


1182 Ridge Road Olphukrchurch@ Rectory: (716) 823-6182. Cell Father 716-4654878 Lackawanna NY 14218 ***********************************************************************************************************************

4rd Sunday after Pentecost. Sunday of All Saints of Rus’-Ukraine, July 1-8. (27) 2017


Sat July 01 5:00 PM +Michael. R. Mandiak Sun July 02 10:00 AM Blessing for all parishiners.

Tue July 04 9:00 AM Independence Day. Private Intention

Wed July 05 8:30 AM Divine Liturgy

Thu July 06 8:30 AM Divine Liturgy

Fri July 07 8:30 AM Divine Liturgy

Sat July 08 5:00 PM +Maria Hnatyczyn –John Hnatyczyn


YOUR PRAYERS are requested for those who are sick: Natalia Guran, Helen Evanisko, Eugene Dziedzina, Myron Hryn, Martha Terpak, Nina Barshcz, Anna Sawylak, Walter Karyczak, John Hnatyshyn, Tekla Jurkiv, and for all our parishioners. ***********************************************************************************************************************

The Eternal Light for the month of June is open ***********************************************************************************************************************

The Stamford Diocesan Charities Appeal

Charities Appeal: We need $145.00 for our goal. If you have not given a donation, please do sa as soon as possieuble.


Charities Appeal: Ми потребуємо $145.00. Прошу внести свій внесок тих хто ще Hежертвував свoї датки.


On July 4 we will celebrate Independence Day. Sunday July 2nd after the 11 o’clock Liturgy we will have a parish luncheon for our parishioners and guests.


On the occasion of Independence Day, let us thankGod for this country of ours, and let us ask Him to guide her on the path of justice and peace.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary always keep her under Her Holy Protection.

Happy Birthday America!


It is important for parishioners to be active and registered members of the parish. This is necessary in order for one to receive the benefits of being a parishioner such as participation in the sacraments and also for one to be able to have specific service int eh kchurch such as weddings, baptism and funerals.


Tenatively we are scheduling a parish council meeting on July 6 at 6PM to summarize the events of the first six of the year and plan for the next six months in the church rectory. It is highly recommended that the Trustees attend.


Церковна Інтернет Сторінка-.–Розкажіть про неї рідним та близьким.


The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Inc.,Buffalo Branch, invites everyone to attend

UKRAINIAN AMERICAN DAY. Celebrating the 26he Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence on Sunday, August 27, 2017 1-8 PM at The Ukrainian Cultural Center “Dnipro”562 Genessee St., Buffalo, NY. Prayer of Thanksgiving (Moleben) 1:30 PMAuthentic Ukrainian food, live vocalists and musicians, Ukrainian dancers, art displays, craft vendors, full selection of Slavic beers, huge raffle, bounce house...Free Admission.


Ukrainian Heritage Festival. Sunday, July 30, 2017. 12:00 Noon to Dusk. PROGRAM12:00 Festival Begins 12:30 Music by ” Budemo Razom” 1:30. –Festival Ends Ethnic Food, Ukrainian and Local Beer, Wine. Free Admission.


Що довідатися більше про що дієтьая в громаді, Просимо відвідати веб сторінку. . Is the the web-page to find More information and

events in our Ukrainian Community.


4rd Sunday after Pentecost. Sunday of All Saints of Rus’-Ukraine

Troparion, Tone 3: Let the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice, for the Lord has done a mighty deed with His arm. He trampled death by death. He became the first-born of the dead;* He saved us from the abyss of Hades* and granted great mercy to the world.

Troparion, Tone 4: O you, who glorified Christ: princes and bishops, monastics and martyrs,* and steadfast confessors of Christian Ukraine throughout all times,*pray Christ God to look with favour on our people* and to grant them the grace to persevere in the faith* that the souls of prayerful faithful* who revere your sacred memory* may be saved.

Glory be to …Kontakion, Tone 3: You rose from the tomb, O compassionate Lord,* and led us out from the gates of death.* Today Adam exults and Eve rejoices, and the prophets together with the patriarchs* unceasingly acclaim the divine might of Your power.

Now and ….Kontakion, Tone 4: You shine as bright beacons, O God-inspired and righteous saints of our Church.* By your encouraging example,* you serve communities of faithful throughout the Christian world.* Therefore we humbly bow our heads to you* thanking our great and all-gracious God Who has made you our intercessors in heaven* where you pray for our souls.

Prokeimenon, T. 3. Sing to our God, sing; sing to our King, sing.

verse: Clap your hands, all you nations; shout unto God with the voice of joy. (Psalm 46:7,2)

Prokeimenon, T. 7. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His venerable ones.

Alleluia, T. 3. verse: In You, O Lord, have I hoped that I may not be put to shame for ever.

verse: Be a protector unto me, O God, and a house of refuge to save me. (Psalm 30:2,3)

verse: Blessed is the man who fears the Lord; he shall delight exceedingly

Communion Hymn. Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest. (Psalm 148:1) Rejoice in the Lord, O you just;* praise befits the righteous.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 32:1)[pic][pic][pic]


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