Marking Policy: Grades will be determined by your total ...

Common Core 8th Math

Porter Middle School

Mr. Chau

Room 1

Contact: Email vtc05062@ or leave a message at the school office - 818 920 2050

Course Description:

Common Core 8th Math class will be focused on three critical areas: (1) applying equations in one and two variables; (2) understanding the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) applying the Pythagorean Theorem and the concepts of similarity and congruence.

This year, you will study and understand the five domain content standards. They are The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Functions, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.

This course will prepare you to succeed in Algebra and higher math classes in high school.

Required Materials:

- Agenda - Textbook - 100 pages Spiral Notebook - 3-ring binder, which is used for all classes

- Pencils -Eraser - Color Pencils (optional) - Ruler

- Mini stapler - Mini handheld pencil sharper (optional)

- College wide ruled single subject notebook (4 to 5 per semester)

- College rule line papers (4 packs per semester)

Homework Policy:

1) Homework must be completed at the beginning of every class.

2) Homework maybe given every day, including weekends (occasionally).

3) Most assignments will come from student textbook or handout from teacher.

4) Write the problem, then show all your work. NO WORK MEANS NO CREDIT.

5) All math work is done in PENCIL.

6) You are responsible for making up any work that you miss due to absences.

7) If you get stuck, your NOTES can provide you with extra help.

8) Please use your Student Planner to keep track of all homework and class assignments.

Late Work: All class assignments are to be completed by the end of period unless otherwise told. No late assignments will be accepted, unless you have a medical excuses.

Quiz/Test Policy: Quizzes and tests will be given every other week. A Chapter test will be given at the end of each unit and when needed. Pop quizzes will be given periodically (unannounced)

Grading Policy: Academic grade - This grade is cumulative for each semester.

The grade will be based on:

Dispatch (10%), Homework (20%), Class assignment (20%) ,Test (25%) and Quizzes (25%)

Academic Grade Policy: Grades will be determined by your total points accumulated on dispatch, classwork, homework, tests, quizzes, notebooks, and participation, by the following scale:

90-100% = A

80-89% = B

70-79% = C

50-69% =D

Below 50% = Fail

Work Habits Grade Policy:

Your grade will be based on

- Completeness and effort of all assignments

- Coming to class prepared with all of your supplies

Cooperation Grade

Your grade will be based on:

- Classroom participation

- Classroom behavior

- Following directions

- Being in your seat on time

Absences & Make-Up Work: In order to make up work the student must inquire what work was missed. This can be done by asking a classmate or your teacher. If you need extra help, see me during before school or after school.

Class Expectations:

#1 BE ON TIME - All students will be in assigned seats quietly when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy.

#2 BE PREPARED – All students will bring required materials to class such as math binder, pencil, paper and completed assignments.

#3 BE RESPECTFUL – All students will show respect for themselves, the teacher, classmates and the classroom environment as a whole

#4 BE ON TASK – All students will listen attentively to the teacher and follow instructions.


1. Come to class on time.

2. Conversation and noise stop when you enter the room.

3. Follow directions quickly, quietly and ready to learn.

4. All students are expected to fully participate in all learning activities.

5. Raise your hand of all time when have you have question or to participate.

6. Remain in your seat at all times unless directed or given permission by the teacher.

7. Hitting, running, kicking and other forms of physical acting out will not be tolerated.

8. Yelling, swearing and harassment (putting others down) will not be tolerated.

9. Come to class prepared. Bring pencil, binder and notebook, paper, and daily homework.

10. Be courteous and respectful to everyone and everything in the classroom.

11. Eating, drinking and chewing gum is NOT allowed in class.

12. Clean up your own trash.

13. The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell.


1. The student will be warned and warning will be recorded.

2. Campus/classroom beautification.

3. Message to parents/guardians.

4. Detention.

5. Referral to Dean, Counselor or Administrator.

Academic Support- Getting Help

- I offer help during nutrition or after school. You may make an appointment for other times.

If parents have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me during school hours on Monday to Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a message at the school’s main office at (818) 920-2050, email me at vtc05062@ or send a note through your child. I will do my best to contact you at the soonest possible time.

Parents/Guardians: Please complete the last page and return to me that you have read and understand the course syllabus and classroom rules.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities

Education requires a partnership between the parents/guardians and the teacher. Your child has a better chance of success with your active participation and interest in his/her education. Please:

❖ Tell your child that you believe in him/her and in his/her ability to succeed.

❖ Make sure your child has all supplies. Check your child’s supplies periodically. If you cannot afford any required supplies, please let me know.

❖ Make sure your child uses his/her agenda every day. Each day’s assignment is written on the white board. If there is no assignment, the agenda should say “no new homework”. I suggest that your child get each teacher’s signature as proof that the assignment is written correctly. A blank section means that your child has not fulfilled his/her responsibility.

❖ If your child says he/she finished an assignment in class, ask him/her to show it to you.

❖ Make sure your child completes the assignments written in the agenda. Please make sure your student has written the problem, done the correct number of problems and has shown his/her work. You do not need to check for correctness.

❖ Sign and return graded quizzes and tests. The signature is part of your child’s grade.

❖ Use Schoology to track your child’s progress.

❖ Maintain contact with the teacher as needed. I am happy to discuss your child’s progress and behavior at any time. Email is the best way to reach me (vtc05062@). You can also send me a note or leave a message in the main office (818-920-2050). If you write a note in your student’s agenda, your student is responsible for showing the note to me. Also, as you check your student’s agenda for the assignment, check to see if I have written you a note.

❖ Conferences can be scheduled during my conference period, after school, or before school.


Education opens the world

Common Core Math 8th Syllabus – please return this page to Mr. Chau

Please write legibly!

We have read and discussed the Common Core Math 8th Syllabus.

The student agrees to follow the expectations and policies in this syllabus.

Print Student’s Name ________________________________________ Period ____

Parent/Guardian #1 Parent/Guardian #2

Print Name _________________________ Print Name _________________________

Email ____________________________ Email ____________________________

Daytime phone contacts

Cell phone _________________________ Cell phone _________________________

Home phone _______________________ Home phone _______________________

Work phone _______________________ Work phone ________________________

Student lives with ____ mother only ____ mother and father, together

____ father only ____ mother and father, separately

____ guardian ____ other _______________________

I have reviewed the syllabus and class policies with my child.

Parent/Guardian Signature (either may sign) ______________________________________________________

Is there anything you would like me to know about your child?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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