RENAISSANCE VALUES - Amphitheater Public Schools

THE RENAISSANCE: Important values & ideas

Renaissance people had certain common values. Among them were humanism, individualism, skepticism, well-roundedness, secularism, classicism and patronage. These values were reflected in buildings, writing, painting, sculpture, and science. Every aspect of their lives! Most were inherited from the Greeks and Romans and many have been passed on to us. Our values make us act, create, and organize ourselves differently from 20th-Century Chinese, Indians, and Africans. Our values can be traced directly to the Renaissance. In the graphic organizer below, define all seven of the Renaissance values. After you define them, draw a sketch that corresponds with its meaning. These will be your notes so make sure you complete this accurately!

|Renaissance Value |Definition |Why was this important to the |Sketch |

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|Humanism | | | |

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|Individualism | | | |

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|Skeptism | | | |

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|Well-Roundedness | | | |

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|Secularism | | | |

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|Classicism | | | |

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|Patronage | | | |

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THE RENAISSANCE: Art, architecture and literature

Renaissance Art & Architecture – pg. 355-356

• What were the characteristics of Renaissance art? How was this different than the Middle Ages?

• Explain the two major developments that impacted art of the Renaissance?

• How was Renaissance architecture different from Medieval architecture?

• List three important Renaissance artists and their most famous works.

• In what ways did artists depict humanism in their works?

Renaissance Literature: “The Importance of Moveable Type & The Printing Press” Handout

• Who was Johann Gutenberg?

• Why were errors common in books that were copied by hand?

• Explain moveable type – how did it work?

• How did printing impact the elite and middle classes?

• How did printing increase the spread of ideas?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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