Las Estaciones y El Tiempo

Las Estaciones y El Tiempo

Power Point Project

Spanish I

Your job is to create six (6) slides in your power point presentation. The slides are to be as follows:

Slide 1: Title slide in Spanish. Also, make sure you write “escrito por” (written by) and then your first and last name.

Slides 2-5: These are your slides on the weather and the seasons. Each one must include:

A. the name of the season (in Spanish) you’re describing

B. one sentence that says what the weather is like in that season; it must make sense as it pertains to where we live in NY.

a. example: Hace ....(weather term) en...(the name of the season)

C. the months of the year that correspond to that season.

a. example: Los meses del or de la (name of the season) son...

This means: The months of (season) are...

D. a picture depicting that season; a slide on the winter must have a picture of a winter scene.

Slide 6: This is your final slide. On this slide you are describing your favorite season. Your title needs to be: Mi Estación Favorita (my favorite season). On this slide, besides the title, you need the following:

A. tell me what your favorite season is and why

a. example: Mi estación favorita es el invierno, or el verano, or el otoño or

la primavera porque….

B. you need a different picture of that season than what you used above in slides 2-5.

We will be in the upstairs computer lab during our 6th period class on Friday, 10/24/14, and Monday, 10/27/14. THIS PROJECT IS DUE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2014. You will be given one day’s grace period to turn in this project, but you will lose 10 points. Hence, after 10/29/14, you will take a zero for this project!

Please make sure you save your project as part of your grade will be showing it to the class. Yes, you will need to read your slides as part of your presentation grade. I also need a hard copy of your presentation; just print out your six slides. I will show you how.

Accents on the computer (use the numbers on the right hand side of the keyboard):

alt + 160= á alt + 164= ñ alt + 144= É

alt + 161= í alt + 130= é alt + 163= ú

alt + 162= ó alt + 168= ¿ alt + 173=¡

Graphic Organizar

Las Estaciones y El Tiempo

Power Point Project

Slide 1: This is your title slide for the entire project (in Spanish). Make sure you write Escrito por (written by) and then put your first and last name.


(Written by)________________________________________________

Slide 2:

(Title: The Winter) _________________________________________

Sentence 1: Describe what the weather is like in the winter in NYS.


Sentence 2: In Spanish, in a complete sentence, list the months that correspond to the winter in NYS.


Part 3: You need a picture depicting the winter.

Slide 3:

(Title: The Spring) _________________________________________

Sentence 1: Describe what the weather is like in the spring in NYS.


Sentence 2: In Spanish, in a complete sentence, list the months that correspond to the spring in NYS.


Part 3: You need a picture depicting the spring.

Slide 4:

(Title: The Summer) _________________________________________

Sentence 1: Describe what the weather is like in the summer in NYS.


Sentence 2: In Spanish, in a complete sentence, list the months that correspond to the summer in NYS.


Part 3: You need a picture depicting the summer.

Slide 5:

(Title: The Fall) _________________________________________

Sentence 1: Describe what the weather is like in the fall in NYS.


Sentence 2: In Spanish, in a complete sentence, list the months that correspond to the fall in NYS.


Part 3: You need a picture depicting the fall.

Slide 6: (title as per above directions)

Sentence 1: Tell me what your favorite season is and why.


Part 2: You need a picture depicting that season but it must be a totally different picture than what you used in any of the other slides.

This graphic organizer is due to me at the end of class on 10/23/14. I will give it back to you in the computer lab on 10/24. It is 25% of your grade for this project.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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