Jim Crow - Weebly

Jim Crow

”Jim Crow was not a person, yet affected the lives of millions of people. Named after a popular 19th-century minstrel song that stereotyped African Americans, "Jim Crow" came to personify the system of government-sanctioned racial oppression and segregation in the United States.”

Go to the web site below to help you complete the following assignment!


1. Click on the “A Century of Segregation” link. This will take you to a timeline. Choose the period 1881-1900. Explore the links for “Atlanta Compromise” and take notes. (Who, what, when, where, why, significance) Do the same for the “Niagara Movement” & The Birth of a Nation.

2. Now, click on “Interactive Maps”. Explore and take notes on this section. Be sure to choose North Carolina as the state to study. Make a list of Jim Crow laws passed in NC. Take notes on population & migration, lynching & riots.

3. Explore the rest of the site. Record items of interest in your notes.

Jim Crow

”Jim Crow was not a person, yet affected the lives of millions of people. Named after a popular 19th-century minstrel song that stereotyped African Americans, "Jim Crow" came to personify the system of government-sanctioned racial oppression and segregation in the United States.”

Go to the web site below to help you complete the following assignment!


1. Click on the “A Century of Segregation” link. This will take you to a timeline. Choose the period 1881-1900. Explore the links for “Atlanta Compromise” and take notes. (Who, what, when, where, why, significance) Do the same for the “Niagara Movement” & The Birth of a Nation.

1. Now, click on “Interactive Maps”. Explore and take notes on this section. Be sure to choose North Carolina as the state to study. Make a list of Jim Crow laws passed in NC. Take notes on population & migration, lynching & riots.

2. Explore the rest of the site. Record items of interest in your notes.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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