Los Angeles Unified School District

Los Angeles Unified School District

Nobel Charter Middle School

15040 Roscoe Blvd.

9950 Tampa Ave.

Northridge, California 91324

(818) 773-4700

Course: 6th Grade Mathematics and Science

Teacher: Mrs. Torralba

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Mrs. Torralba’s 6th Grade Math/Science class! I am looking forward to working with and getting to know all of you throughout the year. This letter includes an outline of the topics that we will be covering and discusses my expectations for everyone involved in this learning adventure. Please look it over carefully. If you have any questions, please contact me at cad0949@ or (818) 773-4700. As a commitment to growth and success this coming year, please sign and return the attached acknowledgement page.



*Number Sense *Algebra and Functions *Measurement and Geometry

*Statistics, Data Analysis *Mathematical Reasoning


*Shaping Earth’s Surfaces *Resources *Ecology

*Heat (Thermal Energy) *Energy in the Earth’s Systems *Investigation and Experimentation


• Be Prepared-Arrive on time with all necessary supplies/materials

• Give Your Fullest Participation-1 person speaks at a time unless “Brainstorm/Shout-Out” has been called

• Respect Others and Their Property-Use appropriate language and obtain permission to use another person’s materials

• Take Pride in Your Classroom-Keep the room neat and clean

• Lead by Example- Obey all school policies at all times


If the above rules are not followed, then one or all of the following consequences will occur in the order that I feel is appropriate:

• Verbal Warning

• Change Seats in Classroom

• Out of Class (sent to team teacher classroom)

• Call Home to Parent/Guardian

• Parent Conference (Create a Personal Contract)

• Referral to Counselor/Administration

School website:

Please check our school’s website on a regular basis. On the website you will find out about things happening at the school. On my webpage you will find links to the Schoology grading program, the math textbook, etc.

Other Electronic Resources: In addition to the school website, , I will be using in the classroom the following websites.

Schoology – this is where I will be posting the grades for math and science. Please make sure to check the grades as much as possible. There should be no surprises when report cards come out.

– this is the math website that goes along with the book. You will be provided a username/password soon.

Class work/Homework: All assignments are to be recorded in the Student Planners. Your child will receive math homework almost daily and science homework when appropriate for the material covered; this may be every day some weeks, and only one or two days a week at other times. I would prefer Math and Science homework and class work be done in pencil. If your student insists on using pen, the work must be very neat. Otherwise, they will be asked to redo the assignment.

Late/Absent Work: I will only accept late work up to a week late. You will receive 5 points off of any work turned in late. Please keep in mind that late work will NOT receive full credit. If you are absent, you are responsible for making up any work that you’ve missed. You will have one day of grace period for each day of absence to turn in the work or it will receive late credit. Remember that the more work you do, the better your grade will be and you will have more guides to use when studying for quizzes/tests.


In order to do well in this class, a student must complete all assignments, fully participate in class activities and study for all quizzes/tests. Every assignment is assigned a number of points. Please make sure to check the website often to keep up-to-date on your child’s grades. Also, please keep all graded work in case there is a discrepancy during the semester. Grades will be determined as follows:

90-100% = A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D 59% or lower = F

Work Habits/Cooperation grades: These grades are E, S, and U. At the end of the grading period, if you have 0-3 missing assignments, you will receive an E. If you have 4-8 you will receive a S. If you have more than 8 missing assignments, you will receive a U.

Please remember that communication is key to do well in school. Students, please ask when you have questions! Parents, please check the website, email me, or call me if there are questions. If you would like to have a conference at any point in the year, please call the school to schedule an appointment. I am available in the mornings before school most days (7:30am), or during my conference period. If you require a conference after school, I will try to accommodate. Being a mom with two children, my afternoons get very busy!

If you have any questions, please ask. Please be sure to fill out the attached paper and return it to me by Friday, August 18, 2017.

Thank you and I look forward to enjoying a great year!

Mrs. Torralba

Mrs. Torralba’s Class

6th Grade Math/Science


Parents and Students: Please SIGN and RETURN this Page

I have read the above rules and expectations and understand that my commitment to adhere to them is crucial and necessary to ensure the success of the upcoming school year, both for myself and the class as a whole.

DATE: ___/___/___

___________________________ ________________________

Students Name (Print) Students Signature

_____________________________ ________________________

Parent/Guardians Name (Print) Parent/Guardians Signature

Parent/Guardian’s Phone Number(s):

Day:________________________ Evening:________________

Home Language (if other than English):______________

Email: ______________________________________________________________________________

If you have any allergies I need to be aware of please let me know. You can put it here or email me at cad0949@.

With much appreciation,

Thank You!

Mrs. Torralba

Suggested Supply List for Mrs. Torralba

• 2 – 5 Subject College Rule Notebooks. Math will use a notebook and Science will use a notebook. They cannot be combined. All worksheets/tests and handouts will be placed into the notebooks.

• 1 – Box of pencils (or a few mechanical pencils)

• 2 – Pens (blue or black)

• 2 – Correcting Pens (Red or Green)

• 2 – Erasers (big or pencil top erasers)

• 2 – Packages of College Rule Notebook paper (not spiral bound)

• 1 – Pencil Sharpener with cover (or extra lead if using a mechanical pencil)

• 1 – Box of Color Pencils

• 2 Glue Sticks

• 1 –Pencil box or bag

We will be using these materials on Monday, August 21, 2017.

All necessary instructional supplies will be furnished to students without charge. Donations of school materials and supplies are much appreciated, but they are not required.


MRS. Torralba’S WISH LIST…

If you can donate, it is appreciated.

Kleenex and Paper towels (we go through a lot of these…)

White copy paper

Baby Wipes Clorox/Lysol wipes Colored copy paper

Glue sticks Colored pencils (Crayola) Markers (Crayola)

Pencils Crayons (Crayola) Erasers

Small enclosed pencil sharpeners Lined college rule paper Hand Soap

Gift Certificates to Office Depot

Thank you in advance!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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