The Constitution in a Nutshell

The Constitution in a NutshellThe ____________________________________________ came before the Constitution ________________________ government Main accomplishments of government under the Articles:1. ____________________________________________: land survey2. ____________________________________________: divides lands into territories Why important? Problems with the Articles-Congress can’tStates only have ________ voteNo ____________________ branch or court system No national __________________ between ________________________That crazy Daniel Shays did what?Led __________________ against courtsNeed for ___________________________ federal government The Constitutional ConventionWho?What?Where?When?Rules?Key Compromises:Great Compromise ______________ house legislature House of Representatives based on ________________Senate has ____________________ representation 3/5 Compromise3/5ths of state’s _________________ count as a person, votingCommerce/ Slave Trade Compromise__________________ regulates trade, but can’t touch ________________ trade for 20 yrsElectoral CollegeChoose the _________________ and ___________________Antifederalists vs. FedsDebtors vs. creditorsAnti-want to help _________________________Feds-want to help _________________________ Strict vs. loose construction(Strict) Antifeds: if it doesn’t say it, ______________________________ Feds-If it’s not spelled out, ______________________________________What was missing (in 1789)?___________________________________________Underlying Principles of the ConstitutionPopular SovereigntyThe people ______________ ____________________Ex. FederalismPowers divided between the __________________ and the _____________Separation of Powers__________________ distinct branches (Executive, Judicial, Legislative) Checks and BalancesPrevent one branch from ____________________________another Flexibility“______________________ ______________________________”Can __________________ (add to or take away from) Becomes a _________________ for other Constitutions (Ex. France) Ratification _______________ states needs, ratified in _____________________ ................

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