(6 to 10 hrs per month) PRESIDENT –

Function: Provides leadership to the local chapter consistent with state, area and national Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) policy, strategies and objectives. Responsible for operating the chapter effectively so that the needs of the members are met. Performs other duties as required by the local chapter's bylaws. Serves as a voting member of the State Council.

Duties and Responsibilities: Conducts the business of the chapter in accordance with the chapter bylaws and serve as chairperson of the chapter's Board of Directors. Presides over the activities of all officers and directors, as well as standing committees, to ensure the accomplishment of chapter goals, objectives, and strategies. Monitors the use, accounting and handling of the chapter funds. Prepares and submits a budget to the chapter's executive committee for approval. Chairs all meetings of chapter officers and members. Attends State Council meetings and actively participate in Council matters. Communicates state, area and/or national goals, policies and programs to chapter members. Represents the State Council to local chapter leaders and the membership.

Requirements: Must be a SHRM member in good standing elected by the chapter membership. * President travels to 4 quarterly state council meetings, 1 bi-annual State SHRM conference, and 1 SHRM Volunteer Leader Conference.

(5 to 7 hrs per month) PRESIDENT-ELECT-

Function: Assists the President in overseeing all chapter activities. In the absence of the President, performs all their responsibilities. President-Elect automatically becomes chapter president for one-year term and will then automatically serve as immediate past-president for one-year term.

Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for annual Chapter EXCEL Award Program development and documentation. Assists in planning, coordinating, and presiding over the annual chapter conference. Schedules monthly speakers for chapter meetings and develops for distribution calendar year speaker listing for members. Collects bio and topic agendas from speaker and sends to Secretary to submit for pre-approval for HRCI and to document program # for SHRM Certification, in advance, and introduces speaker at meeting. Attends (and preside over, if necessary) all membership and Executive Committee meetings. Participates in the development and implementation of short-term and long-term strategy planning for the chapter. Actively recruits potential new members for chapter.

Requirements: Must be a Regular SNMSHRM member in good standing elected by chapter membership – and must join SHRM prior to Presidency term. Position moves to President for 1 yr and then Past-President for 1 yr.

*Secretary – Treasurer – Must be a Regular SNMSHRM member in good standing elected by chapter membership

(4 to 6 hrs per month) SECRETARY-

Duties and Responsibilities: Upon the advice of the president, the secretary issues notice of officer and board of directors' meetings. After consultation with the president, the secretary prepares copies of the agenda for such meeting. The secretary maintains a record of attendance and prepares the minutes of all officers' and directors' meetings and regular chapter meetings. Responsible for emailing minutes of board meetings out to board members for review no later than 10 days following meeting. Responsible for submitting meeting speaker bio and program information to HRCI and SHRM for pre-approval for recertification credits and is responsible for maintaining records of program ID#’s. Actively recruits new members for chapter.

(4 to 6 hrs per month) TREASURER –

Duties and Responsibilities: Must observe the financial direction of the chapter, recognize possible financial problems and bring such problems to the attention of the executive committee for action. Receives, holds and safeguards in the capacity of trustee and financial agent, all funds for the chapter. Responsible for transferring funds from PayPal to bank account and reconciling against monthly bank statement. Disburses such funds only for normal and usual uses, as approved in the annual budget, unless the Chapter's Executive Board shall otherwise direct. Maintains a complete set of accounting records. All funds received, and disbursements made must be recorded. Verifies Bank Statement as received and balances the checkbooks and reconciles any differences. Reports the Chapter's financial condition at each board and chapter meeting of the chapter. Responsible for submitting accounting records to be audited at least once each year, no later than end of February. Issues checks and/or debit card payment of chapter obligations on receipt of proper documentation and approvals. Practices internal controls by using two signatures for check signing and bank accounts. Usually signing authorization should include the treasurer and president of the chapter.


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