The Middle Ages, Crusades, and Renaissance

Unit Introduction: In Western Europe, the Roman Empire fell apart into various kingdoms and the period known as the “Dark Ages” began. Leaders such as Charlemagne tried to revive the idea of empire by using the one unifying force in Europe, the Roman Catholic Church. Due to the lack of central authority, the Church took on a growing role in politics, which caused a power struggle between kings and popes. The Church also inspired the building of great cathedrals, shaped the development of European states, and controlled education through out the continent. The Roman Catholic Church led the Crusades, which forever changed to face of Europe. While destructive and filled with religious zeal, the Crusades resulted in cultural diffusion, the amount of which is debated among historians. Due to a series of events, Europe began to emerge from the “Dark Ages.” Europe was reborn and the Renaissance brought about a revival of Greek and Roman culture as well as a challenging of the Church’s authority. Homework Assignments:Reading List for World History: The Human Odyssey 5826760109220TopicPagesDue DateEmergence of European Civ. (Chapter 12)342 – 364, 372-375May 4, 2015 European Civ. In the Middle Ages (Chap. 13)378 – 413May 11, 2015Renaissance & Reformation (Chap. 14)419 – 448 Questions: Answer using blue or black pen or type.Chapter 12Describe monasticism. How did the monastic life impact/influence Europe and Christians?Compare Europe in the Middle Ages to Japan during the same period?Explain why unified, national monarchies did not develop in Germany and Italy as they did in France and England in the High Middle Ages.Watch the Crash Course Video: Crusades – Holy War or Pilgrimage? Why do some historians believe the Crusades had very little effect on Europe? Use evidence from the chapter and video to answer this question.Define the following term and explain its significance in a detailed paragraph:William of NormandyChapter 13Describe life of a free peasant. How does it compare to that of a serf? Had you lived at this time, would you have rather been a free peasant or a serf? Explain your answer.5897245175895Manorialism was the main economic system of Europe in the early Middle Ages. How did the economic system start to change? What new economic system emerged?Define the following term and explain its significance in a detailed paragraph:InquisitionChapter 14What were the key political and economic features of the Italian city-states during the Renaissance? Why do you think the Renaissance began in Italy?Describe the differences between the Italian Renaissance artists and the Northern Renaissance artists. Which style of art do you like better? Thoroughly explain your opinion. Was the Catholic Reformation a true reforming of the Church in your opinion? Give evidence for your argument.Define and explain the significance of the following terms a separate & detailed paragraphs:The Medici FamilyErasmus5086350109220 ................

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