COURSE DESCRIPTION: Integrated Math 2 is designed to ...

FOLSOM CORDOVA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTFolsom High School 2017-2018COURSE EXPECTATIONSCOURSE:Integrated Math 2INSTRUCTOR:Mr. FleischmannPHONE:(916) 294-2400 ext. 415-255EMAIL: afleischmann@WEBSITE: DESCRIPTION: Integrated Math 2 is designed to extend the mathematics that students learned in Integrated Math 1 to the family of quadratic expressions, equations, and functions. The standards are based on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and include topics from the conceptual categories: Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. Carnegie Learning Integrated Math 2 is the second course in the three-course Integrated Math series. With this course, students generalize, formalize, and extend the mathematics they learned in the Integrated 1 course. Students practice solving problems and expressing solutions in multiple ways while learning how various mathematics disciplines are connected. Working in groups is a fundament aspect of this course and all students are expected to participate.EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Folsom High School is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals. Activities shall be free from discrimination based on gender, race, color, religion, national origin, ethnic group, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability or any other unlawful consideration.ATTENDANCE/TARDIES: Students need to be in class daily, on time, with appropriate materials. It is difficult to catch up in mathematics once one falls behind. Find a buddy to get assignments from in the event of an unexpected absence. You are expected to be in your assigned desk, materials out, ready to go when the tardy bell rings. If not, you are considered tardy. The school tardy policy will be followed. SCHOOL RULES: Remember that no food, drink, or gum will be allowed; all iPods, cell phones and accessories must be turned off and placed out of sight during class; and all staff will be enforcing the school dress code throughout the entire school day.METHOD OF EVALUATION: Tests, quizzes, assignments, class participation and any special projects are all included. The following scale will determine grades:Grade ScaleQuarter breakdownSemester breakdown A = 90 – 100%Tests & Quizzes90%Tests & Quizzes55%B = 80 – 89%Assignments/Assignments/C = 70 – 79%Class Participation10%Class Participation15%D = 60 – 69%Semester Final30%F = below 60%THE FOLLOWING RULE WILL PREVAIL REGARDLESS OF THE STUDENT’S PERCENTAGE:The semester grade cannot be more than one letter grade higher than the final exam grade.For example:In order to maintain a semester grade of A(-), the final exam grade must be at least B(-).POWERSCHOOL: Parents/Students can check on their students’ progress at any time by logging into power school. All Powerschool grades are updated on a weekly basis and newly graded materials will be added in a timely manner. If you have any questions about what you are seeing online I encourage you to send me and email and I will be glad to help clear things up. ASSIGNMENTS: Homework assignments will be given daily and checked for completion the following class session. Proficiency in mathematics is attained only by practice. You learn mathematics by doing mathematics. Each day will begin with practice problems from previous assignments, while the prior assignment is checked for completion and then reviewed before the new day’s topic is introduced. TESTS: Quizzes may be given at any time but generally occur on Fridays. Tests are given at the end of each unit and may cover any materials from homework, classwork, or previous chapters. A cumulative final will be given at the end of each semester. MATH JOURNAL: Students will use a college ruled notebook to help organize the material we learn each day in class. This notebook should be dedicated entirely to math and should not be used for any other subject. Students who are willing to compile this resource as instructed will occasionally have the opportunity to use it on a quiz or similar assignments. MAKE-UPS: If absent, students are expected to find out what work was missed and complete it. For excused absences, 1 day for each day absent is allowed to earn credit. If a student misses a period due to a school activity, that student is expected to get the assignment in advance and have it completed on time. Missed quizzes and tests need to be made up as soon as possible.Half credit is granted for late work for up to a week; however, no credit is given for homework following an unexcused absence.EXTRA CREDIT: Students will not be allowed to salvage a poor grade by doing extra credit at the end of the term. Extra credit opportunities may be given sparingly through the semester as enrichment activities. and is generally added to the Homework portion of the grade. MATERIALS: We recognize that many families wish to provide supplies for their own student or donate materials to the school and are welcome to do so at any time. The supplies listed are suggested materials and are not required of any student or family to fully participate in the school’s academic program. All required materials and supplies will be provided by schools to students at no cost.Suggested Materials:1?” Binder with Pockets and three sections: Text Book, Assignments, & Spare Graph PaperPencils College Ruled Composition Note Book*** (This needs to be used only for math) Mathematical Compass and Protractor (first semester)Scientific Calculator TEXTBOOK/MATERIALS RESPONSIBILITY: Student texts are consumable. Any lost or damaged pages can be reprinted from the Carnegie Website. Text Book login information will be found on my teacher website. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY/PLAGIARISM: In order to encourage students to follow our Academic Honesty Policy (please refer to the PAWSport), Folsom High School is implementing , an originality-checking software program. DONATIONS: State law does not allow school districts to charge fees to students for educational activities; many of our programs rely on financial contributions from participating families. Please know that a donation is not required to participate, and families that choose to contribute may do so at any amount. A suggested donation can help sustain school wide programs.FOLSOM CORDOVA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTFolsom High School 2017-2018COURSE EXPECTATIONSDue: ___________ (20pts)COURSE:Integrated Math 2INSTRUCTOR:Mr. FleischmannTo the Student’s Family: Please sign below indicating that you have reviewed course expectations and grading policies with your student. Thank you for returning this form to me. I appreciate your time and support. Please feel free to email me at afleischmann@ if you have any questions.Student Name (PRINT)Student SignatureParent Name (PRINT)Parent SignaturePhone __ Email __*******************************************Parents, please tell me something nice about your child . . . Please indicate if your child has any special needs. . . To Receive updates about homework and upcoming test please subscribe to remind…8661407162400Interested in making an additional donation to our very costly classroom? The following items would be appreciated any time throughout the school year: (Printer Paper, Graph Paper, Tissue/Kleenex, Pencils, Hand Sanitizer) ................

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