Fresh pineapple Specification - World Trade Organization



Second Edition 2015-mm-dd

Fresh pineapple -- Specification

Reference number DUS 2: 2015

? UNBS 2015

DUS 2: 2015

Compliance with this standard does not, of itself confer immunity from legal obligations A Uganda Standard does not purport to include all necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application

? UNBS 2015

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DUS 2:2015



Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ iv


Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 1


Normative references............................................................................................................................1


Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 1


Provisions concerning quality .............................................................................................................3

4.3 Maturity requirements...........................................................................................................................4


Classification ......................................................................................................................................... 4

5.1 "Extra" Class ......................................................................................................................................... 4

5.2 Class I ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

5.3 Class II .................................................................................................................................................... 4


Provisions concerning sizing .............................................................................................................. 5

7 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.3 7.4

Provisions concerning tolerances.......................................................................................................5 General ................................................................................................................................................... 5 Quality tolerances ................................................................................................................................. 6 "Extra" Class ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Class I ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Class II .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Size tolerance ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Application of tolerances ..................................................................................................................... 6


Contaminants......................................................................................................................................... 6

8.1 Heavy metals..........................................................................................................................................6

8.2 Pesticide residues ................................................................................................................................. 6


Hygiene ................................................................................................................................................... 7

10 Provisions concerning presentation ................................................................................................... 7 10.1 Uniformity...............................................................................................................................................7 10.2 Packaging...............................................................................................................................................7 10.3 Presentation ........................................................................................................................................... 7

11 Labelling ................................................................................................................................................. 7 11.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 7 11.2 Consumer packages ............................................................................................................................. 7 11.2.1 Name of produce ................................................................................................................................... 7 11.3 Non-retail containers............................................................................................................................. 7 11.3.1 Identification .......................................................................................................................................... 8 11.3.2 Origin of produce .................................................................................................................................. 8 11.3.3 Commercial identification .................................................................................................................... 8 11.3.4 Quality certification mark (optional) .................................................................................................... 8

12 Methods of sampling.............................................................................................................................8

Annex A (Normative) Classification of defects .............................................................................................. 9

Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................................... 11

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Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is a parastatal under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives established under Cap 327, of the Laws of Uganda, as amended. UNBS is mandated to coordinate the elaboration of standards and is (a) a member of International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and (b) a contact point for the WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius Commission on Food Standards, and (c) the National Enquiry Point on TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The work of preparing Uganda Standards is carried out through Technical Committees. A Technical Committee is established to deliberate on standards in a given field or area and consists of representatives of consumers, traders, academicians, manufacturers, government and other stakeholders. Draft Uganda Standards adopted by the Technical Committee are widely circulated to stakeholders and the general public for comments. The committee reviews the comments before recommending the draft standards for approval and declaration as Uganda Standards by the National Standards Council.

DUS 2-2 was prepared by Technical Committee TC 2-SC 4, Fruits Vegetables and derived products. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition US 2:1992, which has been technically revised.


? UNBS 2015 ? All rights reserved


DUS 2:2015

Fresh pineapple -- Specification

1 Scope

This Draft East African Standard specifies requirements for commercial varieties of pineapples grown from Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. of the Bromeliaceae family, to be supplied fresh to the consumer. Pineapples for ornamental use or industrial processing are excluded.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EAS 38, Labelling of pre-packaged foods -- General requirements CAC/RCP 53-2003 Code of hygienic practice for fresh fruits and vegetables

ISO 874; Fresh fruits and vegetables -- Sampling ISO 2173, Fruits and Vegetable products ? Determination of soluble solids -- Refractometric method

CODEX STAN 193-1995, Codex general standard for contaminants and toxins in food and feed. CAC/RCP 44 1995, Recommended international code of practice for packaging and transport

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions shall apply 3.1 foreign matter any substance which affects the appearance and typical smell of the pineapple 3.2 similar varietal characteristics the pineapples in any lot are similar in type and character of growth 3.3 mature the pineapple has reached the physiological stage of development 3.4 overripe the pineapple is soft and past commercial utility

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DUS 2: 2015

3.5 stems removed the stem at the base of the pineapple has been removed so that it does not extend more than one inch beyond the outermost bottom portion of the butt of the fruit

3.6 well formed the pineapple shows good shoulder development and is not lopsided or distinctly pointed, and that the sides are not noticeably flattened

3.7 fairly well formed the pineapple is not excessively lopsided, flattened at the shoulders or sides

3.8 fairly uniform in size the weight of the pineapple within individual containers does not vary more than 0.23Kg -0.45Kg from smallest to largest

3.9 freezing injury or frozen (fruit) the edible flesh is glassy, water-soaked, and/or discoloured as is characteristic of having been frozen or the fruit is affected by freezing so that some portion is in a hardened state with ice crystals present

3.10 freezing injury or frozen (tops) the leaf tissue is glassy, water-soaked, and/or discoloured as is characteristic of having been frozen or the tops are to some degree, hardened by freezing with ice crystals present

3.11 crown slips the small secondary top growths at the crown of the fruit

3.12 shell the external surface or rind of the fruit

3.13 flesh the internal edible portion of the fruit

3.14 similar varietal characteristic colour for tops the tops in a lot may vary from a characteristic green to reddish-green colour

3.15 decay breakdown or disintegration of the tops or breakdown, disintegration or fermentation of the pineapple caused by bacteria or fungi

3.16 internal breakdown a physiological deterioration which results in a water-soaked or brown or blackish discolouration

3.17 injury any defect listed in the classification of defects (Annex A) or any other defect or combination of defects which more than slightly detracts from the appearance, edible, or shipping quality of the fruit


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DUS 2: 2015

3.18 damage any defect listed in the classification of defects (Annex A) or any other defect or combination of defects which materially detracts from the appearance, edible, or shipping quality of the fruit

3.19 serious damage any defect listed in the classification of defects (Annex A) or any other defect or combination of defects which seriously detracts from the appearance, edible, or shipping quality of the fruit

3.20 badly misshapen the pineapple is so badly curved, constricted, pointed or otherwise deformed that the appearance is very seriously affected

4 Provisions concerning quality

4.2 Minimum requirements

In all classes, subject to the special provisions for each class and the tolerances allowed, the pineapples shall be:

i. intact, complete with the crown, which may be reduced and/or trimmed;

ii. fresh in appearance, including the crown, which should be free of wilted, dry, loose or damaged leaves;

iii. sound, produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded;

iv. clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter;

v. free of internal browning;

vi. practically free of pests;

vii. practically free of damage caused by pests;

viii. free of pronounced blemishes, in particular unhealed cuts, bruising, scorching, holes, cracks (healed or not);

ix. free of damage caused by chilling or by high temperature;

x. free of abnormal external moisture;

xi. free of any foreign smell and/or taste.

xii. When a peduncle (stem) is present, it shall be no longer than 2.0 cm long and the cut shall be transversal, straight and clean.

The development and condition of the pineapples shall be such as to enable them:

i. to withstand transport and handling, and

ii. to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.

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4.3 Maturity requirements

4.3.1 The pineapples shall have been carefully picked and have reached an appropriate degree of maturity and ripeness in accordance with criteria proper to the variety and/or commercial type and to the area in which they are grown. 4.3.2 A transverse section of the fruit shall not reveal flesh that is excessively fibrous or lacking in aroma. 4.3.3 The "eyes" should be well-filled, according to the characteristics of the variety. 4.3.4 The total soluble solids content of the fruit flesh shall be at least 12? Brix in accordance with ISO 2173

5 Classification

5.1 "Extra" Class Pineapples in this class shall be of superior quality and characteristic of the variety and/or commercial type They shall be free from defects, with the exception of very slight superficial defects, provided that these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package. The crown, if present, shall be simple and straight with no sprouts, and shall be between 50 and 150% of the length of the fruit for pineapples with untrimmed crowns.

5.2 Class I Pineapples in this class shall be of good quality and characteristic of the variety and/or commercial type The following slight defects may be allowed, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package:

a) slight defects in shape; b) slight defects in colouring, including sun-scorch/sun-spots/sun-burns; c) slight skin defects (i.e. scratches, scars, scrapes and blemishes) not exceeding 4 % of the total

surface area. The defects shall not, in any case, affect the pulp of the fruit. The crown may be simple or double and straight or slightly curved, with no side-shoots and should not exceed 150% of the length of the fruit for pineapples with trimmed or untrimmed crowns.

5.3 Class II This class includes pineapples that do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes, but satisfy the minimum requirements in 4.2. The following defects may be allowed, provided the pineapples retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:

a) defects in shape; b) defects in colouring, including sun-scorch;


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