
Dr. Richard A. Vladovic Harbor Teacher Preparation Academy

The Teaching Project

(Service Learning Requirement)


Each student in LAUSD must complete service learning hours in order to graduate. At VHTPA, your service learning hours are built into the AVID curriculum through The Teaching Project. You are required to develop a science-based lesson plan that utilizes technology. Ninth graders will teach lessons to 3rd graders and tenth graders teach lessons to 4th graders. You must complete two years of the Teaching Project; this includes a 2-page reflection after teaching your lesson, in order to receive Service Learning credit and graduate from VHTPA.

You will be provided with a copy of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) so that you may create your lesson. Your lesson must be technology based. This can include the use of slide presentations, videos, online quizzes, etc. Be aware that Wi-Fi access at the schools where we teach is not always guaranteed. Your group needs to have a back up plan in case Wi-Fi is not available. I suggest saving your lesson to a flash drive. Your lesson must also include the use of manipulatives, meaning that you will need to conduct an in-class project that includes a hands-on activity that all students can participate in.

You are required to prepare several mandatory items in your lesson to ensure it is engaging and you are teaching from the standard(s).

Your AVID/Aca Deca teacher and I will monitor your progress of completion of your lesson. Aca Deca, Double Math, 11th graders, and/or Yearbook students will be responsible for completion of the project during time your teacher allots in class or during time outside of the classroom. Students who fall in this category must form a group with students in the same class as them. Aside from Aca Deca, I will conduct periodic checks with these groups to make sure you stay on track.

For those in AVID classes, your project should be completed during class time and should be finished before Winter Break in December. School visits will begin in January and can last through April. School visits will be on Fridays only. I will try my best to notify you within two weeks of the time you will teach your lesson, but keep in mind that your group should be prepared to teach at the start of the spring semester. You have no say in when you teach your lesson or what elementary school you will go to.

You will work in groups of three (sometimes, but rarely in groups of two or four) and each student is responsible for completing EQUAL amounts of work on this project. Your AVID/Aca Deca teacher will make sure that everyone is doing what is required. You will have the opportunity to show a portion of your lesson to your peers in class, in order to receive feedback.

Once you have chosen your group members you will not be allowed to change groups. Make sure you choose your group members carefully. It is important that all students learn to work well with one another.

All documents needed for the completion of the project will be posted on the school website under the “Activities” tab. Click on “Teacher Project”.

This can be a fun and rewarding experience and it is my hope that you enjoy this project and learn something from it. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. I prefer that you contact me through Schoology. My email address is ang2005@.

Groups and Standards Based Lesson

Your groups must read the standards provided for the grade level you are teaching and come to a consensus on which standard you would like to develop your lesson from. Your lesson should focus on the student understanding of the concepts presented in the standard. The NGSS standards for 3rd and 4th grade fall under Life Science (LS), Earth and Space Science (ESS), or Physical Science (PS). Once you have chosen your standard, your group should brainstorm and decide on ways to best teach your lesson for optimal student learning. Your standard must be finalized by November 13th. After this date you will not be allowed to change your standard.


Your group will be required to use 3-5 online sources to aid in the creation and teaching of your lesson. This includes any video clips you plan to show. You will need to turn in an MLA formatted Works Cited page to your AVID/Aca Deca teacher, listing the sources you have used. Be cautious that you do not plagiarize. If you are using a lesson that is posted online, please give credit to the source. If you are confused as to what constitutes plagiarism, please visit the Purdue OWL Writing Lab’s page on plagiarism:

Mandatory Components of The Teaching Project


The most reliable way to assess what students already know about a topic, is to ask questions that reveal their relevant background knowledge. By giving students a pre-assessment, you will be able to figure out what they know or don’t in regards to the standard you are teaching and adjust your lesson accordingly.

To create a pre-assessment, you should begin by identifying the background knowledge and skills that students will need to understand the concepts in your lesson, then you should create no more than 5 questions that can be easily answered (T/F or Yes/No). This pre-assessment should be included in your lesson slides and students should respond out loud.


Choose ten vocabulary words your students need to know that are related to your lesson. The vocabulary words should be grade-level appropriate and connected to your standard. After your group selects the words, you will need to define them. Definitions may be taken from the dictionary or a textbook. The definitions may need to be simplified for your students. The definitions should be as short as possible and all members of your group should know the meaning of each word.


Create a lesson that teaches the concepts from the standard(s) you have chosen. Your lesson must be technology based; this means you can use slide shows and short video clips no more than 5 minutes long, to aid in the teaching of your lesson. You should check for understanding after each concept you teach before moving on to the next part of your lesson. Each group member should present a part of the lesson.


Your lesson plan should contain a hands-on project and/or the use of manipulatives in order to reinforce the concept you are teaching. A manipulative is an object(s) that can be touched and moved around by students in order to reinforce what has been taught. Using manipulatives also gets all students involved and engaged. Make sure you do not choose a project that will require a large clean up. We want to leave our host classrooms the way we found them.


Design a quiz to give to your students at the end of your lesson. Limit your quiz to ten questions. You can include questions where the answers are the vocabulary words, but you should also focus on the content that was taught during the lesson. The questions can be multiple choice, true/false, or single answer. Please make sure that you are testing what has actually been taught. You don’t want to throw in a “trick” question and discourage or confuse your students.


After your group has planned their lesson, you will need to begin practicing delivery and presentation. Make an agenda that lists each part of your presentation and how much time you will spend on each task. The total time on the agenda should be 50 – 60 minutes. Please do not extend your lesson; you need to stay within the time given.


Design a tri-fold brochure to give to students at the beginning of your lesson. Your brochure should be a representation of your lesson and a reminder for your students about what they learned. Include the agenda, vocabulary words, pictures, diagrams, and facts about your subject. Also include your names and the name of our school with our telephone number [310- 834-3932].

It is your responsibility to get copies of your brochures. You can get copies through the Main Office. Do not request copies on the day of your Teaching Project. Please fill out a copy request in advance of your school visit. Copies from the office will be made in black and white. If you wish to have color copies, your group will have to make your own arrangements.

After Lesson Reflection

All students are required to write a 2-page reflection about their experience in the lesson planning process and the teaching of the lesson. Your reflection should include the following:

*The date and name of the school where you taught your lesson.

*The names of your group members.

*Discuss the overall process of planning your lesson with your group. This may include how you decided which standard to choose and lesson to teach, how you felt before and after you taught your lesson, how you prepared for the lesson, the impact of your lesson on the students, student and teacher responses, and how your lesson could be improved.

*What you learned about yourself through the process of creating and teaching the lesson.

*How you feel about the teaching profession after teaching your lesson.

Your reflection must be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, MLA format. Your reflection is due to me TWO WEEKS after you have taught your lesson. If you do not turn in this reflection YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE SERVICE LEARNING CREDIT FOR THE YEAR AND YOU WILL HAVE TO DO AN ADDITIONAL YEAR OF THE TEACHING PROJECT.

The following is a list of suggestions that will greatly improve your Teaching Project experience:


• Create lesson procedures and rules. How will you bring the students to attention? How will you get students to quiet down? How will you handle the student who is acting out? These are all things that need to be discussed with your group. Develop a plan.

• Instead of saying “you guys”, refer the students as “class”. You can also have students make nametags or name tents before you begin your lesson.

• Give instructions step-by-step before each activity and check for understanding. Make sure the students know what they are doing before you move on with an activity.

• Model examples of what you want students to do before you have them break out to do their hands-on activity or independent work.

• While a group member is presenting, the other two members should be walking around the room making sure students are paying attention.


• Coordinate which group member will be teaching which section of the lesson. Know who is doing what and when they are doing it.

• Everyone in your group must be knowledgeable on the topic you are teaching and what the lesson includes.

• Vocabulary used during the lesson should be grade level appropriate.

• Have enough planned during your lesson to fill 50-60 minutes. Do not have periods of dead time where students are not engaged or active.

• Do not give the students too much information at one time. Do not put too much information on your lesson slides.

• Be sure you bring enough supplies for your lesson. Classes will vary in size, but should be no bigger than 40 students.

• If you have a hands on activity that will be messy, ask the teacher if you can conduct it outside.


• Stand in front of the class. Do not sit down when you are presenting.

• Practice many times before the day you are scheduled to teach your lesson.

• Do not chew gum or have anything in your mouth while you are teaching.

• Speak up!! Make sure everyone in the room can hear you.

• Dress in a professional manner, this means business attire. Dress as if you are going on an interview. Ladies, do not wear heels that you cannot walk or stand in for a long period of time. Sometimes we have a very long walk to the classrooms.


• Be on time the day you teach your lesson. I wait for no one.

• KEEP TRACK OF TIME WHEN YOU ARE TEACHING. Your lesson should not go over an hour. Factor in time for the completion of your hands on activity.

AVID Final

Your AVID/Aca Deca Teacher may choose to use a presentation of your lesson as the final exam. If this is the case, your teacher has been asked to use some variation of the rubric below. Your teacher will allow you to sign up for a day to present. You will present your entire lesson minus the hands on activity.

Presentation Grading Rubric

Final for AVID

Name: _____________________________



| | |

|Introduction |___ /05 |

|Standard is explained and learning objective is given |___ / 10 |

|Speaks clearly & loudly |___ / 10 |

|Everyone in group participates |___ / 15 |

|Presents all required components of lesson |___ / 10 |

|Lesson is engaging and grade appropriate |___ / 10 |

|Lesson flows and is coherent |___ / 10 |

|Total |____ / 70 |

Areas to work on:








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