Loudoun County Public Schools

USVA History Name: _____________________________Unit 6 ? The Post-Reconstruction South and WestToday we will use a tool called “BlendSpace.” We will walk through the tool together before you start. You will turn in this page (and the document questions from last class with your essay.)This BlendSpace contains a mix of videos, readings, and images about the "Jim Crow" era in American history, which lasted from Reconstruction until the 1960s (and beyond, in many ways). After each resource, there is a question to answer on the handout. Read the questions before you watch the resource! You can also find these instructions on the blendspace cubes. The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow: List five new things you learned in this 4 min video, that you didn't know before. Also, look for a few items to add to your success/failure notes.What Were the Jim Crow Laws? Watch this 3 min clip. What did the 1896 case of Plessy vs. Ferguson decide? Also, this video gives some different examples of actual Jim Crow laws. List one that you didn't know before. What can you add to your success/failure list?Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896) This 3 min video will teach you more about Plessy vs. Ferguson in 1896. Briefly describe the case and the ruling.Ida B. Wells-Barnett Ida B. Wells was an early social justice and civil rights activist and journalist who led efforts to stop lynching in the South. What happened to Ida B. Wells to make her become a civil rights activist?What happened to make her decide to move from Memphis to Chicago?What did she spend her career working to change? Was she successful?Billie Holiday “Strange Fruit” -- Cubes 6 and 7.Read the first two paragraphs of the article in cube 6 and read the lyrics to "Strange Fruit" on the right hand side of the page. Next, click to cube 7 to hear a recording of the song. As you listen and think about the words, take notes on your reactions to the song. How do you think people reacted to it in 1939?Without Sanctuary How should we remember this part of our history? This cube and the next show two approaches. Watch this 5 min video about lynching postcards. Yes, that's right....postcards. Why do you think people who participating in these events chose to remember them by collecting photos and sending postcards? Focus on the people in the crowds. What surprises you about them?Lynching Memorial. How do we commemorate or remember difficult parts of our history? The last cube showed one way people commemorated these events. This video shows a very different approach -- a current effort to deal with the legacy of lynching. If there was a column from Loudoun County, do you think we should take it? What should we do with it?Booker T. Washington vs. W.E.B. duBois. Now learn about two of the most famous activists of the time, who had very different ideas about how to achieve and define equality. Instead of answering questions here, follow the instructions on the separate handout. I will collect this along with your other essay resources.I will give you one more handout with instructions for your essay. I will be grading these using the same basic rubric that we always use for writing: ?looking at thesis, facts, analysis, and style/organization. ?Your essay is due: Jan 11?(A) or Jan 12?(B). ?Please type them, and I will give you instructions later to submit to . ?You do not need to cite resources I've given you. ?You do not need to do ANY additional research. ? ................

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