work. We firmly believe that if every student is respectful, prepared, and involved, we will all have a wonderful trimester!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your student’s current teacher.


Mrs. Barve, Mrs. Hanson, Mr. Hoover, Mrs. Kong, and Mrs. Stay

First Assignment:

Please visit Mr. Hoover’s webpage with your student to complete the Student/Parent Contract. A link Is

available on the main “Welcome” page. This should be completed by Friday, November 30th.

Thank you!

Mr. Hoover’s webpage: [pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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