Welcome to 6th grade Life Science

Welcome to 7th grade Integrated Science!

This is a very student centered and hands on class where we will be exploring and engaging in science activities to come to a better understanding of science.

Our curriculum is issue based and students will be examining the evidence and making decisions based on the evidence that they gather. There will be guided as well as total inquiry experiments that students will participate in. The units that we will be covering throughout the year are: Studying Materials, Chemistry of Materials, Erosion and Deposition, Plate Tectonics, and Ecology.

Grades: Grades will be based on lab books, homework, quizzes, and projects. Project information will come home with students well in advance of due dates. All class work can be revised if the students’ score was low. Understanding the concepts is the key to success. Unit tests are not allowed to be retested. Please study, make revisions on graded work prior to the unit tests. Grades can be accessed online through “Synergy” the online grading program where parents/students view the current course grades, communicate with teachers, and set up alerts for student progress changes. Information will be mailed home by the district.

Being Prepared: Students will need to come to class with a pencil and their planner to write down assignments and homework. All other materials will be supplied to students for experiments and class work. At times families will need to supplement supplies for homework and class projects. Students will be given a lab book and additional paper for classwork. All work will be kept in the lab book throughout the year. The student’s lab book will remain in the science classroom. However, there will be times that it will need to go home with the student for: completing class work; studying for unit tests; homework; organizing. The lab book must be back in class with the student on the following day. The lab book will go home with the student at the end of the year and will benefit the 8th grade science test.

Hole Punches: If a student is not prepared for class (i.e. forgot a pencil I am more than happy to give one to the student, but I will punch a hole in their lab book. After three hole punches the parent will be notified and the student will owe me some community service.

Hole punches are also given for gum chewing, off task lab behavior and abuse of lab equipment. With a three punch limit. Parents are notified. The wellbeing of all students is very important to me and I want to create a responsible and safe classroom climate for all students.

Tardies: If a student arrives without a pass they are considered tardy and it will be recorded. After the 3rd tardy, and each additional tardy, students will owe time as community service. Being on time to class shows the student values their education. The instructions are given in the first few minutes of class and a late student is a lost student.

Absences: It will be the student’s responsibility to check my blog for the assignment missed. This can be found at . There is also a calendar on the bulletin board with the activity posted or the student can ask their table group what was missed. Then arrange a time to meet with a fellow class mate or with me to make up the missing work. I am available each morning at 8:30. Parents please write a note for your student to enter the building or students can pick up an AM pass from me at the back of the room.

Classroom Rules

• Listen and follow directions

• Raise your hand before speaking

• Respect classmates and your teacher

Our mission at Beaumont is by working together striving for academic achievement and good citizenship for all students through our C.O.R.E. values. Collaboration, Organization, Responsibility and Empathy. I am truly looking forward to a good year!

Tracy Temple ttemple@

Please write down any important information (i.e. Email address, weebly site) then sign that you have read the information and return to me. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me or write them below. Thank you.

Parent signature: Date:

Student signature: Date:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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