Backwards Design Lesson Plan

Backwards Design Lesson PlanName: Sarah Dupuis Subject/Course: Social StudiesTopic: Civil War Reconstruction Grade Level: 5 Desired ResultsEstablished Goal(s)/Target(s)—What will students know and be able to doStudents will understand the purpose behind the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. Students will comprehend why the Freedmen’s Bureau was started and the reason for Jim Crow laws. Students will identify how sharecropping replaced slavery in the United States. Students will understand how Reconstruction influenced American life.Standards:SS5H2: Reconstruction: Students will analyze the effects of Reconstruction on American Life.Element SS5H2.a. Describe the purpose of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments.Element SS5H2.b. Explain the work of the Freedmen’s Bureau.Element SS5H2.c. Explain how slavery was replaced by sharecropping and how African-Americans were prevented from exercising their newly won rights; include a discussion of Jim Crow laws and rmation Literacy Standards:Standard 2: The student who is information literate evaluates information critically and competently.Standard 3: The student who is information literate uses information accurately and effectively.Benchmark: Pre-test provided by textbook is used to assess student’s prior knowledge. Post-test also provided by textbook. Video listed below.Assessment Objective: The objective of this unit is to enhance the student’s understandings of how the Reconstruction period affected American life and how all people were changed. Students should also understand how Reconstruction, Jim Crow laws, and the Freedmen’s Bureau influenced the beginnings of the Civil Rights activities in the United States. Understanding (s):How did the Civil War Reconstruction affect American life? Essential Question (s): How do countries recover from war? How do changes in laws affect a country?How do we use information to critically evaluate what we have learned? How does a digital story enhance our understandings of history?Assessment EvidenceWhat is your evidence of Learning:As a conclusion to this unit, students will produce a digital story showcasing their knowledge of the events of Reconstruction, the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, the Freedmen’s Bureau, sharecropping, and Jim Crow laws. Using the digital story resource kit provided, students will produce a 2-3 minute video, including images, audio and video found in the kit. Over a period of two weeks, students will work independently to produce their own video that showcases individual levels of understanding of the topic. All digital stories will be produced entirely at school and in MovieMaker. A student rubric for this assignment is attached. Final grade will be decided upon by the teacher, but will use the same rubric.Learning PlanLearning Activities:Using Cobb Virtual Library/Galileo, students will find definitions of the amendments listed below, ratification dates and their effects on American history. Students will also work in pairs to learn about Freedmen’s Bureau, sharecropping and each pair will share one Jim Crow law from the last one hundred years. (Teacher has a list of Jim Crow laws available, if needed).Effects of war on North and South 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments (day 1 of video work)Freedmen’s BureauSharecropping (day 2 of video work)Jim Crow laws (day 3 of video work)VOCABULARY NEEDED (divide into teams. Using textbook, students will make a K-W-L paper)ReconstructionAmendment(s)Freedmen’s BureauSharecroppingJim Crow lawsCivil RightsPEOPLE (shown through Discovery Streaming) Working in groups students will decide on affect of each person on United States history. Each group shares one to two items of importance. Robert E. LeeUlysses S. GrantAbraham Lincoln Andrew JohnsonBooker T. Washington(Jim Crow)Rubric for MovieMaker ProjectGrade 5 Social Studies4321Total pointsVideo length:My video was more than 2 minutes, but less than 3 minutes.Video length:My video was 1.5 minutes or 3.5 minutes long.Video length:My video was only 1 minute long.Video length:My video was over 5 minutes.Images:I used at least 20 images from the resource kit.Images:I used 15 images from the resource kit.Images:I used 10 images from the resource kit.Images:I used 5 images from the resource kit.Audio:I used music and at least 2 sound effects from the resource kitAudio:I used music and 1 sound effect from the resource kit.Audio:I used music only from the resource kit, but it covered the entire video.Audio:Music or sound effects either were not used or did not cover the entire video.Video:I used video available from the resource kit in its entirety.Video:I used video, but covered it up with a sound effect.Video:I used a portion of the video from the resource kit.Video:I did not use video from the resource kit at all.Originality:This is all my own work. No one helped me at all.*Moviemaker tutorial providedOriginality:I had a little help from the teacher, but most of this is my work.*Moviemaker tutorial providedOriginality:I needed a lot of teacher or student help.*Moviemaker tutorial providedOriginality:Other students helped me the entire time. I really didn’t get this project at all.*Moviemaker tutorial provided.TOTAL POINTS:Grading scale: 17-20 points=A 13-16 points =B 9-12 points=C Below 9 points=F ................

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